日期:2009-05-10 US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama take a walk on the South Lawn upon their return to the White House after a dinner date at Citronelle in Washington on Saturday. The first couple took full advantage of the cool spring night. Af... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 墨西哥流感疫情近日有所缓解,之前实行公共活动禁令的学校、酒吧、影院等公共场所于本周四重新开放。但是卫生部门官员表示,现在还不是欢呼胜利的时候,疫情还需进一步控制。到目前为止,墨西哥已有1160人感染流感病毒,其中44人死亡。墨西哥境外感染流感病毒死亡的有2... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 豪华车制造商保时捷与欧洲最大的汽车生产商大众于本周三就共同组建一个综合性的汽车集团达成一致,双方将在未来四周内商讨合并大计。该合并计划是在保时捷试图收购大众未果之后做出的。保时捷在一份声明中称,新的集团将拥有10个汽车品牌来支持未来的发展,目前大众和... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 世界最大的免费文件共享网站盗版湾四名成员在上月被判有罪后,瑞典盗版党在年轻人中的支持率急剧上升,显著增加了该党在6月份的议会选举中赢得欧洲议会席位的机会。盗版党虽与盗版湾并无关联,但二者均提倡废除版权,减少网络监控。自从瑞典政府在版权法方面的立法越发... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府于日前推出一项教育活动旨在打击目前在学生当中盛行的色情短信风潮。该政府表示,此类包含裸体照片或者色情内容的短信在传播过程中可能会被发布到因特网或转发到更多人的手机中而无法完全清除,最终招致性骚扰或者性伤害事件。为了配合此次活... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-10 正当甲型H1N1流感疫情在全球蔓延之时,美国纽约一家名为DIGO的广告创意公司抓住商机,推出一系列颇具创意的口罩。这家公司共推出6款设计诙谐幽默的口罩,比如有的口罩上印着一支雪茄,戴上它就好像人在抽雪茄一样;有的印着红唇或一撇黑色的小胡子;有的印着一只猪鼻,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 The US government has opted to retain a Bush-era rule that limits protection for polar bears from the effects of global warming. 美国政府选择保留布什时期因为全球变暖而对于北极熊采取的的有限保护措施。 The US listed polar bears as an endangered specie... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 Euro MPs have rejected a far-reaching package of telecoms reforms because they say internet users need better protection from being disconnected. 欧盟MPs驳回了一项远距离的电信改革,他们称有些互联网用户不想被联系上。 The scale of illegal downloads is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 Apple has reversed a decision blocking a Nine Inch Nails (NIN) iPhone app. 苹果决定禁止NIN在iPhone上的使用。 Trent Reznor was very explicit in his views on Apple The application - nin: access - was rejected last week on the grounds it had offensive... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet is suing the Daily Mail newspaper for 150,000 over an article which claimed she had lied about her fitness regime. 奥斯卡获奖女演员Kate Winslet控告每日邮报赔偿15万英镑,理由是该报的一篇文章称她的养生之法是谎言。 Ka... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 The lawyer for RB star Chris Brown has asked to see paperwork from a police investigation into how a photo of his former girlfriend Rihanna was leaked. 蓝调之星Chris Brown的律师请求观看Chris Brown前女朋友Rihanna照片泄露事件的警方调查文书。 Rihanna w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 Actor Kiefer Sutherland has been charged with assault after he allegedly head-butted a fashion designer at a nightclub in Manhattan, New York. 演员Kiefer Sutherland因在纽约曼哈顿一家夜总会涉嫌用头撞一位时装设计师而遭指控。 Kiefer Sutherland is on pr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 A EuroMillions ticket holder is believed to have broken the European lottery's record by winning a 126m euros (110m) jackpot. 一位持有数百万彩票的人获得1260万欧元的头奖,或打破欧洲彩票记录。 Nine European countries participate in the EuroMillions lo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-09 A senior White House aide has quit over his role in a presidential plane's low-level fly-past that caused panic among New York office workers. 一位白宫助手在总统飞机低空飞行引起纽约上班族恐慌之后辞职。 Presidential jet and fighter plane over New Yor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-08 Cervical screening continues to pick up abnormalities in women over 50, say UK researchers, despite calls to cut the programme in older women. 英国调查者称,子宫颈癌常规检查继续在超过50岁的妇女中展开,尽管有人呼吁停止这项程序。 Risk of an abnormal s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-08 A US judge has formally rejected Roman Polanski's request that a 1978 rape case against him is dismissed. 一位美国法官正式驳回Roman Polanski的请求,关于他的一宗1978年的强奸案已解除。 The director will not film in the UK to avoid being extradited. Ju... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-08 A jury in the US state of Kentucky has found a former private soldier guilty of the rape of a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and the killing of her and her family. 美国肯塔基州法院陪审团认为一名前列兵因强奸一位14岁伊拉克少女并杀害她和她全家而有罪。 Steven G... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-07 Mel Brooks and Burt Reynolds are among those who have paid tribute to actor and comedian Dom DeLuise, who has died in Los Angeles at the age of 75. Mel Brooks和Burt Reynolds对已经在洛杉矶逝世的75岁喜剧演员Dom DeLuise大加称颂。 Dom DeLuise appeared i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-06 Three UK explorers surveying the Arctic ice were down to rations of just 90g of food each per day until a resupply flight reached them on Tuesday. 三位测量北极多年冰英国探测者每天只有90g的定量食物,直到周二一架再供应飞机抵达。 The science came to a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-05-06 The head of America's National Security Agency says that America needs to build a digital warfare force for the future, according to reports. 美国国家安全局首脑报道称,美国需要为将来建立一道数字化战争系统。 The US has set up specialised detachments... 阅读全文>> |