日期:2013-10-31 Google has expressed outrage following a report that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has hacked its data links. 有报道称美国国家安全局入侵了谷歌的数据链,谷歌对此表示愤怒。 An executive at Google said it was not aware of the alleged activity,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-30 One of the world's most valuable collections of jewels has gone on show in an unprecedented exhibition. 世界上最贵重的珠宝收藏之一在一场空前的展览中展出。 The necklace of San Gennaro is considered one of the most precious items of jewellery in the w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-30 At least 42 people have died after the luxury bus they were travelling in caught fire in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh, police said. 印度南部安得拉邦一辆豪华公共汽车在行驶途中失火,至少42人丧生。 The bus, carrying more than 50 passengers,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-29 A Texas judge has said abortion restrictions passed by the state's legislature are unconstitutional. 美国德克萨斯州一名法官称,州立法机构通过的流产限令是违反宪法的。 District Judge Lee Yeakel ruled that the new regulations violated doctors' rights a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-29 A railway tunnel underneath the Bosphorus Strait is due to open in Turkey, creating a new link between the Asian and European shores of Istanbul. 土耳其将在普鲁斯海峡开通一条铁路隧道,该隧道将开辟一条连接亚洲、欧洲的新通道。 Turkey's Prime Minister... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-28 McDonald's has said it is to stop serving Heinz ketchup in its stores after 40 years. 麦当劳旗下所有连锁店将停止供应亨氏番茄酱,该品牌番茄酱已在麦当劳销售40年。 McDonald's uses Heinz ketchup more outside the US than at home The world's biggest fast-... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-28 US singer and former Velvet Underground frontman Lou Reed has died at the age of 71. 美国歌手、地下丝绒乐队前主唱卢里德逝世,时年71岁。 Known for tracks including Perfect Day and Walk on the Wild Side, Reed was considered one of the most influential... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 在过去的20年里一名有着4个孩子的母亲Tracy Kenny因为穿鞋过敏一直没有工作。而这20年里她一直领取着政府的残疾人生活津贴,总额累积达10万磅。不过最近该女子被告知她的津贴将被砍掉了,因为政府认为她适合工作了。 A mother-of-four claimed 100,000 in benefits say... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 为了应对交通事故频发以及司机不遵守交通规则等问题,西非国家塞拉利昂近期推出新政,要求申请驾照人员在考试之前须先将一款名为驾车者之路的定制桌游玩通关。这款桌游中的骰子设计成了交通信号灯的颜色,玩家根据每次掷出的颜色来决定手中的车辆如何行进;另外游戏还... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 According to the latest Gallup survey, 58 percent of Americans favor legalizing marijuana for recreational use. 据权威调查机构盖洛普公司发布的一份最新民调结果显示,高达58%的美国民众支持将休闲娱乐用大麻合法化。 Gallup says the poll culminates a year... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 The position of secretary or personal assistant used to be the preserve of efficient and capable women, loyal foot soldiers with no eye on the boss's job but now men are muscling their way in. Hold my calls, Mr Jones is becoming the new norm. 过去,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 Silvio Berlusconi should pay his estranged wife, Veronica Lario, half the amount of money originally ordered by judges, an Italian court has said. 意大利一家法院裁定,意大利前总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼须每月向前妻维罗妮卡拉里奥支付140万欧元,而此前的离... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 As one of the few German women who has been on the board of a major company, Regine Stachelhaus wants the country's women to stop leaving work when they have kids. 雷吉娜施塔赫尔豪斯是德国一家重要公司董事会中少数女性之一,她希望德国女性同胞不要因为... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 A White House national security official was fired last week after being caught as the mystery Tweeter who has been tormenting the foreign policy community with insulting comments and revealing internal Obama administration information for over two... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 Steve Jobs believed he was a reincarnated second world war fighter pilot and his early success turned him into a demon, according to a new memoir by his former girlfriend and the mother of his eldest child. 据史蒂夫乔布斯的前女友,也是他第一个孩子的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-25 French mayors and their deputies cannot invoke their freedom of conscience to refuse to perform same-sex marriages that Paris legalized last May, the country's Constitutional Council ruled on Friday. 法国宪法委员会10月18日裁定,法国内政部警告公务人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-24 Samsung Electronics has apologised to Chinese consumers after a report carried on China's state TV claimed some of its phones were malfunctioning. 中国中央电视台报道,部分三星手机出现使用故障,三星电子因此向中国消费者致歉。 The report alleged the ph... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-24 A 13-year-old boy carrying a replica assault rifle has been shot dead by police in the US state of California. 美国加利福尼亚州一名13岁男孩因携带一把仿真冲锋枪而被警察击毙。 The replica gun resembled an AK-47, experts said Officers in the city of Sa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-23 The dome atop the US Capitol building will undergo an extensive two-year renovation to repair more than 1,000 cracks, officials have said. 美国国会大楼上的圆屋顶将要经历长达两年的翻新,已修复1000多处裂缝。 The Capitol dome will be covered in scaffol... 阅读全文>>

日期:2013-10-23 New Zealand's postal service is set to reduce the frequency of its basic deliveries, as customers increasingly turn to electronic communication. 因客户逐渐转用电子通信技术,新西兰邮政服务将减少基本投递的频率。 In an agreement with the government, si... 阅读全文>>

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