日期:2011-08-21 Billionaire Warren Buffett urged U.S. lawmakers to raise taxes on the country's super-rich to help cut the budget deficit, saying such a move will not hurt investments. 亿万富翁沃伦巴菲特近日呼吁美国立法者向美国富豪增税,以帮助削减预算赤字,并表示此... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-21 The New York Police Department announced it will form a new unit to search social media as part of its law enforcement efforts, responding to the criminals growing use of these sites to plan and celebrate illegal exploits. 随着社交媒体的流行,犯罪者... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-21 美国最佳卫生间评选正在进行中,组织方将在获胜的卫生间举办新闻发布会,颁发最佳卫生间奖牌,并将其收入网络明星卫生间名录。目前,有十个卫生间进入了最后的决赛阶段,网友们将在9月19日之前通过网上投票,决定谁是最后的赢家。 It's America's competition for best... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-21 因患有罕见的克莱恩-李文综合症,21岁的英国女孩莉莉常常会昏睡不醒,最严重时曾经连睡两个月,成为现实版的睡美人。这一罕见病种目前没有任何治疗方法,只是有迹象显示部分患者可能会随着年龄增长而自愈。 Lily Clarke, 21, has a rare condition called Kleine-Levin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-20 South Africa has opened its first unit for imprisoned mothers and their children who are below the age of two. 南非政府首次为被囚母亲和她们两岁以下的孩子设置了单独的区域。 The babies and toddlers(初学走路的孩子) of mothers at Pollsmoor Prison in C... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-18 The Peruvian government says it has suspended coca eradication efforts in an area where much coca is grown. 秘鲁政府称,已经解除国内某地禁止种植古柯的禁令。 The Huallaga valley is Peru's second largest coca producing region Head of the Peruvian pres... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-17 The Taiwanese smartphone maker HTC has filed a lawsuit in the US against Apple, accusing its American rival of infringing its patents. 中国台湾只能手机生产商HTC状告美国苹果公司侵犯其专利。 HTC makes smartphones powered by the Android mobile software... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-17 Five tobacco companies have sued the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over a new law that would force them to place graphic health warnings on their cigarette packets. 美国五家烟草公司联合起诉食品和药物管理局,他们被该局强迫在烟盒上放置图像健康... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-16 The funeral of veteran Indian film star Shammi Kapoor has been held in the city of Mumbai. 印度老牌影星Shammi Kapoor的葬礼在孟买举行。 The actor's son, Adityaraj Kapoor, performed the last rites at the cremation(火葬) attended by Bollywood stars,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-15 英国一名19岁的女生因痴迷韩国文化而苦学韩语,但是因为舌头比一般人短,致使她韩语发音一直不能很地道,为此,她特意通过外科手术将舌头拉长。 Student Rhiannon Brooksbank-Jones dreams of living and working in South Korea once she finishes university, even t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-15 Every mother has her own opinion on how to best raise a child. But according to a new survey, 90 percent of women with children admit to casting judgment if they don't agree with a fellow parent's methods. 每个妈妈都有一本她自己的育儿经。但一项新研... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-15 Consummate nerd and Harvard drop-out he may be, Mark Zuckerberg also happens to be one of the most powerful men in the world. 马克扎克伯格是计算机绝顶怪才,哈佛肄业生,他还是世界上影响力最大的人之一。 Flop flop: Multibillionaire and Harvard drop-out... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-15 He has taken on cyborgs,Martians and Danny DeVito, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has officially survived Maria. 他曾出演电子人、火星人,还曾与丹尼德维托搭档,而现在,阿诺德施瓦辛格居然公开宣称他从玛利亚手中逃生了。 File photo of the T-shirt. He has take... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-15 A German etiquette group has called for a total ban on work colleagues kissing one another in the office, claiming a peck on the cheek is a form of 'terrorism'. 一个德国的礼仪团体呼吁全面禁止办公室里同事间互相亲吻,他们声称亲脸蛋是一种恐怖主义行为。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-14 Spain's fabulously rich Duchess of Alba has signed away her enormous wealth, string of palaces, priceless works of art and vast swathes of Spanish real estate to marry for love at 85, Spanish media has reported. 据西班牙媒体报道,腰缠万贯的西班牙阿... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-14 Jennifer Aniston ordered Brad Pitt to leave their Beverly Hills home after he admitted that he was in love with Angelina Jolie, according to a sensational new book. 近日一本引起轰动的新书爆料称,在得知布拉德皮特爱上安吉丽娜朱莉后,珍妮弗安妮斯顿暴怒... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-14 Hollywood studios are set to break into China's massive Internet market as domestic video sites scramble to screen U.S. movies and dramas on their digital platforms, a move which could also curb rampant piracy. 随着国内视频网站纷纷将美国影视剧搬上数... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-14 上周日,约2000名示威者聚集在日本富士电视台门口,抗议该台播放大量韩国电视节目。示威人员高喊着停止韩流、吊销电视台牌照等口号。 A group of 2,000 protestors held a demonstration outside of Fuji TV headquarters in Tokyo on Sunday, complaining about the s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-13 Tunisia's former security chief Ali Seriati has been acquitted of forging passports for ousted President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and his family. 突尼斯前国家安全负责人Ali Seriati曾为被流放总统扎因阿比丁本阿里及其家人伪造护照,但目前他已被无罪释放。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2011-08-13 A Cuban man and transgender woman are set to marry in what is being seen as the country's first gay wedding. 古巴某男子与变性女子将要结婚,这是该国首例同性恋婚姻。 The couple say their wedding is not intended as political provocation Same sex marria... 阅读全文>>

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