日期:2012-01-08 Brides are increasingly shunning summer weddings and getting married during winter instead to cut costs amid the economic gloom, figures suggest. 数据显示,越来越多的新娘避开夏天而选择在冬天举行婚礼,目的是在当前经济不景气的状况下减少开支。 Register... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-08 Facebook is becoming a major factor in marriage breakdowns and is increasingly being used as a source of evidence in divorce cases, according to lawyers. 据律师透露,Facebook正日益成为婚姻破裂的一大主因,而且越来越多地在离婚案件中被用作证据来源。 Th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-08 Kate Middleton has been voted 2011's top beauty icon ahead of her sister Pippa, Cheryl Cole, Rihanna and Emma Watson. 英国王妃凯特米德尔顿近日获评2011年度英国女孩偶像,击败了自己的妹妹皮帕、谢丽尔科尔、蕾哈娜和艾玛沃特森等人。 The Duchess of Cambrid... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-07 本月8号,伟大的物理学家史蒂芬霍金将迎来他70岁寿辰,为此他接受了《新科学家》杂志的采访,当被问到白天思考的最多的是什么时,霍金教授语出惊人:是女人,女人完全是个谜。 The biggest mystery in the universe perplexing(复杂的) one of the world's best know... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-07 一对英国双胞胎姐妹日前度过了她们102岁生日,《吉尼斯世界纪录》已经正式将她们列为世界上年龄最大的双胞胎。 The world's oldest twins celebrated their 102nd birthday together on Wednesday. Born on January 4, 1910, Ena Pugh and Lily Millward have spent ea... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-07 著名的饱受争议的迪康减肥法(Dukan Diet)创始人法国营养学家迪康(Pierre Dukan),日前在其新书中提出,可以通过给变瘦的孩子增加额外考试成绩的方法来解决儿童肥胖问题。 Pierre Dukan, the nutritionist behind the popular but controversial Dukan diet, has su... 阅读全文>> 日期:2012-01-07 美联社与捷孚凯营销研究顾问公司(Associated Press-GFK)近日进行的最新民调显示,62%的美国民众认为2012年美国会更好,更有78%的美国民众认为,2012年自已家庭会变更好。 Americans are hopeful for what 2012 will bring for their families and the country, accordi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 An Italian couple are to become the world's oldest divorcees, after the 99-year-old husband found that his 96-year-old wife had an affair in the 1940s. 意大利一对夫妇将成为世界上最高龄的离婚者。99岁的丈夫日前发现自己96岁的妻子在上世纪40年代有过一段... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speculated on Wednesday that the United States might have developed a way to give Latin American leaders cancer, after Argentina's Cristina Fernandez joined the list of presidents diagnosed with the disease. 委内瑞拉... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 The loose-knit hacking movement 'Anonymous' claimed Sunday to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to clients of US-based security think tank Stratfor. 组织松散的黑客团体匿名者上周日宣称成功侵入美国安... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 日本家庭正经历着社会角色互换的过程,许多家庭的妻子和女儿开始赚取家庭收入的大部分,而男性在就业市场中不再受宠,进入衰退状态。 Japanese families are experiencing a social role reversal, with many wives and daughters making up for the largest part of t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 一年一度的圣诞枕头大战已成为年轻人圣诞必玩活动。今年的超级枕头大战是上海举办的第五届圣诞狂欢活动,组织者计划在圣诞前夜和12月30日举办两场枕头大战。 Hundreds of Chinese gathered to blow off stress in Shanghai, staging a massive pillow battle. A whirlw... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-31 全球首座乔布斯铜像21日在匈牙利首都布达佩斯亮相。这尊铜像是匈牙利著名建筑设计软件制造商Graphisoft为纪念乔布斯而打造的,铜像坐落在公司总部大楼附近。 A man takes pictures with his iPad during the unveiling ceremony of a statue of the late Apple co-foun... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-30 Thousands of artefacts recovered from the Titanic are to be sold at auction 100 years after the ocean liner sank. 远洋班轮泰坦尼克号沉没百年之后,数千件打捞上来的艺术品将被拍卖。 The Titanic, bound for New York City, sank on her maiden crossing of t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-25 A Sydney boss deliberately refused to pay five of his staff their Christmas wages, despite pleas from one long-serving worker that he would not be able to buy presents for his children. 悉尼一位老板近日因故意拒付五位员工的圣诞节工资被罚。此前他不顾... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-25 As you settle down to watch Love Actually with your family this Christmas - and laugh at the seemingly ridiculous plot devices - one scene will ring especially true to a lot of philandering men. 这个圣诞节,当你和家人一起观看电影《真爱至上》,对看似... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-25 Bath bubbles and scented candles will simply not do. For a certain type of woman who has everything - including very generous family and friends - plastic surgery could make the ideal present. 泡泡浴和香味蜡烛都不够了。对那些应有尽有的女性(她们都有... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-25 Fear of the trauma of divorce is stopping many young couples from walking down the aisle, a university report has found. 一项大学研究发现,许多美国年轻情侣不结婚是因为怕遭受离婚的创伤。 With the share of married adults at an all-time low in the Unit... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-25 First, Japan gave the world hi-tech lavatories. Now, a crystal lavatory studded with more than 72,000 pieces of Swarovski cut crystal and valued at over $100,000 (64,000). 之前,日本曾发明过高科技坐便器,而今,又推出了水晶坐便器,镶满了超过7.2万颗施... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-12-24 Christmas trees could be to blame for a range of health complaints over the festive season, according to new research. 新研究显示,圣诞树可能是圣诞节期间一连串身体不适的罪魁祸首。 Don't be too quick to judge those who feel under the weather(不舒服... 阅读全文>> |