日期:2013-03-24 At least 28% of South African schoolgirls are HIV positive compared with 4% of boys because sugar daddies are exploiting them, Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has said. 南非卫生部长亚伦莫特索亚雷迪近日表示,至少28%的南非在校女生携带艾滋病病毒,在校... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-24 Prime Minister David Cameron has warned his Conservative lawmakers not to air their grievances about the party's dismal poll ratings and his leadership on Twitter, reports said Wednesday. 根据本周三的报道,英国首相大卫-卡梅伦提醒保守党议员称,不要在... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-24 因报道称莫斯科一些救护车经内部改装后以高价出租为商务人士提供出行服务,莫斯科警方将于近期对救护车开展专项检查。 Police in Moscow are to carry out special checks on ambulances after reports that emergency vehicles have been fitted with plush(豪华的)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-24 英国大专院校招生服务机构负责人表示,申请大学学位课程的男生比例下降或让男生在教育方面处于弱势地位,从而影响其社会生存状况,因为大学毕业生的收入通常都高于未接受高等教育的普通员工。 UK universities are setting targets to recruit more men as male studen... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-24 美国一位法官近日裁定美国联邦调查局(FBI)向电信公司发国家安全信函要求获取用户信息的行为违背宪法,要求其停止该行为。 Credo Mobile speaks out after judge orders US government to stop issuing 'national security letters' to access citizens' data. The Ca... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-19 Former world number one golfer Tiger Woods and US Olympic skiing champion Lindsey Vonn have announced that they are dating. 前世界第一高尔夫球手老虎伍兹与美国奥运会滑雪冠军林赛沃恩宣布他们正在约会。 The couple posted photos of themselves together on... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-19 At least 16 people have been killed in landslides in a mountainous area north of Rio de Janeiro, after heavy rains. 暴雨过后,里约热内卢北部一处山区发生山体滑坡,至少16人死亡。 The landslide destroyed houses in Petropolis, north of Rio de Janeiro Th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-18 A man in the US state of Maryland has died of rabies, which he contracted from an infected kidney transplant more than a year ago, health officials say. 美国马里兰州一名男子死于狂犬病,该病感染于一年多前的一次肾移植手术。 The early March death has l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-18 Police in India's Madhya Pradesh state say they have arrested six people in connection with the gang rape of a Swiss tourist. 印度中央邦警察逮捕了六名涉嫌轮奸一位瑞士游客的嫌疑犯。 The accused will be presented before a magistrate(地方法官) on Mon... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-18 Two inmates have made a daring escape from a prison in Canada by climbing up a rope into a hovering helicopter. 加拿大某监狱两名囚犯通过绳索爬上一架悬停直升机,冒险越狱。 Officials at the St-Jerome prison, near Montreal, said the inmates fled at abo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-15 今年是伊拉克战争爆发十周年,英国一家调查公司对1684名英国成年人进行的在线调查显示,超过半数的人认为英国参与伊拉克战争是错误的,另有超过五分之一的人认为前首相托尼布莱尔应该以战争罪被审判。 More than half the British public believe the decision to inva... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-14 For the fourth time in the past month, a Bulgarian has set fire to himself. 一位保加利亚人点火自焚,这是最近一个月以来的第四起自焚事件。 The man, 52, threw petrol over himself outside the presidential palace in Sofia, police said. Security guards ex... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-14 The acting president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro has said it is highly unlikely that the body of the former president Hugo Chavez will be embalmed. 委内瑞拉代总统尼古拉斯马杜罗称,前总统乌戈查韦斯的遗体很可能不会被防腐处理。 Earlier, Mr Maduro had... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-12 At least 51 people have died after drinking tainted homemade alcohol in Tripoli, Libyan health officials say. 利比亚卫生管员称,的黎波里至少有51人在喝下自家酿造的酒之后死亡。 They say 378 have been taken to the capital's hospitals since Saturday, an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-12 Five Americans from Nato-led foreign forces in Afghanistan have died in a helicopter crash, a US official says. 一位美国官员称,属于北约领导的外国军队的五位美国人在阿富汗一场直升机坠机事故中丧生。 The crash took place in Daman district of Kandahar p... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 The tsunami that engulfed northeastern Japan two years ago has left some survivors believing they are seeing ghosts. 在两年前发生那场席卷日本东北部的海啸后,现在一些幸存者认为自己能看到鬼魂。 In a society wary of admitting to mental problems, many a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 Ikea has recalled thousands of cakes from its stores in 23 countries after Chinese authorities identified high levels of bacteria normally found in human and animal waste. 宜家从23个国家的连锁店召回了数千个蛋糕,因为中国当局在宜家蛋糕中发现了大量人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 First lady Michelle Obama knows she has star power, and she has used it for four years to champion her causes of fighting childhood obesity and helping military families. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马知道自己拥有明星影响力,在过去四年中她一直利用自己的这... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-10 Tehran, the capital of Iran, is battling an invasion of genetically mutated giant rats. Iran has sent in sniper teams to clear Tehran's streets of the massive rodents weighting up to five kilos plaguing 26 districts of the Iranian capital, the city'... 阅读全文>> 日期:2013-03-08 South Korean phone-maker Samsung has lost another patent fight against rival Apple, in the UK High Court. 韩国手机生产商三星在英国最高法院输掉了又一场与苹果的专利官司。 Samsung had said technology used in Apple products to allow phones to send and r... 阅读全文>> |