日期:2015-07-23 Authorities in Ferguson, Missouri have named, a black police commander from Arizona as the new interim chief to lead the city's police department. 密苏里州弗格森政府提名来自亚利桑那州的一位黑人警长作为新的临时主管来领导该市的警察局。 Andre Anderson... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-22 China's largest online direct sales company, JD.com, has launched of a U.S. Mall, where Chinese customers can buy authentic products that are imported from the United States. 中国最大的在线直销商京东启动一项美国馆服务,中国消费者可在该商城中买到从美... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-22 Toshiba Corp.'s President Hisao Tanaka resigned on Tuesday following allegations of an accounting scandal. 东芝集团董事长田中久雄周二因财务丑闻辞职。 The multinational conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo also saw its vice chairman and advisor Norio... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-22 Rain-triggered floods have swollen rivers in south China's Guangdong Province and threatened marine safety, local authorities warned Tuesday. 中国南部广东省地方政府周二发出警告,由暴雨引发的洪水已使河流泛滥、威胁海事安全。 Under the impact of a trop... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 What's a good career move if you're a bearded, cross-dressing, Australian pro wrestler living in Japan? You start up a J-pop band of course. 如果你是一名满脸胡须、穿着异性服装的澳大利亚职业摔跤手,生活在日本,该如何展开成功的职业生涯呢?当然要从日本... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 Mount Fuji now gets its own internet connection. 富士山接上自己的网络了! The Japanese government installed a wifi connection up the mountain, so that people can stay connected even as they ascend and then come back down. Though the wifi connection... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 A lucky British youngster will be given the opportunity to star alongside Eddie Redmayne in the forthcoming Harry Potter spin-off 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. 一名幸运的英国少年将会与埃迪雷德梅尼一道出演即将开拍的《哈利波特》外传《神奇... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 The retractable car garage acts as a movable cocoon that wraps around your vehicle when it's stopped in a regular car space. 这款伸缩式车库如同一个可以动的蚕茧,当车停到停车位时就会将车包裹起来。 Not only that, but it's solar powered so you'll be sa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 A Singaporean couple has created a stir online after posing with a coffin in their wedding photos. 一对新加坡情侣在棺材旁边拍摄婚纱照,此举在网上引起了轰动。 For Jenny Tay and Darren Cheng, both undertakers, death played a central and important part... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 Graduates at a top UK university have been banned from throwing their mortarboards in the air over fears the falling hats could cause injuries. 因为担心掉落下来的学士帽可能伤人,英国一所著名学府明令禁止毕业生向空中抛帽。 Students at the University o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-20 A woman has told how she has been forced to change her name by deed poll to match her ridiculous Facebook pseudonym after being locked out of her account. 一名女子讲述了为解封脸书账户,她不得不通过单务契约将自己的真实姓名改成当年注册的雷人用户名的遭... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-17 Three in five people have a secret that they dread others finding out, a survey has revealed. 调查显示,每五个人中就有三个人深藏一个害怕被别人发现的秘密。 And researchers found the average person has at least one secret that they have been carrying... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-17 Flush with the success of a millionaire visa program to attract wealthy Chinese, Australia is now promising citizenship to rich Americans who are willing to bring their cash and entrepreneurial talent Down Under. 澳大利亚的百万富翁签证项目成功吸引了... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-17 It was supposed to be a day of drudgery with millions facing lengthy commutes on crowded buses and packed cycle lanes. But the Tube strike hasn't been all bad, with some Londoners even benefiting from the chaos with free gifts. 每天,上百万人都要经... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-17 Call it a daddy-daughter date night. With beer. And root beer. And hair braiding. 就叫它父女约会之夜吧。有啤酒。有根汁汽水。还有梳辫子。 Beer and Braids is an event dreamed up by Denver, Colorado salon owner Calli Huebl-Bodilis. Her Envogue salon ha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-16 McDonald's, the world's largest fast-food hamburger chain, is providing Shanghai customers with the opportunity to craft their own burgers with touchscreen kiosks. 麦当劳,世界上最大的快餐汉堡连锁店,将向上海消费者提供触摸屏自制汉堡的服务。 The Crea... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-16 Electric vehicles will be exempted of charges in parking and toll ways in Beijing. 北京的电动汽车在停车场停车与收费公路上行驶将免除费用。 That's a policy expected to be officially announced soon in the Chinese capital to encourage low carbon life. T... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-15 Citizens in Shanghai suffer from more life pressure than any other city in China, while Beijing comes second, according to an online survey conducted by Qunar. 去那儿的一项网络调查显示,上海市民比其它城市的市民承受着更多的生活压力,北京位居第二。 Th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-15 An intense heatwave has baked swathes of central and northern China with temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius on Monday. 一股强烈的热浪袭击中国中北部地区,周一该地区气温超40摄氏度。 Chief forecaster of National Meteorological Center Ma Xuekuan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-07-15 China's State Administration of Cultural Heritage revealed on Tuesday that France returned the 32 solid gold antiquities earlier this year. 中国国家文物局周二透露,法国在今年早些时候曾向中国归还32件纯金古董。 The ornaments include four solid gold bi... 阅读全文>> |