日期:2011-08-04 Three new areas of Somalia have been classified as having been hit by famine, the UN says. 联合国宣称,索马里三个地区被划为饥荒爆发区。 Tens of thousands of people have been fleeing to the capital in search of food It declared a famine in two large... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-08-01 Arnold Schwarzenegger's childhood home in Austria has opened as a museum. 阿诺德施瓦辛格童年时期在奥地利居住的房子被作为一座博物馆。 The family lived in the first floor flat with no electricity or running water It came as the former Mr Universe, who... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-08-01 A pleasure boat has sunk on the Moscow River in Russia's capital, drowning nine people, officials say. 俄罗斯官员称,莫斯科河上一艘游艇沉没,9人溺水身亡。 The accident took place close to the city's Luzhniki sports stadium Seven of the 16 on board w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-08-01 An Australian woman says she carried a grapefruit-sized sponge inside her abdomen for 15 years, and is suing the doctor who she says left it there. 一位澳大利亚妇女称,一块葡萄柚大小的海绵已在她腹部内存在了15年时间。目前她正在起诉当时给她做手术的医... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 A blind, 100-year-old veteran of the Second World War has won a beauty contest in an Alabama nursing home. 美国一位双目失明的百岁二战女兵日前在阿拉巴马州养老院举办的选美比赛中夺冠。 Felma Schrimshire, the newly crowned Ms Alabama Nursing Home. Felma... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 The new political group Americans Elect has quietly been collecting signatures needed for to get on statewide ballots in the 2012 general elections. But the group doesnt plan to run a candidate, and it doesnt have a platform or an ideology. 新生政治... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 An Indonesian family stopped a wedding after discovering the groom was a woman, only for an ex-boyfriend to save their blushes by stepping in to marry the bride. 印尼某家庭近日举办婚礼时,意外发现新郎竟是女儿身。所幸新娘前男友挺身而出,娶回新娘,才... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 Now a study confirms that mothers today look to their daughters for fashion and beauty inspiration. 最近一项研究证实,现在的妈妈们会从自己的女儿那里寻求时尚和打扮的灵感。 Researchers from Temple University, Philadelphia also say that children - alth... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 Women looking for a sperm donor often make the daddy of all choices based on limited physical details such as the man's height or hair colour. 女性在寻找捐精者时总是根据候选人有限的外貌特征来做决定,比如身高或者头发的颜色。 But mothers-to-be will so... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 《花花公子》创始人赫夫纳的落跑新娘克丽丝泰尔哈里斯近日在接受媒体采访时,自曝她和赫夫纳分手的真正原因是房事不合。 Hugh Hefner and his fiancee, Playboy Playmate Crystal Harris, arrive at the opening night gala of the 2011 TCM Classic Film Festival fea... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-30 一支据称是已故性感女神玛丽莲梦露成名前所拍的性爱短片将于下月公开拍卖,底价50万美元。 A Spanish collector plans to auction what he claims is a rare film of Marilyn Monroe shot when she was still an underage actress known as Norma Jean Baker. A Spanis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-28 A South African man has been convicted of assault by spilling his drink on President Jacob Zuma. 一名南非男子因向总统雅各布祖玛泼洒饮料而被判人身伤害罪。 Racehorse owner Daryl Peense, 31, was arrested after spilling whisky on Mr Zuma at a race meeti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-27 Australian artist Margaret Olley, much admired for her colourful still-life paintings, has died in Sydney aged 88. 澳大利亚艺术家玛格丽特奥利在悉尼逝世,享年88岁,她以其多彩的静物画而闻名于世。 Olley, pictured in 2005, was one of Australia's most re... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-27 A powerful storm has hit the Philippines, killing at least nine people and forcing thousands to flee their homes. 一股强风暴袭击菲律宾,造成至少9人死亡、数千人流离失所。 Tropical storm Nock-ten unleashed(释放) floods and landslides along eastern a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-27 An art dealer has been arrested and accused of smuggling a tonne of African ivory into the US for sale at his Philadelphia store. 一位菲律宾艺术品商人因向美国走私一吨重的非洲象牙而被逮捕。 Victor Gordon, 68, paid a conspirator to fly to Africa, purc... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-25 More than half of parents log onto social networking sites like Facebook to spy on what their children are doing, a study has found. 一项研究发现,超过一半的父母会登录Facebook之类的社交网站,窥探自己的孩子在做些什么。 Some 55% of mothers and fathers... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-25 Every child has written their names on the beach at some point. But whereas most people's 'sandwriting' is washed away, one super-rich Arab sheikh has ensured that his doodles will last a little longer. 每个孩子都曾在沙滩上留名。尽管绝大多数沙滩签名... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 One in three workers admit to taking time off under false pretences, according to research. 研究显示,英国三分之一的员工承认他们请假是造假。 Good weather, hangovers(宿醉) and romantic trysts(幽会,约会) motivated some staff to lie about absences... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 David and Victoria Beckham have posted pictures of themselves with baby Harper Seven on social networking sites. 日前,大卫贝克汉姆及妻子维多利亚在社交网站公布了他们与新生女儿哈珀赛文的合影。 Daddy's little girl: Victoria Beckham has posted the firs... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 Dozens of South Korean women in skimpy clothes and wearing sunglasses or masks rallied on Saturday as part of the SlutWalk global protest against sexual violence. 上周六,几十名衣着暴露的韩国女性配戴着墨镜或面具在韩国街头集会,上演反对性暴力的荡妇游... 阅读全文>> |