• 巴西某法官被枪杀

    11-08-13 A Brazilian judge renowned for her work against organised crime has been shot dead in Rio de Janeiro State. 一位以打击有组织犯罪而文明的巴西法官在里约热内卢被枪杀。 Patricia Acioli was buried on Friday in her home town of Niceroi Patricia Acioli was...

  • 智利前总统阿连德乃自杀身亡

    11-07-20 A team of international experts has concluded that the former president of Chile, Salvador Allende, killed himself during the 1973 military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. 一组国际专家得出结论,智利前总统萨尔多瓦阿连德在1973年的军事政变中自杀...

  • 研究人员发现新的心脏性猝死遗传危害因子

    11-07-13 In a large and comprehensive investigation into the underlying causes of sudden cardiac death (SCD) a surreptitious(秘密的) killer of hundreds of thousands annually in the United States researchers have discovered a variation in the genome's DNA s...

  • 患前列腺癌的烟民死亡率高

    11-06-22 Men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer and who are also smokers have an associated increased risk of all-cause, cardiovascular(心血管的) and prostate cancer-specific death, according to a study in the June 22/29 issue of JAMA. These patients a...

  • 智力法官下令调查诗人聂鲁达之死

    11-06-03 A judge in Chile has ordered an investigation into the death, in 1973, of the Nobel prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, following allegations he may have been poisoned. 一位智利法官要求对1973年诺贝尔获奖诗人巴勃罗聂鲁达之死展开调查,有消息称他是被毒死...

  • Black Loam

    11-05-26 Black Loam Jack Myers It's been another good year. I pitchfork(骤然塞进) my poems into the air over and over until the black grains of letters pile up into never before thought of things. All winter I'll pound them into dust and bake from that the...

  • 细胞死亡与线粒体融合相关

    11-01-25 New research led by UC Davis scientists provides insight into why some body organs are more susceptible to cell death than others and could eventually lead to advances in treating or preventing heart attack or stroke. In a paper published Jan. 21 in...

  • 杰克逊私人医生出庭受审

    11-01-12 A judge has ordered the personal doctor of Michael Jackson to stand trial for involuntary manslaughter. 一位法官以杰克逊的私人医生涉嫌过失杀人要求其出庭受审。 Conrad Murray (c) faces up to four years in prison if convicted Judge Michael Pastor gave...

  • 瑞典发生鸟类神秘死亡事件

    11-01-06 Dozens of dead birds have been found lying in a residential street in Sweden, days after thousands of birds fell to their deaths in the US. 瑞典一条居民区道路上发现数十只鸟类尸体,数日前美国也曾发现数以千计的死亡鸟类。 One eyewitness said he had see...

  • Facing Death

    11-01-06 When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right. It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every mornin...