日期:2015-07-09 He's currently Down Under to attend a five day 'Christian' Hillsong convention after recently getting involved with the religion. 贾斯丁比伯日前正在澳大利亚参加一个为期五天的基督教希尔送大会,他是在不久前才加入这一宗教信仰的。 And it appears that Ju... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-09 Would you drink to Greece leaving the eurozone? 如果希腊退出欧元区,你会饮酒庆祝吗? A no vote in Greece's referendum on Sunday, when the public will vote on whether to accept austerity conditions for bailout funds, will be seen by major European le... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-09 World, meet the exclamation comma -- the punctuation mark you didn't know existed, but that you almost certainly need in your life. 大家来欢迎感叹逗号,你可能不知道有这样的标点符号存在,但生活中绝对会用得到。 The exclamation comma is, as its name su... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-09 The fierce competitiveness of today's job market has driven one university dean to look online. He Hua, 39, the dean of Kunming University, has set up a store on Taobao where employers can browse and 'buy' the young graduates. He, the youngest unive... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-09 An overjoyed royal baby fan has created a reborn doll that she claims is an exact replica of Prince George. 皇室宝宝的一位狂热粉丝打造出了一个栩栩如生的洋娃娃,她宣称这个洋娃娃和乔治小王子简直是一个模子里刻出来的。 Natalie Lawrence, 44, ordered the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-07 Princess Charlotte has been christened in the Norfolk countryside. 英国夏洛特公主在诺福克郡乡村教堂接受洗礼。 The baptismal was held in a private ceremony at the Church of St Mary Magdalene in Norfolk. The Duchess of Cambridge carries two-month old... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-07 Sakari Momoi, a Japanese man recognized by Guinness World Records as the world's oldest male, has died at the age of 112, local media reported on Tuesday. 当地媒体周二报道,百井盛,一名来自日本、被吉尼斯世界纪录认可的世界最年长的男性近日辞世,享年11... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-07 A freight train linking Lanzhou city, the capital of northwest China's Gansu province to Kazakhstan's Almaty, has made its inaugural journey from Lanzhou on July 5, 2015. 2015年7月5日,一列连接中国西北甘肃省省会兰州与哈萨克斯坦城市阿拉木图的货运列车... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-06 There's enough road rage in the world; it's time to spread some smiles. 这世上的路怒症已经够多了,该来点儿微笑了。 Now there's MotorMood, a little light-up smiley face that goes on your car's rear window and lets you say thanks to other drivers. The... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-06 The White House has announced plans to allow visitors to take photos and use social media during public tours of the building for the first time in 40 years. 美国白宫宣布,公众参观白宫可以拍照并上传至社交媒体。这是白宫40年来首次取消拍照禁令。 In pre... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-06 People heading to France are being warned that from yesterday it is illegal to eat while driving a car. 要去法国的人注意啦!7月1日起,在法国边开车边吃东西是违法的。 Anyone caught snacking while at the wheel can now be pulled over and handed an on-th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-06 Dancing in clubs after midnight in Japan is no longer a crime as long as the lights stay on for deceny's sake, according to new regulations. 日本一项新法规定,只要保证充分照明,夜里零点以后在夜店跳舞不再算违法行为。 The bizarre regulation dates back... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-06 Bread that looks just like watermelon has become the hottest food in Taiwan. 目前,台湾最火的食物是一种长得像西瓜的面包。 Jimmy's Bakery, inYilanCounty, is selling loaves of the vibrant green, pink and black 'watermelon toast'. Hundreds of customers... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 The hated mobile phone roaming charges that blight tourists' trips around Europe are set to be abolished - but you'll have to wait until 2017 for it to happen. 糟心的漫游费曾毁掉多少人的美好欧洲行,现在它终于要被取消了不过要等到2017年哦。 The agreem... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 Be careful if you're planning to take any 'selfies' in front of iconic monuments this summer. A new EU law banning the posting of photographs on social media sites containing public buildings could be in force by next week. 今夏如果您想在地标建筑前... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 Technology has made finding love a lot easier - and it could soon do the same for losing it. 科技让找寻真爱变得简单,过不了多久,也会让分手不那么困难。 A new app, dubbed Binder, claims to make awkward break up conversations easier by letting people... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 Brett Thomas, a San Francisco-based software engineer, has written in a post on his blog that if you've watched porn online in 2015, even in Incognito mode, then brace yourself because you should expect that at some point your porn viewing history w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 Forced to choose between his pet dog and his girlfriend, one man decided the best way to find his friend a new home was to post an advert online. 因被迫在女友和宠物狗之间做出选择,一名男子决定在网上刊登广告给女友找下家。 Entitled 'Free to any willin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 A homeless man is fast becoming an internet sensation with his video blog of life on the streets of Moscow, it's reported. 据报道,一个流浪汉将自己在莫斯科街头的生活制作成视频博客后,迅速成为网络热点。 Yevgeny Yakut moved to the Russian capital in s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-03 Staying cool in the heat of an urban summer can be tricky, but Moscow's metro users can now freshen up with free water and wet wipes. 要想在城市的酷暑天里保持凉爽是件棘手的事,但是莫斯科的地铁乘客现在可以通过使用免费水和湿巾来凉爽一夏了。 Officials... 阅读全文>> |