日期:2013-11-12 Apple and Samsung are returning to court in one of the most high-profile patent battles of recent times. 苹果与三星的专利大战将要择日重新开庭。 In August 2012, a jury found Samsung guilty of infringing six Apple patents and awarded one of the larges... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-12 Police in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, have launched an emergency police telephone service for the first time in more than 20 years. 索马里首都摩加迪休的警局20多年来首次开通一部紧急报警电话。 Residents can call the emergency number - 888 - and the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-11 The US is relaxing its rules to allow air passengers to listen to music, play video games and watch films on their phones and tablets during takeoffs and landings. 美国联邦航空局日前出台新规定,航空乘客获准用手机或平板电脑听音乐、玩游戏及看电影,但... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-08 长久以来,提到中国游客人们一定会想到这样的景象:大帮大帮的戴着红色旅游帽的游客从一辆辆吵闹的大巴里蜂拥而出。但如果你现在还是这么想,那就过时了。最近的一份旅游调查报告显示,如今出国旅行的中国游客中有百分之七十都会选择自助游。 Once captive to package... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-08 一位加拿大女演员向我们证明,人不必含着金勺出生也能享受多伦多高级餐厅里最美味的佳肴。这位名叫艾琳沃特斯波恩的吃货正在履行自己的使命,那就是和任何一个能满足她对美食的欲望的大款约会。 Toronto actress uses men for expensive meals and blogs about it Twen... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-07 Police in Brazil have charged Justin Bieber with illegally spraying graffiti in Rio de Janeiro. 巴西警方起诉贾斯丁比伯在里约热内卢非法涂鸦。 The Canadian singer could be fined after pictures appeared in local media to show him painting a wall. Defac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-07 A ban on motorcycle taxis has come into force in Liberia's capital, Monrovia, forcing hundreds of commuters to walk to work. 利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚一项禁摩的令已经开始生效,数以百计的上班族被迫走路上班。 People in Monrovia rely on motorbikes for trans... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-06 Gambian TV talk show host Fatou Camara, who fled to the US after being charged with sedition, has told the BBC she will never go home while President Yahya Jammeh's government is in power. 冈比亚电视节目主持人法托卡马拉,因妨害治安被起诉而逃亡美国。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-06 Iran's Culture Minister, Ali Jannati, has said that social networks should be made accessible to ordinary Iranians. 伊朗文化部长阿里贾纳提称,社交网络应该对平民开放。 Mr Jannati was quoted by the Irna state news agency as singling Facebook out for s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-06 The Italian government has announced it will begin to limit the number of large cruise ships that pass through Venice. 意大利政府宣布将开始限制通过威尼斯的大型游艇的数量。 Environmentalists have protested against the ships in recent years, saying th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-06 Kenya is holding its first commercial auction of East African art in the capital, Nairobi, with 47 works going under the hammer. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕正在举办东非首届艺术品拍卖活动,47件作品将被拍卖。 Piece from artists in Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzani... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 The newly unveiled U.S. Military Working Dog Teams National Monument is seen at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, in San Antonio, Texas October 28, 2013. 为表彰军犬在战时所做的牺牲与贡献,10月28日,美国军方为这些和军人一起出生入死的挚友竖立的首座国家... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 A campaign is being launched to encourage children to surrender 30 minutes of screen time a day to head for the great outdoors. 英国正在发起一个活动,鼓励孩子们每天用半个小时的上网时间去参加户外活动。 The newly formed Wild Network a collaboration of... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 Human rights campaigners are outraged at a video that has surfaced from Saudi Arabia of an Asian man being severely beaten by a Saudi man, allegedly for looking at his wife. 从沙特阿拉伯传出的一段视频令人权活动家义愤填膺。视频记录了一名沙特男子狠狠... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 Almost one in five drivers have dozed off behind the wheel, a shocking new report has revealed. 一份报告称,近1/5的汽车司机曾在开车时打瞌睡。 Of those who were nodding off, a worrying three in ten (29 per cent) have done so on the motorway doing spe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 The Prince of Wales is in no rush to become king because he fears being monarch will be a form of prison, according to one of his officials. 据威尔士亲王的一名随从说,威尔士亲王并不急于成为国王,因为他担心王位将是一座牢笼。 The unnamed individual is... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 A 90-year-old Holocaust survivor will make his orchestral debut with renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma on Tuesday to benefit a foundation dedicated to preserving the work of artists and musicians killed by the Nazis. 一名90岁的纳粹大屠杀幸存者当天在波士顿交... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-03 据美国《华盛顿邮报》报道,英国皇室发布了一张庆祝乔治王子洗礼的罕见照片。从照片上看,四代王室成员都聚集在一起。 Britain's monarchy has released a rare photo celebrating the christening(洗礼) of Prince George that shows four generations of royals ga... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-11-02 French authorities are warning of a rabies threat after a cat died of the disease, previously thought to have been eliminated from the country. 法国当局警告民众警惕狂犬病,因为一只猫不久前死于该... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-31 New York City Council has voted to raise the minimum age for buying cigarettes from 18 to 21. 纽约市议会投票决定将购买香烟的最低年龄从18岁提升至21岁。 New York will now become by far the most populous place in the US to impose such a high age limit,... 阅读全文>>

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