日期:2014-03-11 Holy smurf, I'm a downer. 我的天啊,我是个令人沮丧的人。 You're playing dirty now! 你在使诈! I do believe we got off on the wrong foot earlier. 我承认我们刚开始没给对方留下好印象。 Yo, take it down a notch, my blues brothers. 好啦,我的蓝精灵兄弟们... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-03-11 A people rose up from the ashes, and a new era was born. 人们涅槃重生,一个新的时代浴血开启。 You can't tune out again. 你不能再逃避现实了。 Which would come in handy if, in fact, you were still alive. 事实上要是你还活着,这迟早将派上大用... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-03-11 There's no point in having a go at me. 没有理由责怪我。 Feast your eyes! 让你大饱眼福! This is all for naught. 这就是白费力气。 Legends are lessons. They ring with truths. 传说都是教训,授予我们真理。ring with: 充满声音,回荡着。 I would advise you... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-03-11 Then it's high time that you learned. 那现在是时候学一下了。(high time: 正是应该的时候。) You got to come clean for that innocent young girl. 你应该对那个无辜的女孩坦白。 Who is this fetching woman? 这位迷人的小姐是?(形容迷人除了attractive还可以... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-02-14 I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。 The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege. 你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情;你的未来我希望参与,这是我... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩词句 1. I'm paralyzed with happiness. 我要被幸福冲昏头脑了。 2. Daisy, don't create a scene. 黛茜,不要小题大做。 3. I decided to get roaring drunk. 我决定痛饮一番。 4. Of course, you don't need to take my word for it, old sport. 当然,耳听为虚... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩词句 1. There's plenty of other fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。 2. Patel tried to talk to her in the copy room. She's totally not having it. 派特在复印室里想和她搭讪。她甩都不甩。(也有译本翻译成她装作没听见) 3. I guess we can just agree to d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Chuck: Here. Cam: Thanks. Charlie? Chuck: I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. Antarctica? You couldn't have just taken her to a movie? Cam: Charlie... Chuck: Look, I know that it's crazy that I'm here, but it felt even crazier not to come. Stew... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Chuck: This spell ... turn it off , please. Anisha: Charlie, I was just a kid. I didn't know what I was doing. I don't even know what I did. Chuck: You fucked up my life! That's what you did. Anisha: I asked you to watch your language . You... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Stu: Call me. Chuck: I need your help. Stu: Hey, are we still friends? Chuck: Cam is going to fall in love with and get married to the next guy she goes on a date with, right? I'm going to be that next guy. Yeah. You're a plastic surgeon .... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Cam: The female lays a single egg and rolls it onto the feet of the male. The male stands and incubates the egg until it hatches, about 65 days. Having built up a thick layer of fat to sustain him through the long winter, he never leaves th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Cam: Hey, it's Cam Wexler. Remember, from the wedding? The serial killer? Chuck: Yeah. Yeah, hi. Cam: I'm sorry to bother you, but I have a bit of a dental emergency. Chuck: You don't have to make up stories , Cam. If you want to see me, al... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-14 精彩对白 Host: Yo, yo, yo, hold on to your pantyhose . The hostess with the mostest has got a toastess. Bride: I just want to thank everybody for coming to share this day with us. I couldn't imagine being any happier than I am right now. Guest: Wait... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Music: I've got you. Under my skin. I've got you. Deep in the heart of me. So deep in my heart. Darcy: Are you laughing at me? Nick: Yeah. Darcy: Good. I didn't think anyone else was still here. Nick: I didn't know anyone was here. Darcy: W... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Nick: Dr., you may not remember me. Doctor: Yes? Nick: I'm Nick Marshall. I came here about ten years ago with my ex-wife, Gigi. Doctor: Oh, Christ, not him. Nick: Oh, good, you remember me. I'm sorry to barge in like this, but I don't know... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Colleague: Hey, I heard. I can't believe this. Nick: My next headache . Colleague: Don't worry. We'll get through it. Nick: Yeah. Boss: Everyone, everyone, meet Darcy McGuire. Nick: Oh, jeez. Darcy: My goodness. Everybody showed up. Colleag... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Allie: Lon's here in town. Noah: He's here? Allie: Yeah, we saw his car on the way, at the hotel. Noah: I see you got my letters. Finally. What are you going to do, Al? Allie: I don't know. Noah: We're back to that? Are we back there? What... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Mom: Lon is on his way here. I'm afraid your father spilled the beans about Noah, and when Lon didn't hear from you again last night, he decided to come. Allie: Well, that's great. That's just terrific. You, me, Noah and Lon, one big happy... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-17 精彩对白 Noah: Hammond? As in Hammond Cotton? Allie: As in Hammond Cotton. Noah: Well, your parents must love him. Allie: He's a really good man, Noah. You'd really like him. Noah: You love him? Allie: Yeah, I do. I love him very much. Noah: Well, t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-09-23 精彩对白 Classmate: Would you get a load of him? Oh my gosh, he is dreamy . Allie: What is he doing here? Classmate: He's staring at you. Lon: Oh, miss? I'm all better. Now, how's about that date? Allie was surprised how quickly she fell in love wit... 阅读全文>>

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