日期:2012-01-29 The festive break is fast becoming a distant memory and for many, New Year fitness regimes are too. 新年假期会很快成为遥远的回忆,而对很多人来说,新年的减肥计划也会很快被抛之脑后。 Despite 2.6m people starting diets on New Years Day, research sugges... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-29 The coming Year of the Dragon will bring actor Al Pacino good fortune, but Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin needs to watch out -- he may lose vast sums of money. 即将到来的龙年将带给演员阿尔帕西诺好运,但俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京则需当心他可能会... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-29 Average Brits argue rise to an average of eight minutes a day during the month - and two thirds have broken up with a lover at the start of the year, research has revealed. 研究显示,一月份普通英国人平均每天吵架的时间为8分钟,三分之二的英国人在年初... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-29 Iran's morality police are cracking down on the sale of Barbie dolls to protect the public from what they see as pernicious western culture eroding Islamic values, shopkeepers said on Monday. 伊朗一些店主本周一称,为防止有害的西方文化侵蚀伊斯兰价值... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-29 好莱坞著名影星布拉德皮特日前坦言他曾因吸食过量大麻导致抑郁症。 Brad Pitt, nominated earlier this week for an Oscar, has admitted that he suffered from depression after he smoked too much marijuana(大麻) . Pitt, star of Moneyball, for which is nomi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-29 有报告显示,伦敦著名的大本钟加速倾斜,甚至有倒塌的可能性。根据该报告,大本钟向左倾斜约46厘米,已经达到肉眼可以观察的程度。 A Union flag flies near Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament in London October 24, 2011. The landmark clock tower containing B... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-20 One in ten of us have been dumped by text message, a survey has revealed and a quarter confess to having flirted with someone they shouldn't in a text. 最新调查揭示,1/10的人曾收到分手短信,另有1/4的人坦言曾与不应该的人用短信调情。 So it's perhaps n... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-20 Anger at the practice of demanding dowries, which can lead to violence against brides, has prompted a takeoff of Angry Birds called Angry Brides that aims to highlight the illegal practice still prevalent in many South Asian countries. 为表达对索要... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-20 Maritime authorities, passengers and mounting evidence pointed toward the captain of a cruise liner that ran aground and capsized off the Tuscan coast, amid accusations that he abandoned ship before everyone was safely evacuated and was showing off... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-20 最新调查显示,英国人外出就餐,快餐成首... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-19 Facebook is adding a series of new applications to let users share such things as photos, travel or fashion. Facebook将发布一系列新程序,使用户能够分享照片、旅行或时尚。 The online social network firm unveiled more than 60 new apps that users can sh... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-16 Lounging on the New York subway with feet up on the seats was costly to lazy riders fined by the city last year, police said on Tuesday. 警方本周二称,纽约地铁里那些把脚跷在座位上的懒散乘客去年都付出了惨重的代价。 More than 7,000 riders on New York... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-16 David Cameron has been warned by his chief fundraiser that he faces a backlash from grassroots Tories and donors over the Coalition's proposed high speed rail link. 英国首相大卫卡梅伦的主要筹款人警告他说,他将因为联合政府提出的高铁项目而遭到来自基层... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-14 Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will reach out to millions of Chinese in the most curious of ways: singing for the online version of China's annual Spring Festival gala. 亿万富翁、投资大亨沃伦巴菲特将用最特别的方式和数百万中国人接触:在中国一年... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-14 著名的纽约爱乐乐团近日在演奏会进行时,音乐厅内传出了干扰的手机铃声。乐团指挥吉尔伯特停止乐团演奏,要求手机的主人把铃声关掉,直到会场恢复宁静后才继续演奏。 The New York Philharmonic came to a dramatic--but decidedly unscheduled--stop on Tuesday night... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-14 《纽约时报》记者坎特日前在新书《奥巴马家庭》中揭露,美国第一夫人米歇尔在2009年万圣节期间在白宫举行主题派对,奢华活动的照片在美国经济衰退期间,显得十分刺眼。 A new book reports that the Obama White House hosted an extravagant(奢侈的) Alice in Wonde... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-12 Sportswear group Nike has agreed compensation in a dispute with workers in Indonesia over unpaid overtime. 体育用品公司耐克同意向印尼的加班员工支付赔偿金。 The company will pay $1m (650,000) to about 4,500 workers at a PT Nikomas plant in Serang, Ba... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-11 Three crew members are thought to have died on a South Korean fishing boat that caught fire in Antarctica. 韩国一艘渔船在南极洲附近着火,可能有三位船员死亡。 Three crew members are still missing and are believed to have died in the fire in the vesse... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-11 One person has died after a stampede broke out among crowds of people trying to enrol at a university in the South African city of Johannesburg. 南非城市约翰尼斯堡某大学发生人群踩踏事故,一人死亡。 There was a person that was deceased(死亡) , Univ... 阅读全文>>

日期:2012-01-08 The Duchess of Cambridge cemented her place in Britain's royal family by taking on her first patronage roles since her marriage to Prince William...and became Scouting's newest volunteer. 英国剑桥公爵夫人凯特自从嫁给威廉王子后,近日首次承担起志愿工... 阅读全文>>

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