日期:2011-11-08 Former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier has died after a brief battle with liver cancer, his family said. 美国前重量级拳王乔弗雷泽在与肝癌短暂的斗争之后辞世。 Frazier - also known as Smokin' Joe - had been receiving hospice care in Phil... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-08 Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, has been found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of the star by a jury in Los Angeles. 洛杉矶某个评审团裁定杰克逊的私人医生,康拉德默里过失杀人罪罪名成立。 A panel of seven men and five wo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-07 Adidas has taken its website content offline after suffering what it described as a sophisticated, criminal cyber-attack. 阿迪达斯主站遭遇一场复杂的、罪恶的网络袭击,目前该网站已暂时关闭。 The German sportswear maker said it had no evidence that its... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-06 US former world heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier is in hospice care with liver cancer, his manager says. 美国前重量级拳王乔弗雷泽的经纪人称,弗雷泽正在医院接受肝癌治疗。 Joe Frazier held the world title in 1970-73 He says Frazier - also known... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 Vladimir Putin has been accused of being a wife-beater and philanderer by German spies. 德国情报机构近日披露,俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔普京曾殴打妻子,还在外寻花问柳。 German intelligence files claim Putin enjoyed secret liaisons behind the back of wife... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 Middle class workers aged 50 and above are being forced to delay their retirement until they are 'at least 70', with many blaming their children, a report revealed yesterday. 最新报告显示,英国50岁以上的中产阶级职员被迫推迟到至少70岁再退休,其中很多... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 It's no wonder when 75 percent of Brits work 12 hour days - with 31 percent admitting to 30 minutes 'me-time' on an average day, a survey revealed. 调查发现,75%的英国女性每天工作12个小时,难怪31%的人平均每天只有30分钟的个人专属时间。 Their lives ar... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 英国广播公司(BBC)的员工近日正就如何恰当报道英女王伊丽莎白二世去世的消息接受培训。此前,该公司资深主持人彼得西松斯因在报道女王母亲去世消息时服饰不宜而遭批,BBC希望通过演练避免此类尴尬再次出现。 Sissons was later criticised for not wearing a black t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 美国弗吉尼亚州一位老妇在万豪酒店旗下一处套房酒店居住十年后于上周正式退房,成为该酒店历史上居住时间最久的住客。 Last week, 79-year-old Joy Bricker checked out of the TownePlace Suites in Virginia. Last week, 79-year-old Joy Bricker checked out of the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 奥地利国歌《山的土地,河的土地》一直被看作是对该国锦绣河山和动荡历史的完美写照。但是,奥地利议会一些女性议员却认为这首歌的歌词有严重的性别歧视意味,并上交提案要求对国歌歌词进行修改以体现真正的男女平等。 To some, Austria's national anthem(国歌) is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-05 万圣节之夜,孩子们挨家挨户上演糖果或恶作剧的时候,也可能会成为一些潜在的危险人物对孩子们下手的好机会。加州管教与感化部今年就宣布一项法令,要求该州2000多名无固定住所的假释性侵犯在万圣节当晚5点至10点之间到设在各市的假释中心报到,以确保他们不会出去惹麻... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-04 The demand for rhino horns has led to record poaching this year in South Africa, wildlife charity WWF has said. 世界野生动物基金称,人们对犀牛角的需求导致今年南非的非法狩猎达到新高。 Figures from South Africa National Parks show 341 rhinos have been... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-02 London has begun a two-day international conference focused on the threat from cyber-security attacks. 伦敦已经开始主办一场为期两天的网络安全会议。 Representatives of 60 nations gathered to discuss how to tackle the rising levels of cyber-crime. For... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-01 Africa's second metro system has opened - in the Algerian capital, Algiers. 非洲第二条地铁在阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔开通。 Many Algerians have complained that the cost of the metro is too high Construction began 28 years ago, but was halted - firstly... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-11-01 US authorities say they have broken up a massive drug-smuggling network run by a Mexican cartel in Arizona. 美国当局称,他们捣毁了一个墨西哥毒品组织在亚利桑那州经营的巨大的毒品走私网。 The drugs were distributed to criminal gangs across the US A tot... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-10-30 Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been diagnosed with throat cancer. 巴西前总统路易斯伊纳西奥卢拉达席尔瓦被诊断出患上咽喉癌。 The 66-year-old has a tumour in his larynx(喉) , a statement from the Sirio-Libanes Hospital in Sa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-10-30 Ships sailing under a British flag will be able to carry armed guards to protect them from pirates, the prime minister has announced. 英国首相卡梅伦宣布,所有悬挂英国国旗的船只均可配备武器以抵抗海盗袭击。 David Cameron says he wants to combat the ri... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-10-30 When Munni arrived in this fertile, sugarcane-growing region of north India as a young bride years ago, little did she imagine she would be forced into having sex and bearing children with her husband's two brothers who had failed to find wives. 若... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-10-30 Public schools across the country are cancelling Halloween celebrations over issues ranging from candy corn to concerns that Americans are forcing their holiday traditions on new immigrants and many parents are angered by what they are calling polit... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-10-30 A staggering 47 percent of the British population has admitted to cheating on a partner - whilst 63 percent have discovered they have been cheated on, a new survey has revealed. 一项新调查揭示,英国多达47%的人承认自己曾出轨,而63%的人曾发现自己遭到... 阅读全文>> |