• 未保险的少数民族行人车祸死亡率很高

    10-09-06 Uninsured minority pedestrians(行人) hit by cars are at a significantly higher risk of death than their insured white counterparts, even if the injuries sustained(维持,承受) are similar, new research from Johns Hopkins suggests. The death rate...

  • 怎么说“假死”

    10-08-31 好莱坞的间谍片中经常能看到主角手里拿着n个国家的护照,每个护照上的身份都不同。他在这个国家遇害后,仍然可以在别的国家风光无限地生活。当然,这是他们工作需要,不需要我们同情,有时可能还有点羡慕。不过在现实生活中,有些人因为经历了太多磨难,实在撑不下去了...

  • 心率提高可显著增加死亡危险

    10-08-13 An elevated resting heart rate that develops or persists during follow-up is associated with a significantly increased risk of death, whether from heart disease or other causes, researchers from the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Pres...

  • 联合国报告:关注阿富汗平民伤亡

    10-08-10 The UN is due to release its latest six-monthly report on civilian casualties in Afghanistan. 联合国将要发布最近六个月巴基斯坦平民伤亡情况的报告。 The US and Nato commander in Afghanistan, Gen David Petraeus said earlier this month: Every Afghan civ...

  • 某英国作家因死刑书籍在新加坡被逮捕

    10-07-19 Singapore police have arrested a British author of a book about the city-state's use of the death penalty. 新加坡警方逮捕了一位英国作家,该作家著有一本关于新加坡政府使用死刑的书籍。 Alan Shadrake has written a book about Singapore's use of the death...

  • 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦病逝

    10-05-06 Fifty-eight-year-old Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua died at his presidential villa on Wednesday, state TV has said. 尼日利亚国家电视台报道,58岁的总统亚拉杜瓦于当地时间星期三死于其总统别墅中。 A presidential aide and the information minister conf...

  • 睡眠不足可导致早逝

    10-05-05 Getting less than six hours sleep a night can lead to an early grave, UK and Italian researchers have warned. 英国和意大利的研究人员警告道,每晚睡眠时间少于六小时可能导致过早死亡。 Not too little sleep, yet not too much, the experts advise They said...

  • 黑猩猩如何处理同类的死亡?

    10-04-27 Two studies in the April 27th issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication, offer rare glimpses into the ways that chimpanzees(黑猩猩) deal with the deaths of those closest to them. In one case, researchers describe the final hours and momen...

  • 刚果(金)推翻两名挪威人的死刑判决

    10-04-23 A court in Democratic Republic of Congo has overturned the death sentences passed on two Norwegians convicted of murdering their driver. 刚果民主共和国一家法庭推翻了两位挪威人的死刑判决,这两位挪威人因谋杀他们的司机而获刑。 The men had been sentence...

  • Ways to report death 报丧方式

    10-04-13 Ways to Report Death Two brothers, Herbert and James, lived with their mother and a cat named Edgar. James was particularly attached to(附属于,爱慕) the cat, and when he had to leave town for several days, he left Herbert meticulous(小心翼翼的,...