日期:2015-11-19 Beijing's new airport, planned for the city's Daxing District, will be completed by 2040, reported by the Beijing times on Thursday. 《新京报》周四报道,计划建于北京大兴区的新机场将于2040年竣工。 The new airport was designed by Iraq-born British arc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 An Italian company has told staff to refrain from sending any internal emails for a week in an effort to reduce stress levels. 意大利一家公司通知员工在一个星期内不需要发送任何内部邮件,试图以此减轻工作压力。 Home textiles company Gabel, based in the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 My fingers feel as though theyve got frostbite, an abandoned spray can lies on the table and most of my kitchen appears to be dusted in a light frosting of silver. 我的手指好像得了冻疮,一个喷雾器扔在桌上,厨房的大片区域看起来像结了一层银色的轻霜。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-18 An Indian restaurant is set to become the first takeaway in the world to deliver its meals to customers' doorsteps by drone. 一家印度人开的餐馆要成为全球第一个使用无人机将外卖送至客户家门的餐厅。 The Don, in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, will fly... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 Watching your products fly off the shelves is not usually regarded as a problem by most companies. But for the Australian maker of a popular baby milk powder, demand from China is resulting in shortages on domestic shelves and anger among loyal cust... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 President Barack Obama has become the first sitting US president to grace the cover of an LGBT magazine. 贝拉克奥巴马总统成为首位在任期内登上LGBT杂志封面的美国总统。 In a photoshoot and interview for Out Magazine, Obama was named 'Ally of the Year'... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 A college in north-west China has come under fire for asking female students to sign a chastity pledge as part of a course. 中国西北的一所大学在课堂上要求女大学生签贞洁承诺卡被炮轰。 The college, in the city of Xian in Shaanxi province, uses the com... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 It was once the world's largest-known diamond, is worth a reported 100m and is currently part of Britain's crown jewels. 它曾是世界上已知的最大钻石,现在是英国镶嵌在王冠上的御宝之一,据称价值1亿英镑。 But India wants it back. Bollywood stars and bus... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 A sculptor has scaled new heights - by building the world's tallest toothpick model. 一名雕塑家建成了世界最高的牙签模型,攀上事业新高。 Stanley Hayes Munro, 45, from Syracuse, New York, is a toothpick engineer. The former haunted house designer buil... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 While more than half of bosses are skeptical of employees who phone in sick, a new study has revealed what is most likely to earn you the day in bed - and it's not having the sniffles. 虽然超过一半的老板会对员工的病假电话表示怀疑,但一个最新的调查揭... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 An Austrian 85-year-old cut up into tiny pieces almost a million euros ($1.1 million) in an apparent attempt to spite her heirs, authorities said Thursday. 据报道,上周四,奥地利一位85岁老人将近100万欧元(合700多万人民币)剪碎。这显然是为了报复她的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 Britain's first ever fast pedestrian lane has opened in Liverpool city centre - following research that claims 47% of the nation finds slow walking the most annoying aspect of high-street shopping. 英国首个快速步行道在利物浦市中心开通,此前有调查称... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 According to research, the nation's 20-somethings are leaving adult responsibilities like moving out of the family home and getting married until their early 30s, later than any previous generation. 调查表明,英国二十几岁的年轻人将搬出父母家、结婚等... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 Now a fertility doctor has shed a controversial new light on the subject by suggesting they may not have been pregnant in the first place. 近期一位不孕不育科医生爆料称有些女星可能根本就没有怀孕。 Los Angeles-based Dr Vicken Sahakian, who works at th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-15 Once they reach a certain age, lots of women find motherhood exhausting, but not Brooklyn-based Nina Keneally. The 63-year-old still has lots of 'mothering skills' that she's actually more than happy to rent out through a unique service called 'Need... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-13 The population of eastern hoolock gibbons, an endangered species, has increased in southwest China's Yunnan Province, according to a new report. 根据最新报告,中国云南省的濒危物种白眉长臂猿的数量已经增长。 A recent survey found there are no more tha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-13 A drug rehabilitation center in east China's Shangdong Province is using Confucian wisdom to combat drug addiction. 中国华东地区山东省一座戒毒所利用儒家智慧对抗毒瘾。 China Confucius Foundation (CFC) said this week that it has opened its first Confu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-13 The frequency of mobile phone replacement for Chinese consumers is 8-12 months, which means nearly 80 million mobile phones are abandoned every year, as Guangzhou-based news outlet xkb.com.cn reported on Friday. 广州新快网周五报道,中国消费者更换手... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-06 Hunger Games fans may get to find out for themselves if the odds are forever in their favor. 《饥饿游戏》的粉丝将有机会亲自试试看好运是否会永远眷顾自己。 A 100-acre theme park dedicated to the blockbuster movie franchise starring Jennifer Lawrence a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2015-11-06 A new UK passport design was launched Tuesday with tougher security measures - but immediately sparked a sexism row. 英国新版护照的设计图周二发布,安全措施更严格,却立刻引发了一场性别歧视口水战。 Officials say it will be the 'most secure passport ev... 阅读全文>>

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