日期:2013-08-30 Police seized a painting of Russia's president and prime minister in women's underwear from a gallery in St Petersburg, saying the satirical display had broken unspecified laws. 俄罗斯警方日前在圣彼得堡一家博物馆没收了几件展品,其中包括酷似普京和梅... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-30 英国利兹一位自由从业的商人因饱受各种推销电话的骚扰,于2011年11月花10英镑为自家办理了一个收费声讯号码,拨打这个号码每分钟收费10便士,而他可以从中分得7便士。他表示,到目前为止,这个号码已经为他带来了300英镑的收入,而他每个月接到的推销电话也从之前的二... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-30 新加坡航空旗下廉价航空公司酷航最近宣布在客机上设立静区,禁止12岁以下儿童在该区域就座,以便让该区域的乘客享有相对安静的乘机体验,乘客需额外支付14美元才可选择该区域的座位。 Scoot Airlines - a subsidiary(子公司,附属机构) of Singapore Airlines - anno... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-28 The New York Times website has gone offline for the second time this month after what the company described as a malicious external attack. 《纽约时报》官网本月第二次脱机,该公司将此次事件说成是恶意的外部攻击。 On its Facebook page, the Times said i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-28 Wal-Mart, the largest private sector US employer, is to offer health insurance to the same-sex partners of its staff. 沃尔玛,美国最大的私营企业,将向其同性情侣员工提供健康保险。 The world's largest retailer has about 1.3 million staff in the US, al... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-28 A commercial building has collapsed in a suburb of the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo, killing at least seven people and injuring many more, officials say. 巴西城市圣保罗郊区一座商业建筑突然坍塌,造成至少7人死亡、相当多的人受伤。 Rescue workers have be... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-28 The debt-hit Spanish town of Bunol - world-renowned for its tomato-throwing Tomatina festival - is to charge entry for the first time. 饱受债务困扰的西班牙小镇布尼奥尔因西红柿大战而举世闻名将首次实行进入收费制。 Tourists around the world flock to th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-25 U.S. officials say the documents show that intelligence collection programs that inadvertently intrude on Americans' privacy are found and fixed. 美国官员称,美国安全局的情报收集计划侵犯美国人隐私权的证据已被发现。 But they also appear to raise new... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-25 Michaela Cross, an American student at the University of Chicago, has written a powerful account of her study abroad trip to India last year, during which she says she experienced relentless sexual harassment, groping and worse. 美国芝加哥大学学生米... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-25 A Saudi man weighing 1,345 pounds was airlifted to a hospital in Riyadh Monday, Reuters reports, a process that required a forklift and the partial demolition of his house. 英国媒体报道,沙特政府多部门联动,在8月19日将一名体重1345磅(约610公斤)、不... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-25 美剧《越狱》男主温特沃斯米勒日前在同性恋者反诋毁联盟网站上发表公开信,拒绝了俄罗斯圣彼得堡国际电影节官方邀请,同时承认了自己的同性恋身份,正式出柜。41岁的米勒说:我对俄罗斯政府目前对待男女同性恋者的态度深表忧虑,同性恋者在俄罗斯的境遇是完全无法接受... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-25 美国马里兰大学东海岸分校日前宣布,他们将花费6万美元为本校教师购置有防弹功能的书写板,以应对可能发生的暴力袭击事件。该校此次购置的防弹书写板大小约为46*51厘米,每个售价299美元,有粉、蓝、绿三种颜色,平时可用作上课时的书写板,遇到袭击时可以帮助教师挡子... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-24 The US soldier who murdered 16 Afghan villagers last year has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 杀害16名阿富汗村民的美国士兵被判终生监禁,不得假释。 Staff Sgt Robert Bales, 40, opened fire on men, children and women... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-24 A riot at a jail in eastern Bolivia has left at least 29 people dead and more than 50 injured, officials say. 玻利维亚东部一座监狱发生暴乱,至少29人丧生、50多人受伤。 The head of police, Alberto Jorge Aracena, said many of the bodies had been badly... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-24 More than 800 firefighters in Portugal are tackling big wildfires in Serra do Caramulo, a hilly central region. 葡萄牙中部山区发生严重森林大火,800多名消防员正全力灭火。 A water-bombing plane went into action near Vouzela on Friday France and Spain... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-24 A huge California wildfire has burned into Yosemite National Park, park officials say. 加利福尼亚州一场森林大火已经蔓延至约塞米蒂国家公园。 The week-old Rim Fire grew to 164 sq miles (424 sq km) by Friday morning, and had burned 17 sq miles at the e... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-23 More than 300,000 people across Sudan have been affected by floods that have killed nearly 50 people in August, the World Health Organization has said. 世界卫生组织称,八月份苏丹有30多万人受到洪灾影响,其中死亡近50人。 The region around the capital... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-23 UN agencies say the number of children forced to flee Syria has reached one million, describing the figure as a shameful milestone. 联合国某机构称,逃离叙利亚的儿童已达100万,这个数字是一个可耻的里程碑。 The UN's refugee agency and Unicef say a furt... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-22 A 15-year-old girl who was sentenced to 100 lashes for engaging in premarital sex has had her punishment overturned by a Maldives court. 马尔代夫一名15岁少女因婚前性行为被判鞭笞100次,不过该判决近期被最高法院推翻。 The High Court ruled on Wednesday... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-21 Angela Merkel has laid a wreath at the former Nazi concentration camp of Dachau, in the first such visit to the site by a German chancellor. 安吉拉默克尔在前达豪纳粹集中营献上一个花环,这是德国总理首次拜访此地。 Angela Merkel said she wanted her vis... 阅读全文>> |