日期:2011-06-23 Indonesia is to stop allowing its citizens to work as domestic servants in Saudi Arabia after the execution of a maid for murder last week. 印度尼西亚将禁止其公民到沙特当佣人,此决定源于上周一名女佣因谋杀被处刑。 Officials said the moratorium(暂停... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-23 The Australian government has reached an agreement with two telecommunications companies to bring high-speed internet to most of the nation. 澳大利亚政府与两家通讯公司签署协议,全国大部分地区将覆盖高速互联网。 The National Broadband Network Company... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-22 Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner says she will stand for re-election in October. 阿根廷总统克里斯蒂娜费尔南德斯德基什内尔声称十月份她将谋求连任。 Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner said she would keep going Speaking on television, she... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-22 Officials are investigating the cause of a plane crash in north-western Russia that killed 44 people. 俄罗斯官员目前正在调查近日某客机在西北部地区坠毁的原因,此次事故使44人死亡。 Russian Deputy PM Sergey Ivanov said the crash, near the city of Petro... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-19 Clarence Clemons, the saxophone player in Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, has died, aged 69, a spokeswoman for the band has said. E街乐队一位女发言人称,该乐队的萨克斯手克拉伦斯克莱蒙斯离世,享年69岁。 Clemons (left) and Springsteen worked togeth... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Nearly half of American dads under 45 this Father's Day say they have at least one child who was born out of wedlock. 父亲节即将来临,而最新调查显示,近半数的45岁以下的美国爸爸承认至少有一名非婚生子女。 And the share of fathers living apart from chi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Many fathers these days want it all -- time with kids, promotions at work and a spouse who shares the parenting duties. 如今许多父亲都想多样兼得有时间陪孩子,工作上获得晋升,妻子可以分担养家的责任。 But some say they would trade in their commute(通... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Millions of workers confide in their colleagues rather than their partners, a study has revealed. 一项研究揭示,英国数百万上班族更愿意向同事而非伴侣倾诉秘密。 It found that, with two thirds of Britons feeling like they spend most of their lives at w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said on Tuesday his wedding this weekend has been canceled because his 25-year-old fiance, a Playmate from his magazine, changed her mind. 《花花公子》创办人休赫夫纳本周二表示,原定于本周末举办的婚礼取消,原因是25岁的未婚... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Tired of social networking? Logging off Facebook? Youre probably not the only one. 厌倦了社交网站?注销了Facebook账户?这么做的人可不只你一个。 Fearing for their privacy or perhaps just bored with using the site, 100,000 Britons are said to have dea... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 One in three French people claim to have had a workplace romance, most often a short-lived fling, according to a survey published on Friday. 上周五公布的最新调查显示,三分之一的法国人曾有过办公室恋情,但多数恋情持续时间很短。 The survey, released as... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 Brits are among the most bullied workers in the world - with a staggering seven in ten having been picked on by bosses or colleagues, a new study found. 一项新研究发现,英国人在职场上所受的欺凌是全世界最多的,多达七成的英国人曾经被上司或同事刁难。 M... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 为了向全世界证明拉登死讯的真实性,美国一位资深的打捞潜水员决定下月赴阿拉伯海亲自下水打捞拉登的尸体。 Bill Warren, 59, says he wants to find the corpse of the al-Qaeda leader and obtain photographic evidence that he was killed. A US salvage(打捞) d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 施瓦辛格私生子丑闻爆出后,该事件女主角、私生子之母巴埃娜于近日接受了英国《Hello!》杂志的独家专访。 Arnold Schwarzenegger employed Mildred Patricia Baena as a housekeeper for 20 years. Arnold Schwarzenegger's illegitimate son exclaimed Cool! when tol... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-18 本周一,芬兰桑拿协会向芬兰外交部颁发蒸汽精神奖,肯定了芬兰外交官向全世界推广桑拿文化并利用桑拿外交协调国际关系的成就。 Finland's foreign ministry on Monday won the Steam Spirit Prize for promoting sauna(桑拿浴) culture abroad, organisers said, hai... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-17 Mexican officials say 33 people have been killed in the space of 24 hours in Mexico's industrial capital, Monterrey. 墨西哥官员称,其工业城市蒙特雷,在短短的24小时内已有33人被杀。 Security officials in the northern state of Nuevo Leon, where Monterr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-17 Remains of 104 of the 228 people killed when an Air France jet crashed into the Atlantic in 2009, leaving no survivors, have arrived in France. 2009年法国航空一架客机坠落到大西洋,228名乘客无一生还,其中104名乘客的遗骨已被运往法国。 A ship carrying... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-16 Hewlett Packard (HP) is suing Oracle over a chip dispute in the latest clash between the two former allies. 惠普与甲骨文这对昔日的盟友日前正在为芯片问题争论得不可开交。 The lawsuit accuses Oracle of behaving illegally in deciding that future version... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-16 The US congresswoman shot in the head in January has been released from hospital to begin outpatient treatment after improvements in her condition. 今年一月份被射中头部的美国国会女议员身体状况好转,已于近日出院开始门诊治疗。 Ms Giffords will continu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-06-15 Flights in South America, Australia and New Zealand are still being disrupted by ash from a volcano in Chile, affecting thousands of passengers. 南美洲、澳大利亚以及新西兰的航班仍受智利火山灰的影响,数千游客被滞留。 Hopes of a resumption of air trav... 阅读全文>>

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