日期:2013-06-11 世界小姐组织近日表示,将在印度尼西亚举办的2013年世界小姐大赛将取消传统的比基尼展示环节,130多位参赛选手将改穿印尼当地特色的海滩纱笼进行展示。组织方表示,这一决定是为了尊重印尼当地的传统习俗和价值观。 Miss World has axed the famed bikinis from this y... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-11 英国保守党议员组成的自由企业组织近期提出一项以市场为导向的移民体系改革提案,建议英国政府将居住和工作签证拿出来拍卖,卖给竞价最高的个人和企业,这样才能确保进入英国的都是能为英国经济做出贡献的人,同时保证英国的国际竞争力。 Visas to live and work in Br... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-08 The fourth in line to Sweden's throne, Princess Madeleine, is set to marry US-British businessman Christopher O'Neill in a ceremony in Stockholm on Saturday. 瑞典王位第四顺位继承人,玛德琳公主将于周六在斯德哥尔摩与美籍英国商人克里斯多夫奥尼尔举行婚... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-08 Hungarians have been warned to prepare for their country's worst floods ever as the Danube is set to reach record levels this weekend. 匈牙利人正在为该国历史上最严重的洪灾做准备,本周末多瑙河将达到最高水位。 We are facing the worst floods of all tim... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-08 Nelson Mandela has been admitted to hospital with a lung infection. 纳尔逊曼德拉因肺部感染住院。 The former South African president is in a serious but stable condition, a spokesman for the current President, Jacob Zuma, says. Mr Mandela, 94, has be... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-06 French unemployment rose to 10.8% in the first quarter of the year - its highest level since 1998, official estimates have shown. 2013第一季度法国失业率攀升至10.8%,这是自1998年以来的最高记录。 The jobless rate grew from 10.5% in the last quarter of... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-06 Radioactive water is leaking from a storage tank at Japan's Fukushima plant, its operator says. 日本福岛核电站的一座储水罐正在向外渗漏放射性污水。 Nuclear plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said a worker discovered the leak on Wedne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-06 Malnutrition is responsible for 45% of the global deaths of children under the age of five, research published in the Lancet medical journal suggests. 医学期刊《柳叶刀》上发表的一篇研究称,全球低于五岁的儿童死亡案例中45%是由于营养不良。 Poor nutriti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-05 Chrysler is refusing a request by the US government to recall 2.7 million Jeeps. 克莱斯勒拒绝了美国政府发出的召回270万辆吉普的请求。 Chrysler says its Jeeps are safe and a recall is not necessary The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (N... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-02 While tour operators and department stores from New York to Paris court Chinese visitors to boost their coffers, one of the country's top leaders has warned that ill-behaved tourists are damaging the national image. 从纽约到巴黎,各旅行社和百货公司... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-02 President Barack Obama, who has had to deal with public comments from past girlfriends, now has to endure pictures from his high school prom night in 1979, back when the future president was 17 years old. 据美国媒体5月23日报道,美国总统贝拉克奥巴马... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-02 美国调查机构皮尤最近的一项调查显示,美国有孩子的家庭中有四成家庭的主要或唯一经济收入来自于孩子的母亲。这其中37%为收入比丈夫高的已婚女性,另外63%为单亲妈妈。 Mothers are increasingly the primary breadwinners in their families, a new report has found,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-02 爱尔兰政府将推出控烟新举措,所有香烟产品将使用统一标志和朴素包装,凡是在爱尔兰销售的香烟产品,其包装上均不得出现商标和品牌标志。爱尔兰也将由此成为欧盟首个禁止香烟包装上出现品牌标志的国家。 Ireland is to become the first country in the European Union... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-06-02 德国铁路公司计划于近期在各铁路站点区域试飞配备了红外相机的无人机,用以监控各区内公物在夜间被涂鸦或损毁的情况,并收集相关证据以便对破坏者进行处罚。 Germany's national railway company, Deutsche Bahn, plans to test small drones to try to reduce the amo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-31 Surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has recovered enough to walk, his mother says. 波士顿马拉松爆炸案幸存的疑犯焦哈尔杜达耶夫伤势已恢复,现在可以下地行走。 In an interview for the Associated Press, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva said her... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-29 A patient infected with the novel coronavirus has died in France, according to the health ministry. 一名感染新型冠状病毒的患者在法国逝世。 The virus, which is similar to those which cause Sars and the common cold, emerged last year. Out of 44 confir... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-29 The government of Cuba has said it will soon expand public access to the internet, although it will maintain restrictions for access at home. 古巴政府宣布即将向公众开放因特网,不过仍然禁止民众在家中上网。 It said that 118 internet points would be se... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-29 Ethiopia has started diverting a stretch of the Blue Nile to make way for a $4.7bn hydroelectric dam that has caused a dispute with countries downstream, state media say. 埃塞俄比亚已开始转移青尼罗河河道,为一座价值47亿美元的水电站大坝做准备,此举引... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-29 Kenyan MPs have voted to raise their salaries in defiance of proposals to cut pay. 肯尼亚国会议员不顾反对,投票通过了加薪决议。 The vote suggests a monthly salary of about $10,000 (6,540). The average annual salary in Kenya is about $1,700. Presiden... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-05-28 New York City has launched the first phase of its bike-share programme 10 months after it was scheduled to start. 纽约城启动自行车分享项目第一期,该项目距计划启动日期已有10个月之久。 The scheme placed 6,000 bikes at 333 stations in the boroughs(区... 阅读全文>> |