日期:2009-06-01 Picture taken on April 27, 2009 at his home in La Gloria village of five-year-old Mexican child Edgar Hernandez. A state in eastern Mexico is to erect a statue to a small boy suspected as being the first patient of swine flu here, to be modeled on t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-06-01 Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton made a surprise return to her alma mater on Monday, picking up an honorary degree from Yale University 36 years after earning her law degree from the Ivy League school. Graduates celebrating commencement at... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-06-01 Susan Boyle, the dowdy Scottish spinster whose mighty singing voice has catapulted her to global fame thanks to YouTube, won through to the next round of talent show Britain's Got Talent Saturday. A clip of Boyle, 47, singing I Dreamed A Dream from... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-06-01 US small business owners prefer workplace conversations about French toast to other words that start with the same letter. Workplace profanity is offensive and unprofessional, say three-quarters of small business employers, and nearly half say it ca... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-06-01 Shoppers walk past sales signs on Oxford Street in 2006. Retail sales increased 0.9 percent in April from March, topping forecasts, as shoppers kept the tills ringing despite a deep recession, official data showed Thursday. This may come as little s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 Hundreds of Japanese students whose schools have been closed this week to contain a swine flu outbreak have instead flocked to karaoke parlours with their friends, club operators said. Authorities in and around Osaka and Kobe cities have shut more t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 Business is booming for the world's biggest sperm bank, Denmark's Cryos, which is struggling to meet demand despite a soaring number of donors and new offices opening around the world. At Cryos headquarters in Denmark's second-biggest city Aarhus, c... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 5月29日,美国前总统乔治W布什和比尔克林顿卸任后首度同台在加拿大多伦多国际会展中心先后发表演讲,并一起讨论美国和加拿大面临的全球性和地区性挑战。布什和克林顿分属共和党和民主党,两人政见向来互异,这样同台演讲还是第一次。演讲结束之后,两人还参加了由加拿... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 法国将在下月组织近200名在押囚犯参加一次特殊的环法自行车越野赛。他们将在6月4日从法国的北部城市里尔启程,途经17个站点,最后到达巴黎,全程2300公里。整个比赛途中将有124名警卫随行,并且要求囚犯集体行动,不允许有人掉队或者突然加速。此次囚犯环法赛不设排名... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 错过了世界最好工作的人们注意了,台湾目前推出旨在推动岛内旅游的世界最佳旅游活动。台湾旅游局宣布,此次活动将挑选50个旅游小组享受宝岛四日行并在网上撰写游记,最受欢迎的游记写作小组将得到100万新台币(合3.07万美元)的奖励,所获奖金必须全部用于岛内消费,并且... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 英国皇家园艺协会今年的切尔西花展上,主办方呼吁前来观展的人们主动捐出已经弃用的胸罩、短裤等旧内衣参加蔬果自己种活动。园艺专家表示,旧内衣,尤其是胸罩,是理想的置物容器,将其稍加改制便可用于栽种蔬菜、圣女果等小型植物。此项活动旨在让人们知道自己动手种... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-31 加拿大温哥华将在2010年2月承办冬季奥运会,目前正在积极备战的除了运动员、教练员及组委会外,当地的性工作者们也开始做准备了。位于加拿大温哥华市中心东区的性工作者另类决策教育协会表示,在大量媒体在冬奥会期间涌入的时候,温哥华的性工作者们需要知道面对媒体和... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 The mountain region of Tyrol in Austria in 2008. An Austrian businessman is raffling off his luxury home and will use the proceeds to help fund microcredits in the Third World, the daily Der Standard reported on Monday. An Austrian businessman is ra... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 Millions of Britain's women buy under-size clothes as an incentive to help them lose weight, a survey has found. More than a third of women deliberately buy clothes which are too small for them because they are determined to slim down enough to fit... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 A man in Bristol has captured footage of what he believes to be a UFO flying over Britain. Andy Hadlington saw the mysterious blob silently hovering around and filmed it from the window of his office. The mysterious grey object glided around the res... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 An Bonhams Goodman employee makes adjustments to a Superman outfit worn by actor Christopher Reeve, and which is up for auction in Melbourne A Superman costume worn by the late Christopher Reeve will go under the hammer in Australia this month, auct... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 A 25-year-old Spanish woman who won a record 126 million euros (172 million dollars) in the Euro Millions lottery only learned of her good luck days later after spending the weekend bed-ridden with the flu, officials said Tuesday. The unnamed woman... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 Junk food ads account for two-thirds of televised advertisements for food that are shown when children are likely to be watching, researchers into obesity said Friday, based on a study of 11 countries. Germany and the United States led the way at 90... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 The world domination of Scottish singing hopeful Susan Boyle continued with her first appearance on Oprah. The Britain's Got Talent star told chat show queen Oprah Winfrey that the global fanbase achieved through her audition on the show was like a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-21 A pilot walks with a pet dog after stepping off a Pet Airways flight. Move over Jet Set -- here comes the Pet Set, as Pet Airways prepares to launch the first pet-only airline specifically designed for the safe and comfortable transportation of pets... 阅读全文>> |