日期:2015-05-25 The world's oldest-known person, Jeralean Talley, has turned 116. 世界已知最长寿的人,杰瑞兰塔利,已年满116岁。 Talley was born on May 23, 1899, in Georgia, USA. She moved to Michigan in 1935 with her husband, who died in 1988. According to the Gero... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-25 A new policy aiming to standardize beverage labeling nationwide, specifically for bottled drinking water, has been unveiled on May 24, 2015, the Beijing Youth Daily reports. 《北京青年报》5月24日报道,国家将实行一项新政策,旨在全国范围内进行饮料标签... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-22 A panda sculpture show named Heart Panda has been unveiled to the public at the Gardens of the World park in Berlin, Germany, on May 20, 2015. 2015年5月20日,一场名为艺术大熊猫的熊猫雕塑展在德国柏林世界花园向公众开放。 Forty-three panda sculptures w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-22 China on Friday kicked off a host of birthday celebrations for aging female panda Basi, who will turn 35 years old in November, the age-equivalent of a 100-year-old human. 本周五,中国开始为年迈的雌性熊猫巴斯举行一系列的生日庆祝会。今年11月巴斯将35... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-22 In case you feared you were lagging behind your peers, a new infographic reveals exactly when Brits achieve life's major goals from marriage to buying their first home. 如果你担心你的人生步伐落后于同伴,这里为你提供了一份英国人人生大事时刻表,它准确... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-22 Giulia Enders, a German microbiologist, claims that people in Western countries are emptying their bowels in totally the wrong way - and instead of sitting on the loo, we should be squatting. 德国微生物学家茱莉亚恩德斯称,西方国家的人们大便的方式完... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-21 According to a textile expert, bras that are washed too frequently can become damaged, which causes them to lose elasticity and become less supportive, which can be harmful to the wearer. 一位纺织专家说,胸罩洗得过频繁容易被损坏,失去弹性,承托性下... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-21 Soon you could be competing with a robot for a job. 人们可能很快会跟机器人抢饭碗了。 Economists are sharply divided over the exact timing of the threat from robots and other forms of futuristic technology. Some see an imminent threat, others believe... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-21 Britain's most prestigious boarding schools are enrolling one foreign student for every five new pupils amid school fee rises that are 'squeezing' the middle class. 随着学费上涨,英国最著名的寄宿学校每招收五个新生中就有一个是外国学生,本国中产阶层学... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 A heroine breaking the rules to reach the top, who never gave up on her impossible dream. 打破陈规的李娜从未放弃她那不可能的梦想,最终成就了自己的事业巅峰。 Not the plot of an action blockbuster, but the premise for the latest film immortalizing the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 #10 Finland Average Mbps: 12.1. Internet speeds have increased 33% over the last year. # 9 Czech Republic Average Mbps: 12.3. Internet speeds have increased 8.4% over the last year. #8 Ireland Average Mbps: 12.7. Internet speeds have increased 24% o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 Rotating your plate as it is placed on the table may improve the taste of your food, psychologists claim. 心理学家称,食物摆上桌后,转动盘子,换一个方向,可能会让食物更好吃。 People have a subconscious preference for food that points away from them,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 He has been spending time with 18-year-old model Hailey Baldwin for the past several months. But in the June/July issue of Seventeen, Justin Bieber said that he is looking for a girlfriend. 过去几个月他一直和18岁的模特海莉鲍德温在一起,但是在六、七... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 The authorities in Beijing have set up a hotline for residents to report anyone flouting a new smoking ban, it's reported. 据报道,北京政府已开通热线电话,对于任何藐视新禁烟令的人,居民都可以举报。 In June, rules come into force which prohibit smoki... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 Believe it or not, there was a time when restaurants served food on plates. Not a wooden board or a slate, but on a simple piece of crockery. 不论你相信与否,世界曾经有过碟子做餐具的时代,而不是木板、石板或简陋的陶器。 The plate was usually white an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 That's according to a new thread on Reddit which claims that several tattoo-sporting Apple Watch customers are having trouble using the device, because the wearable's wrist-detection feature gets confused by the way in which tattoos reflect the gree... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-20 Students at a British university were treated to some much-needed stress relief as they prepare for exam week. 英国一所大学在学生为考试周做准备时为学生提供了一种急需的解压方式。 The University of Central Lancashire's student union organized its firs... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-17 Selfie sticks, for better or worse, have taken the world by storm. 无论结果是好是坏,自拍杆已经席卷全球。 However, a pair of US artists believe they have gone one better, with a selfie arm. The gadget makes those in the picture look as though they a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-17 A Chinese company has treated 6,400 members of staff to a four-day holiday in France, booking 140 hotels in Paris and 4,700 rooms on the Cote d'Azur. 中国某公司带着6400名员工在法国进行了豪华四日游,旅行团下榻巴黎140家酒店,订下蓝色海岸4700个房间。 T... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-05-17 Prince Harry has said he wants to settle down and have children but is waiting to find the right woman who will be next to me to share the pressure. 哈里王子称,他希望自己能尽快成家,生个孩子。不过,目前,他还在等待那个对的人出现,可以陪在他身边,和... 阅读全文>> |