日期:2013-08-08 A dead shark has been discovered on the subway in New York City, transport officials have confirmed. 纽约地铁内发现一只死鲨鱼,交通官员已证实此消息属实。 The unlikely passenger, about 1.2m long, was found under a row of seats on a Queens-bound train... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-08 A suspected Togolese ivory smuggler has been arrested in the capital, Lome. 多哥一名象牙走私嫌疑犯在首都洛美被捕。 He was detained after 700kg of ivory was found at his shop by an anti-trafficking squad. The BBC's Blame Ekoue says Mr N'bouke, known... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-08 Two British women have had acid thrown in their faces on the east African island of Zanzibar, police have said. 在非洲桑给巴尔岛上,两名英国女性的脸部被泼酸液。 The pair, both reportedly aged 18, were believed to be working as charity volunteers on... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-08 Some international flights have landed at Nairobi's international airport a day after fire gutted the arrivals hall, causing serious disruption. 内罗毕国际机场某些国际航班已经可以降落,前一天到达大厅发生大火,造成严重破坏。 A plane from London was t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-07 Seventeen people have been killed in a clash between rival drug gangs in Honduras, chief prosecutor Roberto Ramirez has said. 洪都拉斯两个贩毒团伙之间发生冲突,17人被杀。 The shootout happened in La Mosquitia, a remote region on Honduras' Atlantic c... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-07 A huge fire has broken out at the main international airport in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕国际机场发生重大火灾。 The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) said Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) had been closed and passengers eva... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-05 Same sex couples will be allowed to apply to marry in Uruguay from Monday, nearly four months after a bill was approved by the country's Congress. 本周一开始乌拉圭的同性情侣可以申请结婚,此时距国会通过该法案已将近四个月时间。 President Jose Mujica s... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 Just over a month after Rupert Murdoch surprised his wife of 14 years with divorce papers, Wendi Murdoch has switched lawyers, a move signaling that the separation could take an acrimonious turn. 一个月前,传媒大亨鲁珀特默多克突然向与他结婚14年的妻... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 President Obama will host Hillary Rodham Clinton, his one-time campaign foe who later served as his secretary of state, at lunch Monday at the White House. 美国总统奥巴马将于当地时间29日与前国务卿希拉里克林顿在白宫共进午餐。 Obama and Clinton will m... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 The mayor of San Diego, California, has said he will attend behaviour counselling amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment. 美国加州圣迭戈市市长鲍勃菲尔纳(Bob Filner)日前被多名女性指控性骚扰,他宣布将接受行为辅导。 Bob Filner: I hope to be i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 澳大利亚布里斯班一名21岁的女子在网上求购苹果公司的iPhone手机,可是跟卖家完成交易后打开包装盒才发现里面是两个青苹果。 An Australian woman who paid 800 for two new Apple iPhones lost her money when she opened the boxes - and found two real green apple... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 英国一家教会中学禁止女生穿裙子,称女生裙子太短,显得不淑女。该校也由此成为英国第一所禁止13岁以下女生穿裙子的学校。 A school is banning female students as young as nine from wearing skirts deeming them unladylike as they are too short. Walkwood Churc... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 在过去八年中,红宝石和蓝宝石的价格增长速度超过了钻石,这一现象反映出彩色宝石在全球日益流行的趋势。究其原因,一方面可能是受到安吉丽娜朱莉和凯特王妃等名人的影响;而另一个重要的原因,或许因为彩色宝石的价格相对低廉,人们可以承受得起。 Sapphires have riv... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-02 南非厨师阿尔伯特在新西兰一家餐馆工作了六年,如今因为太胖在更新工作签证时被拒,面临被驱逐。新西兰移民局官员称,阿尔伯特体重130公斤,不符合可接受的健康标准,这样的体重可能导致糖尿... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-01 Honduras has declared a state of emergency after an outbreak of dengue fever which has killed 16 people so far this year. 洪都拉斯爆发了一波登革热感染,政府宣布进入紧急状态,今年此次感染至今已造成16人死亡。 More than 12,000 people have been diagnose... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-08-01 The conservation group WWF is calling on a UK-based company to abandon its plans to explore for oil in Africa's oldest national park. 世界野生动物基金呼吁一家英国公司放弃在非洲最古老的国家公园开采石油的计划。 The charity says Soco International's pr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-07-31 South Africa's former President Nelson Mandela, who has been in hospital since 8 June with a recurring lung infection, continues to show improvement, a government statement says. 南非政府发表生命,称前总统纳尔逊曼德拉身体持续呈现恢复状态。曼德拉6月8... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-07-31 Temperatures in parts of China have hit record highs, prompting an emergency level-two nationwide heat alert for the first time. 中国部分地区低温创历史新高,政府首次发布全国2级高温预警。 In Shanghai, at least 10 people have died from heatstroke, as... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-07-31 A university student in the US city of San Diego has received $4.1m from the US government after he was abandoned for more than four days in a prison cell, his lawyer said. 美国城市圣地亚哥的一位大学生被困在一间牢房之中超过4天,他因此获得美国政府410... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-07-28 New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner has admitted sending explicit messages to a woman, two years after he left Congress over a similar affair. 两年前由于猥亵照事件离开美国国会的前议员安东尼韦纳,作为下届纽约市长的热门人选,近日又爆出了艳照门。... 阅读全文>> |