日期:2009-07-04 麦当娜定于8月15日在波兰华沙举行的演唱会日前受到当地天主教人士的抵制,因为当天适逢天主教圣母升天日,而与圣母同名的歌手在这样一个神圣的日子举办演唱会获利被认为是道德上不妥的行为。天主教组织表示,虽然麦当娜的演唱会可能会如期举行,但人们肯定会走出来表示... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 The lobby of the CIA Headquarters Building in McLean, Virginia, August 14, 2008. Laid off from Wall Street? The CIA wants you -- as long as you can pass a lie detector test and show that you are motivated by service to your country rather than your... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Many women taking the crowded train in Tokyo opt for women-only carriages during the rush hour to avoid gropers. Now, for fear of being accused of groping, some are asking for carriages reserved for men as well. Ten shareholders of Seibu Holdings, w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Almost 400 South Koreans have applied to marry a millionairess who advertised for a soulmate but only eight serious-minded applicants will make the final cut, a matchmaking agency said. The 49-year-old woman who is reportedly worth 18 million dollar... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 US President Barack Obama waves to the crowd before giving his inaugural address during the inauguration ceremony in Washington, January 20, 2009. Move aside Brad Pitt. US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to be named... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 A notorious Cambridge University end-of-exams party has lived up to its reputation with students downing excessive amounts of alcohol, collapsing and throwing up. Cambridge University end-of-exams party Suicide Sunday lived up to its reputation with... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Daily Show host Jon Stewart compares Gordon Brown to Britain's Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle. Gordon Brown's profile in America was given an unlikely boost when he was transformed into Susan Boyle on The Daily Show. The Prime Minister bore a stri... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label. A day after fleecing Andorra 6-0, English soccer star David Beckham launched a new underwear campaign for the Giorgio Armani fashion label. Bec... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 (From left): A February 2008 file photo shows then presidential hopeful Barack Obama as he puts on a napkin before eating at Dooky Chase's restaurant in New Orleans. Obama and his wife Michelle are seen eating breakfast at Pamela's diner in Pittsbur... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Credit crunched travelers hoping to dodge transport fares by sticking up their thumbs may be in for a long wait, as a new study shows that only three-quarters of Brits would consider picking up a hitchhiker. The poll of 15,000 motorists, conducted b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 A traditional Japanese wedding at the Meiji shirne in Tokyo, April 27, 2002. It's the wedding season in Japan but instead of opting for a small event in tough times, couples can rent fake family, friends and colleagues to plump up the guest list. Ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Firefighters run in Frankfurt's Trade Fair Tower (Messeturm) during the skyrun in Frankfurt May 24, 2009. Firefighters are the most trusted professionals in Europe and the United States, and politicians the least, with bank employees considerably le... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Susan Boyle was admitted to the Priory after the Britain's Got Talent final suffering from exhaustion. Britains Got Talent star Susan Boyle has been invited to sing for President Barack Obama at the White House as part of Independence Day celebratio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 Japan's bureaucrats may have little to laugh about these days, given opposition charges of misspent tax money, but that has not stopped one ministry offering its officials a unique form of training -- as stand-up comics. More than 100 transport mini... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 India has begun printing pictorial health warnings on cigarette and other tobacco products, including photos of diseased lungs and gums, as part of efforts to cut smoking, officials said Monday. Under the measures, pictures of scorpions (a symbol of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 英国一位刚刚离婚的百万富翁最近组织了一个赶跑信贷危机阴霾比赛,获胜者将能得到他的别墅、跑车和摩托艇。选手只要支付20英镑(约合32.81美元)就可参赛,并有机会赢得价值110万磅的精装修房屋,一部阿斯顿马丁跑车,一艘摩托艇,另外还有8.5万英镑的法律费用。如果不... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 美国八胞胎母亲纳迪娅苏莱曼的律师近日表示,苏莱曼已接拍一档电视真人秀节目,准备将八胞胎和她另外6个孩子的生活搬上电视荧屏。苏莱曼的律师说,苏莱曼已与本部设在荷兰的Eyeworks公司签署了拍片合同,但该公司尚未向任何美国电视台出售节目版权。苏莱曼自己将参与部... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-21 泰坦尼克号沉船的最后一位幸存者米尔维娜迪安5月31日在英国一家养老院去世,享年97岁。泰坦尼克号豪华邮轮1912年在驶往纽约的途中被冰山一角撞沉时,米尔维娜只有两个月大,是船上年龄最小的乘客。当时,她正随父母移民美国堪萨斯。泰坦尼克撞到冰山后,她被装在一条麻... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-01 Disabled pedestrians in Indonesia are required to wear signs identifying them as handicapped under new traffic regulations passed unanimously by parliament Tuesday. Amendments to the Traffic and Transport Law state handicapped pedestrians must wear... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-06-01 Canada's public broadcaster was wrong to show a skit that joked about the possible assassination of US President Barack Obama and suggested he could be a thief, an industry panel ruled on Monday. The New Year's Eve Bye Bye comedy program -- shown b... 阅读全文>>

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