日期:2020-10-13 在一些文章中,会把三伏天叫作dog days (of summer),这是怎么回事儿呢? Sanfu, also called Chinas dog days of summer, refers to three 10-day periods that are predicted to have the hottest days of the year. 其实在英语中,dog days专门来形容北半球7、8月这... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-13 无所不用其极,原意是指尽一切努力,来达到的最高境界。现在表示为达到目的,不择手段,含贬义。可以翻译为resort to every conceivable means, employ the meanest of tricks。 例句: 为了博取上级的欢心,他无所不用其极。 He resorted to every conceivable means... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 1.hilarious=very funny非常好笑 众所周知,funny有两层意思,一个有好笑的意思,一个有奇怪的意思,但hilarious只有好笑的意思,请看例句: We thought it was hilarious when we first heard about it . 我们第一次听说此事时,觉得很好笑。 2.swamped=very busy非常... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 1 quiet quiet指没有吵闹干扰,也形容人性情温和、安静。 Its so quiet without the kids here. 孩子们不在,这里真安静。 He was a quiet, almost taciturn, young man. 他是个文静、几乎不怎么说话的年轻人。 2 noiseless Above them an eagle circled in noiseless... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 懒骨头是指懒惰的人,可以翻译为lazybones;硬骨头比喻坚强不屈的人,或艰巨的任务,与英文俗语hard nut意思相近;其反义词就是软骨头,表示coward,spineless person。 例句: 我们抓到的那个间谍是个硬骨头,自从我们开始审讯以来,他一句话也没说。 The spy we capt... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 胸有成竹,汉语成语,本意是指在文艺创作开始前,艺术形象已在头脑中生成(have an image of the art in ones mind prior to artistic creation)。后比喻在做事之前已经拿定主意,有自信,可以翻译为have had ready plans [designs] in ones mind;with complete conf... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 扬扬得意,或得意洋洋,汉语成语,形容十分得意的样子,含贬义。可以翻译为be immensely proud;self-satisfied;be inflated with pride。 例句: 她一副扬扬得意的样子。 She had a self-satisfied smirk on her face. 他扬扬得意,觉得自己的一番努力立竿见影,效果... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 工欲善其事,必先利其器,出自《论语》,意思是工匠想要很好地完成工作,必须先把工具弄得锋利好用。比喻要做好一件事,准备工作是很重要的(In order to do something well, one needs to make preparations)。可以翻译为a workman must first sharpen his tools if... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 饮水思源,字面意思是喝水的时候,要想到水是从哪里来的(When drinking water, one should not forget its source)。 出自南北朝时期诗人庾信的《徵调曲》,落其实者思其树,饮其流者怀其源(When eating fruits, one should think of the fruit trees; when drinkin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 天经地义,汉语成语,出自《左传昭公二十五年》:夫礼,天之经也,地之义也,民之行也(Rites represent the rules governing the movement of heaven and earth as well as the code of conduct for the people. )。 天经地义本意是指天地的规则与秩序(the rules an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-10-10 雷声大,雨点小,中文俗语,字面意思是loud thunder but small raindrops,比喻言语上夸大其词,但是却无实际作为(much said but little done)。与英文俗语much cry and little wool意思相近。 例句: 形式主义的特点是走过场,雷声大,雨点... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-09-22 业精于勤 Excellence in work is possible only with diligence 学以致用 One should make use of what one has leaned 学而不厌 Have s thirst for learning 学而后知不足 One discovers ones ignorance only through learning 温故知新 Understand the present by re... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-09-22 怯场,意思是在某种场合因紧张、害怕而表现得不自然,可以翻译为suffer from stage fright或have stage fright。stage fright在英文中表示an intense fear or anxiety from or about standing in front of a large group of people to give a performance or speech。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-09-22 见义勇为是中华民族自古崇尚的优良品格和行为。无论古今,见义勇为都是一种良好的社会道德风尚,是社会文明进步的重要标志。 见义勇为,汉语成语,出自《论语为政》,见义不为,无勇也(One who does nothing when encountering injustice is a coward),意思是看到正... 阅读全文>> 日期:2020-09-19 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平9月16日赴湖南考察调研,了解当地开展红色教育、发展扶贫产业、巩固脱贫成果等情况。 President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Mi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2018-07-14 First, you will have to register with Ucas and enter your personal details. You will then be able to apply for up to five courses. Make sure you cross reference the course requirements with your predicted grades and A-level choices so you wont get r... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-07-19 1. work your fingers to the bone 从手指到骨节都在工作,那一定是非常努力地工作的意思咯~ I worked my fingers to the bone to give my children a good life. 我为了给我的孩子们一个好的生活,兢兢业业、恪尽职守! 2. work like a dog 像狗一样努力工作,在国外... 阅读全文>> 日期:2017-07-19 1. (right) on the money exactly right; in exactly the right place; in exactly the right amount (of money). 完全正确;恰到好处;(钱)正好够数。 e.g. You were right on the money when you said that I would really like that book. 你说过我会很喜欢那本书... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-04-06 Dont include quotes. 不要包含引言。 Avoid oversized corporate logos. Sometimes we have no choice about this, because our companies insist we include these things, but if they are too big, they draw the eye away from the message. 避免过大的公司标识。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2016-04-06 Be well Some people find this grating. Not appropriate for a business email. 有些人认为不太好听,在商业邮件中不合适。 Peace Retro, this sign-off wears its politics on its sleeve. It doesnt bother me but others might recoil. 很复古,这个结尾具有政治... 阅读全文>> |