日期:2011-07-24 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫近日签署了一项新法案,啤酒将被正式划归到酒精饮料之列,新法令将加强对啤酒销售的限制。 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has signed a bill that officially classifies beer as alcoholic. Until now anything containing less than 10% al... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 6日韩国首尔的电器电子商城Techno Mart突然上下震动10分钟左右,专家经调查后认为,这次震动起因是大楼里有一个健身中心,参加健身项目的学员集体跳动引起震动。 South Korean experts said Tuesday they believe a vigorous(有力的) gym exercise session caused a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 近日俄罗斯发起了一场网上宣传活动,鼓动年轻女性用脱衣的方式来支持即将参加大选的普京。 An online campaign has been launched in Russia urging young women to support Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a presidential vote by taking off their clothes, a law... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-24 据报道,日本福岛县发现87头吃了遭核辐射污染饲料的牛,这些牛已经被屠宰,牛肉可能已经流入市面,这加剧了民众对辐射牛肉的担心。 Concerns about radiation-tainted beef intensified Sunday in Japan as officials struggled to determine the scope of the problem... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-20 A team of international experts has concluded that the former president of Chile, Salvador Allende, killed himself during the 1973 military coup led by General Augusto Pinochet. 一组国际专家得出结论,智利前总统萨尔多瓦阿连德在1973年的军事政变中自杀... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-19 Cisco, the world's largest maker of computer networking equipment, will cut its workforce by as much as 9%, trimming 6,500 jobs. 思科公司,世界上最大的计算机网络设备生产商,将裁员9%,即6500个工作岗位。 The move is part of plans announced in May that... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-17 David Beckham's wife Victoria has given birth to her fourth child, a baby girl. 大卫贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚日前诞下一女,这是他们的第四个孩子。 The birth took place by Caesarean at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles. The baby weighed 7lbs 10oz and... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-17 美国加州州长布朗14日签署一项历史性议案,议案要求公立学校学生学习同性恋历史以及对社会的贡献,使得加州成为美国第一个要求公立学校在社会学课程中加入同性恋内容的地方。这项议案经布朗签署后成为法律,将在2013年开始执行。 California became the first state to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-17 在印度喀拉拉邦,大象在寺庙工作几个月后将被送去度假。在一个月的假期里,它们可以尽情放松身心,在池塘里享受SPA水疗的乐趣,还可以享用各种食物并品尝专家特制的营养餐,以帮助其恢复体力并为下一阶段的工作做好准备。 Indian elephants from a Hindu temple in Ker... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-15 The Mexican army says it has discovered a huge field with mature marijuana in the northern state of Baja California. 墨西哥陆军称,他们在北部下加利福尼亚州发现一大片栽着成熟大麻的土地。 Soldiers were patrolling the area, some 300km (190 miles) south... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-13 A US Army ranger has been awarded the Medal of Honor, America's highest military medal, for his actions in a firefight in Afghanistan. 美国军队一名骑警因在阿富汗一场战斗中的卓越表现,被授予荣誉勋章,这是美国最高等级的军功章。 In a 2008 battle in Pak... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-13 The European Commission is to unveil its proposals to reform the EU's fishing industry. 欧盟委员会将公布其关于改善欧盟捕鱼业的建议。 The proposal, which would take effect from 2013, is expected to give vessels quota(配额,定额) shares guaranteed f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-12 Apple has accused the smartphone maker HTC of infringing its patents. 苹果公司指责智能手机生产商HTC侵犯其专利。 Apple has filed a complaint against the US International Trade Commission (ITC) seeking an inquiry by the panel into the matter. The news... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-12 Miners from Chile's state-owned company, Codelco, have gone on strike for the first time in nearly 20 years. 智利国家铜业公司的矿工近20年以来首次举行罢工。 They are angry at restructuring plans by the government of President Sebastian Pinera, saying... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-10 The News of the World, Rupert Murdoch's embattled British tabloid, will lay off 200 workers and shut down publication after its Sunday edition. 鲁珀特默多克旗下的小报《世界新闻报》因陷入窃听电话丑闻,将于本周日出版最后一期,随后关闭,两百名员工将遭... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-10 Family life is being disrupted because parents and children are overwhelmed by the huge volumes of emails and social messaging updates they are handling each day, according to a new study. 一项新调查发现,由于父母和孩子每日忙于处理大量的电子邮件和更... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-10 Forced to quit after barely a week as Japan's reconstruction minister for remarks deemed offensive to victims of the March earthquake and tsunami, Ryu Matsumoto had an unusual explanation for his behavior -- his blood type. 由于失言冒犯日本三月地震... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-09 Angelina Jolie and Sarah Jessica Parker, with annual salaries of $30 million each, are the highest paid actresses in Hollywood, according to a new ranking. 福布斯最新发布好莱坞女星收入榜,安吉丽娜朱莉与莎拉杰西卡帕克并列榜首,平均年收入为三千万美元... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-09 Ceremonies to celebrate divorces have gained momentum in Japan after the massive March earthquake and tsunami, followed by an ongoing nuclear crisis, caused unhappy couples to reassess their lives. 日本自今年三月发生强震和海啸以来,举办离婚典礼的人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2011-07-09 With a wink and a smile, Monaco's ruler Prince Albert married South African swimmer Charlene Wittstock on Saturday in a ceremony attended by a who's who of European royalty and the international elite. 摩纳哥国家元首阿尔贝二世亲王和南非游泳健将查伦... 阅读全文>> |