日期:2009-05-13 I don't have photos taken with Arabs, jokes Amir Habshush, a Jew, before flinging his arm around his Muslim friend Abouda Gheth and grinning at the lens. Amir Habshush,一名犹太人,在镜头前拥住了他的穆斯林朋友Abouda Gheth并且露齿而笑,开玩笑道我没有... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-13 A rare blue diamond has sold for a record 10.5 million Swiss francs ($9.5m; 6.2m) at auction in Geneva. 日内瓦拍卖会上,一块罕见的蓝宝石被卖出1050万瑞士法郎的新纪录。 It weighs 7.03 carats(克拉), is smaller than a penny piece, and is one of only a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 A man from Germany has been jailed for life for stabbing a Nottingham student 86 times after stalking his girlfriend. 一位来自德国的男子被判终身监禁,他用刀刺一个诺丁汉学生86次。 Heiss became angry when his obsessive messages were blocked David Heis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 Celebrity couple Katie Price and Peter Andre are to separate after three-and-a half years of marriage, the couple's management company has confirmed. 名人夫妇Katie Price和Peter Andre的资产管理公司已经证实,经历了三年半的婚姻之后,两人即将离婚。 The... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 Movie stars Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio have helped pay towards the nursing home fees of the last Titanic survivor, the fund's chairman said. 泰坦尼克基金主席称,影星Kate Winslet和Leonardo DiCaprio捐赠了最后一位泰坦尼克号生还者的疗养院费用。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 Rapper Snoop Dogg did not hit a fan who jumped on stage at a 2005 Seattle gig, a jury in a civil court case decided. 美国国内一法庭陪审团决议,Rapper Snoop Dogg在2005年西雅图歌友会的时候没有击打一位跳上台的粉丝。 Snoop Dogg will not personally have... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 The US defence secretary has asked the country's commander in Afghanistan to step down, saying the battle against the Taleban needs new thinking. 美国国防大臣要求阿富汗的司令官在对塔利班的战斗上放慢脚步,要有新的思想。 Robert Gates confirmed Gen Dav... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-12 Alleged Nazi war criminal John Demjanjuk has been deported from the US on board a plane bound for Germany. 纳粹嫌疑战犯John Demjanjuk被驱逐出美国,踏上了飞往德国的飞机。 John Demjanjuk denies working as a death camp guard The frail(脆弱的,虚弱的)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Children's charities are backing a plan to make web retailers ensure young people cannot buy age-restricted goods. 儿童慈善机构正在制定一项计划来使网络零售商确保年轻人买不到有年龄限制的物品。 Checks on who is buying a knife need to be more rigorous,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Mia Farrow has ended her hunger strike to show solidarity with the people of the war-hit Darfur region of Sudan, because of health concerns. Mia Farrow因健康问题结束了她的绝食抗议,与苏丹遭受战争袭击的达尔福尔地区人民团结起来。 Mia Farrow is a goodw... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Actor Hugh Jackman has been given the all-clear to attend the Mexican premiere of his latest movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine later this month. 演员Hugh Jackman因最近主演的电影Wolverine而被邀请到墨西哥参加演出。 Wolverine was leaked onto the internet... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Amy Winehouse was forced to abandon a concert at the St Lucia Jazz festival because of technical difficulties, a spokesman has said. 一位发言人称,Amy Winehouse因为技术问题被迫放弃St Lucia的爵士音乐节的音乐会。 Amy Winehouse performed at Glastonbury... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 A combination photo of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Garner(L-R).Comedian Ellen DeGeneres and her actress partner Portia de Rossi topped a poll that asked American moms which celebrities they would f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Chanel, the world's oldest dog, celebrated her 21st birthday on Wednesday with a certificate from the Guinness Book of Records and a visit to a dog hotel and spa. The dachshund, a rescue dog from Port Jefferson in New York, wore an orange sweater an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Winner of The Best Job in the World competition Ben Southall of Britain May 6, 2009. A bungee jumping, ostrich-riding British charity worker was named Wednesday the winner of what's been dubbed the Best Job in the World -- a 150,000 Australian dolla... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Wealth managers at Bank of Montreal kept hearing the same things from Canada's richest families: Help me! My kids know nothing about money and will squander the family fortunes. Two years later, the one-day seminar aimed at the grown children of wha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu . The pig is a curios... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 True to their reputation as leisure-loving gourmets, the French spend more time sleeping and eating than anyone else among the world's wealthy nations, according to a study published on Monday. The average French person sleeps almost nine hours ever... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 Catholic clergymen, one holding a Bible, wear masks as a precaution against swine flu as they enter for the start of a mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, Sunday, May 3, 2009 Churchgoers celebrate Mass via television. Congressional ca... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 A billboard featuring an illustration of German politicians including German Chancellor Angela Merkel(L) wearing only underwear is displayeed at a press conference in Berlin The ad from underwear company Bruno Banani reads we are giving everything t... 阅读全文>> |