日期:2011-04-29 More than half of ultra-rich Americans have not revealed their full wealth to their children, a new survey showed Tuesday. 本周二公布的最新调查显示,多数美国富豪并未把全部身家告诉孩子。 Taking the pulse nationwide of the rich with $3 million or more... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-29 美国海港城市巴尔的摩为应对学生逃学问题,近几年一直实施学生逃学,家长受罚的政策。学生一年逃课15天以上,家长就会被逃学管理办公室提起指控;一旦证实家长知晓学生逃课事实,便有可能被判入狱数天。 About a dozen parents have been sentenced for their children... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-29 近日在扬州开馆的马可波罗纪念馆引出了一个颇具争议的话题:马可波罗到底是哪国人? An image of Marco Polo. Widely thought to have been from Venice, Croatia is now claiming him. Italians have reacted with fury to an attempt by Croatia to claim the legend... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-28 Search teams say they have discovered part of a flight recorder from the Air France plane that crashed in 2009, off the coast of Brazil. 搜救人员称,他们已找到2009年在巴西沿岸海域坠落的法国航空客机上的一部分飞行记录器。 Hundreds of images have been... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-28 Japan's imperial couple have travelled to tsunami-hit areas on the north-east coast to visit residents in shelters. 日本天皇夫妇到东北部被海啸袭击的地区慰问生活在避难所中的灾民。 Emperor Akihito talked to residents in a gymnasium in a quake-devastat... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-27 Ecuador has declared an amber alert after the Tungurahua volcano started spewing ash again. 通古拉瓦火山再次喷出火山灰,厄瓜多尔因此发布安珀警报。 This is the first significant activity from the Tungurahua volcano this year A plume more than 7km (4.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-27 Nearly half a million people gathered in the southern Indian town of Puttaparthi for the funeral of the revered Indian spiritual leader Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 将近50万印度民众聚集到南部城市Puttaparthi参加精神领袖斯里赛巴巴的葬礼。 Sai Baba has been bu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-24 The former president and chairman of Sony, Norio Ohga, who was credited with developing the compact disc, has died aged 81, the company has said. 索尼公司宣布,前董事长、公司总裁,CD机的推广者大贺典雄逝世,享年81岁。 Norio Ohga conducted the Tokyo P... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-24 One of India's most revered spiritual leaders, Sri Satya Sai Baba, has died in hospital. 印度一位最受尊敬的精神领袖斯里 萨特亚赛巴巴死于医院。 Sai Baba had been suffering from respiratory problems Doctors say the 84-year-old guru, who is thought to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 She may be pretty, wealthy and about to marry a prince, but an overwhelming majority of British women do not envy Kate Middleton, a survey showed on Wednesday. 凯特米德尔顿也许很美丽、很富有、而且即将嫁给威廉王子,但本周三公布的调查显示,绝大多数英... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 Kate Middleton's marriage to Prince William will see her become the third most beautiful royal in history, pushing Diana, the late Princess of Wales, into fourth place, according to a poll. 最新调查显示,凯特米德尔顿嫁给威廉王子后,会在王室成员美女... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 A new app offering legal advice to those contemplating divorce could make the process too easy, say critics. 正考虑离婚的人士如今可以通过一款应用软件来得到法律建议,但有批评人士指责这让离婚变得太容易。 A new iPhone app claims to offer easy to unders... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 香港一家航空公司为全体空乘人员开设培训课程,学习咏春拳,以应对飞行途中遇到的醉酒和不规矩的乘客。 A Hong Kong airline is making all its cabin crew take kung fu lessons to help them to deal with drunk and unruly(不守规矩的) passengers. Hong Kong Air... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 一位埃及商人近期向澳大利亚某地方议会提交申请,希望在野生骆驼密集的南部地区开设骆驼屠宰场和肉产品加工厂,并称此举不但能解决当地的生态问题,同时还能提供300个工作岗位。如果这项申请获准,澳大利亚有望于2012年开始对外出口骆驼肉。 Move over, beef. Camel me... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-23 欧洲袖珍小国列支敦士登近期面向私人推出一个整国出租计划,承租的客户可享受个性化定制的路标和临时货币等服务,每晚租金七万美元,可提供150人的食宿。 Vaduz castle in Liechtenstein Executives with cash to burn traditionally hire luxury yachts(游艇) , sec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-22 Samsung Electronics is suing Apple, claiming its rival violated its patent rights, days after Apple accused Samsung of slavishly copying designs of its iPad and iPhone. 三星电子欲起诉苹果,称苹果侵犯了其专利权,前不久苹果指责三星奴隶般地仿制iPad和iP... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-22 The Japanese government has announced a 4 trillion yen ($48.9bn; 29.6bn) emergency budget for disaster relief, after March's earthquake and tsunami. 继三月地震和海啸发生后,日本政府宣布拨款4万亿日元作为紧急救灾预算。 The budget still needs approval... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-21 China Mobile, the world's largest mobile operator, has surpassed 600 million subscribers after increasing its number of customers in rural areas. 中国移动通讯,世界上最大的移动电话运营商,在农村地区广泛扩大用户量,现在其用户数量已经超过6亿。 The com... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-21 Japan has made it illegal to enter a 20km (12-mile) evacuation zone around the stricken Fukushima nuclear reactor. 日本规定,私自进入福岛核电站方圆20公里的撤离区为非法行为。 Residents will be allowed brief supervised visits home to collect belonging... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-04-19 Italian chocolate tycoon Pietro Ferrero has died in an accident in South Africa, a company spokesman has said. 意大利巧克力巨头费列罗死于南非的一次意外事故。 Pietro Ferrero ran the firm with his brother, Giovanni Mr Ferrero, 48, was on a business tr... 阅读全文>>

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