日期:2012-11-05 精彩对白 Dylan: Shaun White seems really great. Nice dude . How do you know him again? Jamie: I took his virginity. Dylan: So you guys have known each other for a while? Jamie: No, it was like eight months ago. Dylan: So does the carpet match the dr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-11-05 精彩对白 Airhostess: Hello. Seat up , please, sir. Dylan: Is that the Hudson River? Airhostess: No. It's the East River. Dylan: So we won't be landing on it, then, like that flight, you know, with that captain they keep giving medals to? Airhostess:... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-11-05 影片对白 District attorney: Thank you for coming on such short notice . Due to new evidence and a close look at the case, I've decided to reopen the investigation into the disappearance of Katherine Marks. Katherine disappeared in 1982, almost 20 ye... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-11-05 影片对白 (cheering, applause) (party chatter) Girl: Harriet, just say it. You can enjoy smoking, all right?... Woman: ...No, 'cause you called me. Katie's brother: My little sister's going to go to medical school. Can you believe this? Friend: Congr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-11-05 影片对白 Lawyer: How did you and Katie feel about your new life in the city? David: Well, New York commercial real estate is very, you know, it's button-down and white-shoe , and I really wasn't set up for that. But Katie seemed to like the city and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 影片对白 (keys jingle) David: Ow. Katie: My eyes are closed. David: Close your eyes. Katie: My eyes are closed. David: I swear to God, if I'm going to be a captain of industry, we might as well enjoy the perks . You're looking. Katie: No I'm not. Da... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 影片对白 (camera whirring) Katie: It's perfect. (Katie laughing) Sanford: She's certainly a very enthusiastic young woman. Where did you find her? David: 53rd Street. She had a leaky faucet . Sanford: Ah yes, the famous leaky faucet of 53rd Street.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 影片对白 David: Yes, I'd like to make a collect call , please. David Marks. Dad, David. Huh? How am I gonna do that? I got on the tuxedo . Can't we just call a plumber ? Yeah right, why would we do that? That doesn't make any sense. Why would you se... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Brenda: What about internet dating ? Would you do that? Would you try something like that? Holly: No. Brenda: Well, there's that speed dating thing. Holly: Sounds awful. Brenda: Actually, there's this guy, and he's a friend of my cousin's.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Taylor: Who is it? Holly: Doug. Taylor: Isn't Doug coming in? Holly: No. Can you go back in... in your room, please? Goodbye, Doug. Doug: No, I need to talk to you. Holly: We're past talking . Doug: Please. Look, I made a mistake. Holly: Yo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Craig: Hey. Going out, mate? Doug: Yeah. Having dinner with Susan. Look, Pierre's still a bit scratchy , so I'm just gonna take him with me. Craig: See ya, mate. Taylor: Mum? Is Doug still your friend? Holly: Um...I'm not sure. Taylor: Is i... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Brent: Come on, Doug. How long have we gotta wait for this kid? I wanna get a good park. Doug: Here he is, Holly: You love cricket, remember? Doug: Hi, Taylor. Holly: Say hi. Taylor: Hi. Doug: Hope you're hungry. We've got heaps of snacks.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Question master: 5,200 runs, with an average of 33.34, and took 383 wickets with an average... Colleague: Ian Botham. Holly: It's Ian Botham! Doug: Yeah. You sure? Colleague: Yeah, man. Brent: This has been a sanctuary , Flashy. A closed cl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-10-24 精彩对白 Doug: Well, this is it. Let's go. OK. Now, no crapping on the carpet, alright? Taylor: Mum! It's the loser duck guy. Holly: Hi, Doug. Doug: Hi. Holly: I see you've already met my son, Taylor. Doug: Your son. Taylor: He lost my communicator.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 Blu: (Groans) Eww! Gross . But I'm free. Jewel! Jewel! We're free! Slimy , but free. Contaminated probably, but free. Can you believe it's finally... Jewel: (Whooping) Blu: ...over. Yeah! Come on! Come on, guys, let's go! Nico: What are we... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 Jewel: Look, let's just get this chain broken. Blu: Right. Then we can go and find Linda. Jewel: No, you can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal? Blu: Fine. Deal. Jewel: Nice try, br... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 Nigel: I know I'm not a pretty birdie...but I used to be quite a looker . A star. Lights, camera, action. I was striking , suave , ambitious. Feet to beak...so birdie-licious. Now I'm vile, I am villainous , and vicious. Oh, and malicious .... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 Blu: Excuse me. Please, I am trying to sleep. Jewel: I'm sorry, sleepy-head , I'm trying to escape. Blu: Escape? Why? This cage is awesome . Jewel: This... (Laughs) Oh, what was I thinking? I wouldn't expect a pet to understand. Blu: Pet? D... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 (Exclaims) Blu: Wait. Yeah. Ah... I am not from here. Pedro: Hey, Nico, he's a tourist! Nico: Funny, you don't look like one. Blu: Really? I don't? Pedro: Except you got pigeon doo-doo on your nose. Blu: Oh, no, this is just SPF 3000. Nico:... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-09-25 影片对白 Linda: Enjoy the new book! Customer: Thanks, Linda! Linda: Bye, now. Yes, Mom, I'd love to visit, but who would take care of Blu? Mom! They don't have kennels for parrots. Here's your hot chocolate, Blu! Just how you like it. Plus, I don't... 阅读全文>>

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