• 患有糖尿病和抑郁症的妇女更易死于心脏病

    11-01-04 Depression and diabetes appear to be associated with a significantly increased risk of death from heart disease and risk of death from all causes over a six-year period for women, according to a report in the January issue of Archives of General Psy...

  • 德国纳粹嫌疑犯近日死亡

    10-11-23 A Nazi suspect indicted on charges of involvement in the murders of 430,000 Jews at Belzec death camp has died in Germany aged 89. 一名涉嫌在贝尔泽克集中营参与谋杀43万犹太人的纳粹嫌疑分子在德国死亡,终年89岁。 Samuel Kunz was accused of being a guar...

  • 海地霍乱死亡人数超600

    10-11-11 The death toll from cholera across Haiti has risen to 644, as aid workers fight to contain the spread of the disease in the capital, Port-au-Prince. 海地霍乱死亡人数已经上升至644,救援人员正在全力制止该疾病在首都太子港的蔓延。 At least 10,000 people...

  • 海地爆发霍乱 死亡500多人

    10-11-07 The death toll from the current cholera epidemic in Haiti has exceeded 500, the country's health ministry has said. 海地卫生部称,霍乱蔓延导致的死亡人数已经超过了500人。 Fifty-nine people had died up until and including Thursday, and 617 others had...

  • 印尼默拉皮火山再度爆发 49人死亡

    10-11-05 At least 49 people have been killed in the latest eruption of Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano - more than doubling the death toll since it became active again last week. 印尼默拉皮火山最近一次爆发致使至少49人死亡该数字是自从上周该火山爆发以来死亡人...

  • 天气好转有助印尼海啸救援工作

    10-10-31 Improved weather conditions have allowed rescuers to step up their efforts to bring aid to survivors of a deadly tsunami in Indonesia. 印尼天气情况转好,救援人员可以对由海啸造成的受灾者实行救援行动。 Villagers are returning to the slopes of Mt Merap...

  • 印尼海啸300多生还者希望渺茫

    10-10-29 Hopes are fading for more than 300 people still registered missing after Monday's tsunami in Indonesia, as the death toll climbs to 394. 本周一印尼爆发的海啸已经导致394人死亡,另有超过300人下落不明,生还可能性极...

  • 印尼火山爆发 25人死亡

    10-10-27 The death toll following the eruption of Indonesia's Mount Merapi volcano has risen to 25, officials say. 印尼官员称,默拉皮火山爆发死亡人数已上升至25人。 Rescuers carry victims away in a landscape turned to white by dust Experts told the BBC that t...

  • 索马里海盗元凶被判死刑

    10-09-29 A pirate ringleader has been sentenced to death by a court in the breakaway Somali state of Puntland. 索马里一名海盗元凶在宣布独立的邦特兰州某法院被判处死刑。 The captain of the MV QSM Dubai was killed as Puntland soldiers stormed the hijacked ship...

  • 美国女子因谋杀罪被判处死刑

    10-09-24 A 41-year-old woman who conspired to murder her husband and stepson has been executed in the US state of Virginia. 美国弗吉尼亚州一名41岁女子因为密谋杀害其丈夫和继子被处以死刑。 Teresa Lewis died by lethal injection in Jarratt, Virginia Teresa Lewis...