日期:2011-12-03 A South Korean woman who suffered repeated sexual harassment at work will be awarded compensation, the state workers' welfare agency said in a landmark ruling which acknowledged her suffering amounted to a work-related injury. 韩国职工补偿和福利服务... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-03 到节假日,旧金山当地孤独但勇敢的单身男女们就纷纷在网站上刊登广告来征寻临时的约会对象,并开诚布公地列出需求和愿望。 It's one way of warding off(避开,挡住) a nosey mother's 'why haven't you got a boyfriend?' questions. Lonely but intrepid(勇敢的)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-03 大名鼎鼎的埃菲尔铁塔明年可能变身为世界上最大的绿树:用60万株植物装饰这座巴黎乃至法国最富盛名的地标性建筑。 A French company wants to turn the Eiffel Tower into a heaving, breathing, botanical(植物学的) giant by draping its mass of metal struts(框... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-03 英国国家统计局(ONS)最新公布的数据显示,在英国成年人口中,已婚人士首次不足半数,占成年人口总数的48.4%。 Less than half of the adult population is now married, figures confirmed for the first time yesterday. The watershed(流域,分水岭) for marriag... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-03 圣安德鲁斯大学迎来一年一度的葡萄干星期一。这个节日源于该校过去的一个传统:一年级的新生在11月要向学长们献上葡萄干,感谢他们的帮助。如今,葡萄干已被美酒和泡沫大战代替。 Having foam: Students from St Andrews University participate in the traditional Ra... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-01 Traders in India are observing a day-long strike in protest at the decision by the government to open the retail market to global supermarket chains. 印度政府决定向全球连锁超市开放国内零售市场,贸易商遂组织为期一天的罢工抗议活动。 Most of the main m... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-01 A French court has jailed five Somali men for between four and eight years for hijacking a yacht and taking a French couple hostage. 法国一家法院判处五名索马里男子四至八年监禁,他们曾劫持了一艘游艇并劫持了一对法国夫妇。 The incident took place in th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-30 Conrad Murray, the US doctor convicted of the involuntary manslaughter of pop superstar Michael Jackson, has been sentenced to four years in county jail. 超级巨星迈克尔杰克逊的私人医生康拉德默里因过失杀人罪被判四年有期徒刑。 Murray was found guilty... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-30 One of Colombia's most-wanted men, Maximiliano Bonilla Orozco, has been captured in Venezuela. 哥伦比亚头号通缉犯之一亚诺波尼拉奥罗斯科被逮捕。 Better known under his alias Valenciano, he is accused of smuggling tonnes of cocaine from Colombia to th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-29 British lawyer David Mills has said he would be prepared to testify in Italy against former PM Silvio Berlusconi under certain circumstances. 英国律师大卫米尔斯称,在某些情况下他将会到意大利做对前总理贝卢斯科尼的不利举证。 Mr Mills made no comment t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-29 Australian air safety officials have launched an investigation after an airline passenger's Apple iPhone apparently caught fire during a flight. 澳大利亚航空安全官员正在进行一项调查一位乘客的苹果手机在飞行途中突然起火。 Local airline Regional Expres... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-27 The UK has more obese women than any other country in Europe, according to European Union figures. 欧盟统计数据显示,英国的女性比欧盟其他任何一个国家的女性都要胖。 Data agency Eurostat, which looked at 19 countries, found nearly a quarter of UK wome... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-27 At least three people have died and 17 others have been injured after a bridge collapsed in Borneo, Indonesia. 印度尼西亚婆罗洲一座桥梁坍塌,至少3人死亡、17人受伤。 The bridge was reported to be the longest in Borneo A bus, cars and motorcycles plun... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 Women will regularly fake orgasms to stop their men from cheating, a study has revealed. 最新研究显示,女性经常假装性高潮,以防伴侣出轨。 Regularly pretending to climax is just one strategy women use to ensure their partners stay faithful, according... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 The stress of daily life has sparked a new phenomenon - sleep texting. 日常生活的压力引发了一种新现象发睡眠短信。 People with the rare condition send incoherent(语无伦次的) text messages while asleep to their friends and family - completely unawar... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 Back in the 1950s the man was the undisputed family breadwinner. But fast forward 60 years and men today are apparently happy to play second fiddle to their wives when it comes to money. 在20世纪50年代,男人是无可争议的养家人。然而在60年后的今天,男... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 There are roughly 55 million single women in the US, many of them with-it, smokin' and smart, with their finger on the pulse of life. But when that certain finger is ringless, even the most self-assured single dreads the shame and rebuke of disappoi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 Men spend more time getting ready to go out than women, according to research. 调查发现,男性出门前打扮的时间比女性更长。 On average men spend 81 minutes a day on personal grooming(修饰) , including cleansing, toning(化妆水) and moisturising, sh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 Demi Moore has announced she is ending her six year marriage to Ashton Kutcher. 黛米摩尔近日宣布,与艾什顿库彻六年的婚姻生活将划上句号。 Demi Moore has filed for divorce from Ashton Kutcher, pictured together here at the January premiere of his movi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-26 Two-thirds of Britons cannot say anything in a foreign language with one fifth even unsure of what bonjour means, a study claims. 一项研究称,三分之二的英国人不会说任何外语,五分之一的英国人甚至连bonjour是什么意思都不清楚。 The findings appear to co... 阅读全文>> |