日期:2015-09-01 Kanye West says he's planning to run for president in the US in 2020 during the MTV Video Music Awards on Sunday. 坎耶维斯特上周日在MTV音乐录影带大奖上表示,他计划参加美国2020年总统选举。 In an acceptance speech at Sunday night's MTV Video Music Awa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-09-01 Air China will begin running direct flights between Beijing and South Africa's Johannesburg on Oct. 29, the airline announced on Tuesday. 中国国际航空公司周二宣布,该公司将于10月29日开通北京直飞南非约翰尼斯堡的航班。 A Boeing 777-300ER will leave th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-31 A man who created neon noodles is being scrutinised as he's refusing to reveal what exactly has given them their crazy colours. 由于拒绝披露关于五彩面条的上色细节,霓虹色面条的发明者受到严厉审视。 The fluorescent foodstuff is unbelievably bright to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-31 Parliament chiefs have been left baffled by Big Ben's bongs being out of sync by up to six seconds. The Great Clock has become temperamental leaving clocksmiths unsure how to fix the 156-year-old timepiece. 听到大本钟的整点钟声快了6秒钟,国会大厦里... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-31 The world's oldest wombat in captivity is looking for love and has joined Tinder to find it, caretakers at his Australia wildlife park home said. 澳大利亚一家野生动物园圈养着世界上最年长的袋熊,据它的饲养员介绍,这只袋熊已经加入了交友软件Tinder,渴... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-31 It's back-to-school time for kids across the country, but for the lucky sixth- to eighth-grade students in Stephanie Stephens' classroom at James L. Capps Middle School in Oklahoma City, they're already off to a wizardry first few days of learning.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 When others get off the train to finally go home, Leonie Mller stays behind. That's because she already is home: The train is her apartment, and she says she likes it that way. 当其他人都下火车回家时,莱奥妮米勒留了下来。因为她已经在家了:火车就是她... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 When it comes to fashion, just about anything goes. Citizens in Chengdu, the capital of south west China's Sichuan province have been spotted sporting quirky antenna hairpins. 所谓时尚,只有你想不到的,没有做不到的。有人注意到,在中国西南部四川省的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 One Direction members have broken the band's silence over rumours about their future, vowing: We are not splitting up. Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson told fans on Twitter the four-piece would just be taking a break. It came after a report in The Su... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 The double-barrelled first name has long been a hit in America; since names such as Mary-Lou and Betsy-Ann first became popular in the Fifties. 取复名在美国一直很风靡,在五十年代,像玛丽-卢和贝特西-安这样的名字就开始流行了。 While the trend for addi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 A family is facing a ban from every zoo in the country - after their children harassed a cockerel to death. 因孩子骚扰小公鸡致死,一家人正面临英国每所动物园的禁令。 The children's parents watched on laughing as they chased treasure Jake the cockerel... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-28 Powerful career women who hold top jobs in law, medicine and business are slimming down, according official figures. They are the only social group to lose weight in the past 18 years while the study reveals everyone else is growing fatter. 官方数据... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-27 The stars of popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory top the new list of the highest-paid actors on television. 情景喜剧《生活大爆炸》的明星成为电视行业收入最高的演员。 According to Forbes, Jim Parsons, who plays Sheldon Cooper in the sitcom, tops the li... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-27 Singer Celine Dion says her cancer-stricken husband doesn't know how much time he has left, but knows he wants to die in her arms. 歌手席琳迪翁表示,她患癌症的丈夫尚不清楚自己剩下多少时日,但是他知道他想死在她的怀中。 Her husband, Ren Anglil, suffer... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-27 Chinese rocker Wang Feng has released a new song. It's called Nowhere to Belong. 中国摇滚歌手汪峰发布一首新单曲《无处安放》。 Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi, the singer's girlfriend, is featured in the music video. The music video is directed by Zhang Y... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-26 A grandson of late South African leader Nelson Mandela is free on bail following accusations of rape. 南非已故领导人纳尔逊曼德拉的一位孙子涉嫌强奸获保释。 Mbuso Mandela is accused of having sex with a 15-year old girl at a restaurant earlier this mo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-26 A novel restaurant modeled after a prison has attracted hundreds of curious customers in the city Jilin in Jilin Province in northeast China. 中国东北吉林省吉林市,一家模仿监狱建造的新奇饭店吸引了数以百计的好奇顾客前来消费。 Customers have their mea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-26 A series of aerial shots of the city of Shenzhen was taken to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEZs) in South China's Guangdong province on August 25, 2015. 深圳市拍摄了一系列的航拍照片来纪念... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-23 The world's first sky pool has been unveiled - and it's high enough to give anyone a touch of vertigo. 世界第一个空中泳池近日惊艳亮相它的高度足以让任何人头晕目眩。 Towering far above the street balanced between two residential buildings in Nine Elms... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-08-23 Spain's north-eastern city of Tarragona has threatened to use DNA analysis of dog droppings to track down owners who fail to clear up their pet's mess. 西班牙东北部城市塔拉戈纳扬言要对狗狗的粪便进行DNA分析,以追查不清理自己宠物狗粪便的主人。 The coa... 阅读全文>>

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