日期:2015-11-06 Christmas is less than two months away, and little ones are already planning their letters to Santa. 距离圣诞节还有不到两个月了,小孩子们已开始为写给圣诞老人的信打草稿。 But one survey has revealed the weirdest items to turn up on Christmas lists, a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 David Cameron has been ridiculed online after Downing Street was caught photoshopping a fake over-sized poppy onto a picture of the Prime Minister and using it as an official Facebook picture. 人们发现英国首相戴维卡梅伦胸前佩戴罂粟花的一张照片里,那... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 Ten writers and artists in Estonia are to be paid a salary by the state for the next three years to encourage their work, it's been reported. 据报道,未来三年,爱沙尼亚政府将给十位作家和美术家发薪水来鼓励他们的创作。 The ministry of culture in the B... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 A new treatment for suicidal patients in South Korea involves locking them up in wooden coffins. The fake death experience apparently helps students appreciate life better after confronting a simulated version of their last moments. 韩国出现自杀倾向... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 Japanese film-makers have created a robot movie star - by casting an android 'actress' in a lead role. 日本电影制片商选用机器人作为领衔女主演,塑造了一位机器人电影明星。 The robot co-stars alongside a human in the film 'Sayonara' set in the aftermat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 It's the trend that has brought sexy well, back. 现在的性感流行趋势是露背。 Last week the Duchess of Cambridge followed celebrities including Naomi Campbell, Sienna Miller, Cressida Bonas and Emily Blunt by exposing her back - or a bit of it at leas... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-06 If you've ever wondered what makes the perfect selfie, some of the world's most powerful computers have been pondering the same question. 如果你在琢磨怎样自拍更好看,世界上最强大的电脑也在思考着同样的问题。 Researchers have trained a neural network... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-04 Water began flowing once again at Rome's famed Trevi fountain on Tuesday after a 17-month, 2.4 million US dollar restoration. 罗马著名的特莱维喷泉周二重新喷涌,此次恢复工作历时17个月,花费240万美元。 Claudio Parisi Presicce with the City of Rome Sup... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 Born into the age of the flapper, growing up with the frugality of wartime and witnessing the advent of the miniskirt, the Queen has lived through ten different decades of fashion. 生于女性追求无拘无束的上世纪20年代,成长于节俭朴素的二战时期,还见证... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 South Korea's capital, Seoul, has chosen a new slogan to promote the city internationally, but it has left some people confused. 韩国首都首尔近日选用了一个新的宣传标语,以在国际上推广该城市。但这个新标语却令有的人一头雾水。 I.Seoul.U triumphed in a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 Several plastic bags 'deals' have been listed on the auction site since the Government introduced the 5p charge on October 5. 英国政府10月5日出台新规,对塑料袋征收5便士的费用。自那以后,拍卖网站eBay上已出现好几笔出售塑料袋的交易。 One eBay seller is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 Tourists who encounter a language barrier while visiting Japan can now access 24-hour, multilingual phone assistance, it's reported. 有报道称,如今,在日旅游遇到语言障碍的外国游客,可以通过24小时多语言电话翻译服务获得帮助了。 Local authorities have... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 In Grenoble, France, a city known as the capital of the French Alps, a publishing start-up called Short dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 Foreign Minister Julie Bishop says Australians may soon be able to travel without their passports in a world-leading initiative. 澳大利亚外交部部长朱莉毕晓普表示,如果一个全球领先的项目成功实行,可能很快澳洲人民旅行时就无需携带护照了。 The tradition... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-02 In order to help couples squabble more successfully, leading lawyer Jonathan Herring has penned a book called How To Argue. 业内顶尖律师乔纳森赫林写了一部名为《如何讲理》,帮助情侣如何在和另一半争吵时占上风。 In his entertaining, no-holds-barred gui... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-11-01 Major employers including the NHS, BBC and civil service will consider young people's job applications without looking at their names in a bid to end race discrimination. NHS、BBC和政府行政机构等主要的雇主将在不看求职者名字的前提下考虑年轻人的职位申... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-10-28 Is your puss a bit catty, the sort to scratch and hiss when handled? 你的猫是不是有点凶,摸一下就又挠又叫? Then it's likely to be black and white, grey and white or tortoiseshell, say veterinary scientists who believe a cat's fur colour is linked t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-10-27 Angelina Jolie recently admitted that her life with Brad Pitt is far from a fairy tale, and that the Hollywood couple have their problems. 安吉丽娜朱莉近期坦承,她和布拉德皮特的婚姻生活并不像童话故事那么美好,这对好莱坞夫妇也有他们自己的问题。 The 4... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-10-27 Posing alongside Daniel Craig, they are the women who provide the glamour, action and intrigue in the new James Bond film Spectre. 站在丹尼尔克雷格身边一起合影的这些女人就是为詹姆斯邦德系列最新电影《幽灵党》增添魅力、曲折的情节和阴谋诡计的存在。 But... 阅读全文>> 日期:2015-10-27 A restaurant run by prisoners at a tough jail has been voted one of Britain's top 10 fine dining venues. 英国一所防范严密的监狱里的囚犯经营的餐厅被票选为英国十佳就餐场所之一。 The Clink Restaurant, staffed by inmates from Cardiff and Prescoed prison... 阅读全文>> |