日期:2009-07-30 The Obama administration says it will release Mohammed Jawad, who has been held at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp since 2002. 奥巴马政府称他们将会释放自2002年就被关押在关塔那摩湾战俘集中营的Mohammed Jawad。 Mr Jawad has been held in Guantanamo Bay s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Bill Gates said maintaining his Facebook profile had been 'way too much trouble' after being deluged by friend requests. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has stopped using Facebook after being deluged by friend requests. The billionaire philanthropis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Michael Jackson waves to supporters outside the Santa Barbara County Courthouse, June 13, 2005. Since Michael Jackson's sudden death on June 25, the rumor mill over details of his bizarre personal life has ground away nearly non-stop, and on Friday,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Federer and his wife Mirka. World number one Roger Federer's daughters are less than 48 hours old but bookmakers on Friday had already posted odds on the twins winning Wimbledon. World number one Roger Federer's daughters are less than 48 hours old... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Men are more likely to forget things than women - even though women generally have more to remember like watering the plants. Around 15 million of us will leave a cup of tea to go cold today while a similar amount will forget where they put the keys... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Manchester Cathedral. Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rather than shake hands as a sign of peace in measures by churches to try to stop the spread of swine flu, a report said. Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 US President Barack Obama throws out the first pitch at the 2009 MLB All-Star Game at Busch Stadium on July 14, 2009 in St Louis, Missouri. US President Barack Obama admitted Tuesday he's a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 Faced with a fall in tourist numbers due to the financial crisis and a reputation for unfriendliness, the Paris tourist board has made a simple request of the city's residents: smile. Visitors to Paris, the world's most visited city, have fallen 17... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 n this photo made Thursday, July 9, 2009, Pet Airways Co-founder Alysa Binder's dog, Zoe, walks by one of the upstart airline's aircraft in Omaha, Neb, United States. One trip for their Jack Russell terrier in a plane's cargo hold was enough to conv... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 《哈利波特》系列影片主演丹尼尔雷德克里夫表示听到人们猜他是同性恋,他感觉很棒。本月刚满20岁的丹尼尔说,让人们对自己的性取向产生好奇心不是什么坏事,并表示会让朋友上同性恋网站查看与自己有关的内容。丹尼尔表示自己身边一直都有同性恋朋友,这也可能是他平时... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 意大利最具影响力的新闻周刊《L'espresso》20日在网站上公布了一段录音,详细披露了意大利总理贝卢斯科尼与高级三陪女郎帕特里齐亚达达里奥之间的一夜激情后的对话。这段录音是42岁的达达里奥与72岁的贝卢斯科尼在其府邸过夜后录制的,在录音中可以听到达达里奥称赞贝... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-29 纽约时代广场一名靠与游客合影为生的裸体牛仔打算竞选纽约市长,称要将政府透明度提高到新水平。这位牛仔10年以来一直在时代广场谋生,其标志性形象为脚穿牛仔靴,头戴牛仔帽,身穿紧身白色内裤,游客与他合影需要先付钱。在竞选声明中,这位牛仔表示要在减税、旅游业... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-28 Broadband users are not getting the speeds they are paying for, according to the largest survey of its kind ever undertaken by telecoms regulator Ofcom. 电信运营商Ofcom开展的最大的一项调查显示,宽带用户实际使用带宽与没有达到之前付款的要求。 Nearly o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-28 A former American Idol contestant has been killed in a hit-and-run car accident in New Jersey, officials say. 官员称,前美国偶像竞争者在新泽西死于车祸。 Cohen auditioned in 2007 and 2008 for American Idol Alexis Cohen, 25, from Allentown, Pennsylvan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-28 Seven US men have been charged with conspiring to provide support to Islamic militants and conspiring to murder and kidnap people abroad. 七个美国人涉嫌向伊斯兰武装军队提供支持、在海外谋杀和绑架而缠上官司。 The FBI arrested the seven men in North Ca... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-27 Actress Joanna Lumley has met Nepal's president as she continues her visit to the country. 女演员Joanna Lumley在她的尼泊尔访问之旅中会见了尼泊尔总统。 The presidential visit follows a triumphant(得胜的,得意洋洋的) arrival in Kathmandu where she w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-27 Actress Joanna Lumley has been mobbed by hundreds of well-wishers and Gurkha veterans after arriving in Nepal for a week-long visit. 女演员Joanna Lumley到达尼泊尔之后,被数百祝福者以及廓尔喀族退伍军人簇拥,她将开展为期一周的访问。 On arrival in Kath... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-27 Peter Gabriel has paid tribute to the murdered Chechen human rights activist Natalia Estemirova. Peter Gabriel称颂车臣被杀害的人权主义者Natalia Estemirova。 Natalia Estemirova was abducted as she left her home Gabriel was headlining at the World of... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-25 Internet service provider (ISP) Karoo, based in Hull, has changed its policy of suspending the service of users suspected of copyright violations. 位于胡尔的因特网提供商Karoo已经改变了对待侵犯版权的用户停网的政策。 The ISP has taken an unusual appro... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-07-25 Michael Jackson's personal doctor has been identified as the target of a manslaughter investigation into the singer's death, US court papers say. 美国法院文件称,Michael Jackson的私人医生已经被认定为Jackson之死过失杀人罪的嫌疑人。 Dr Conrad Murray's... 阅读全文>> |