日期:2014-01-15 South-east Australia has been hit with extreme hot weather, with temperatures of over 40C in some areas. 澳大利亚东南部地区近日遭遇高温天气,部分地区气温超过40摄氏度。 Australians headed to the beach as temperatures soared In Victoria, lightning str... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-13 A 58-year-old Utah woman is set to give birth in a few weeks -- to her first grandchild. 美国犹他州普洛佛,一名58岁的妇女未来几周内即将产下她的第一个外甥女。 Julia Navarro is serving as a gestational surrogate for her daughter and son-in-law after t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-13 A World War II bomb or mine exploded in a western German town on Friday, killing the driver of a bulldozer and wounding 13 other people, police said. 上周五,一枚二战时遗留的炸弹在德国西部城市爆炸,挖掘机司机当场死亡,另有13人受伤。 The explosion ha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-13 Police in Australia have rescued a naked man who got stuck inside a washing machine while playing a game of hide-and-seek. 澳大利亚的警察近日解救了一名玩捉迷藏时裸身卡在洗衣机里的男人。 The man reportedly hid inside the top-loading machine so he cou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 Unemployment in Europe has recently hit record highs, and although Denmark has been shielded from the eurozone's economic problems thanks to its low public debt, qualified professionals are still finding it tough to get a job. 失业率近期在欧洲屡创新... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 A Canadian woman who fell off a horse and awoke with a Scottish accent is now to write a book about how the bizarre accident changed her life. 一位加拿大女性在遭遇坠马事故后,醒来时说话竟变成了纯正的苏格兰腔调,而她之前从未去过苏格兰。该女子打算写本... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 President Barack Obama is going to give his wife the birthday present that many parents can only dream of - time off, alone, without the children. 奥巴马将送给妻子一份许多母亲梦寐以求的生日礼物无需照顾孩子,继续在夏威夷逍遥度假。 US President Barack... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 The parents of a 16-year-old girl who died after being gang-raped and set on fire in the eastern Indian city of Calcutta have vowed to fight for justice. 一位16岁的印度女孩在东部城市加尔各答被轮奸后又被纵火焚烧,父母发誓要为其讨回公道。 Her father t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 据美国媒体1月9日报道,由于供水管道被冻住,俄亥俄州数万居民遭遇水荒。为此,政府建议居民不要洗衣洗澡,就连冲厕所的次数也要尽量减少。 Officials at Avon Lake Municipal Utilities west of Cleveland said Wednesday that the valves at the plant are caked in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 据美国雅虎新闻网站1月6日报道,一男子在不到一年的时间内,足足减掉59公斤。 In just shy of one year -- he didn't start losing weight until December of 2012 -- Irwin went from 300 pounds to 170. How did he do it? 95% of it was done through nothing but a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 据《今日美国报》1月2日报道,美国芝加哥一户人家当天收到了一份意外的圣诞礼物,寄件人竟是总统奥巴马一家。原来是邮局闹了大乌龙,将第一家庭送给女儿教母的相册寄错了地方。 A Chicago area family received an unexpected belated(迟来的) Christmas present thi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-10 沙特警方透露,1月5日早上2点30分,沙特航空公司的一架飞机在麦地那紧急迫降之后,警方接到目击者电话称在吉达市,有人体遗骸从天而降。 Human body parts fell from the sky in the Saudi city of Jeddah on Sunday, with police saying they could be the remains of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-09 Mexican officials say fishermen have found two conjoined gray whale calves in a lagoon in Baja California. 墨西哥官员称,当地渔民在下加利福尼亚半岛的一处环礁湖发现两头联体灰鲸幼仔。 The two conjoined gray whale calves have been described as exceptio... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-09 The deep freeze that has left people in North America shivering for days, shattering century-old temperature records, is loosening its icy grip. 数日来令北美人民打着寒颤、刷新百年最低气温记录的寒潮已经开始衰退。 The mercury is rising in the US Midwe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-08 Alan Mulally, the chief executive of Ford, has said he will not be leaving the US carmaker to join Microsoft. 福特汽车董事长艾伦穆拉利称,他不会离开福特加入微软。 Mr Mulally said speculation over his future had become a distraction for Ford There ha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-08 Former Venezuelan beauty queen Monica Spear, 29, and her British husband Thomas Berry, 39, have been shot dead in their car in Venezuela. 委内瑞拉前选美王后莫妮卡斯皮尔(29岁)与她的英国丈夫托马斯伯利(39岁)在车中被枪杀。 Catharina Moh reports on t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-08 Weather records have tumbled across North America, as all 50 US states saw freezing temperatures. 一场寒潮横扫北美大陆,美国50个州的气温都显著下降。 The most extreme arctic blasts, blamed on a weather pattern known as the polar vortex, were said to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-05 According to a new survey of the base salaries of software engineers around the country, you don't necessarily have to work at the hottest tech firms to get a high-paying job. 一份对美国各地的软件工程师的基本工资最新调查显示:要想获得一份高薪工作,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-05 A recently opened steakhouse in New York City is offering a New Year's Eve dinner for two for $10,000. 纽约城最近新开的一家牛排餐厅推出万元迎新年天价大餐。 The economy is improving, Jack Sinanaj, the owner of Empire Steak House, said. People come re... 阅读全文>>

日期:2014-01-05 Great responsibilities will rest on his shoulders one day. But in the meantime, Prince William is going back to being a student. The future king starts a ten-week course in agricultural management at Cambridge University next week. 英国剑桥公爵威廉... 阅读全文>>

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