日期:2014-02-20 Bless them. Bless their cold, dark hearts. 祝福他们,祝福他们冰冷,黑暗的心。 In what might be the greatest-ever Valentine's Day prank, a group of Shanghai singles purchased every odd-numbered seat for a Feb. 14 showing of Beijing Love Story. Their... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-20 The government says undergraduate numbers have 'returned to record levels'. There was a 17% fall in the number of first year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, official figures show. 英国政府表示本科生数量降... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-20 The world's wealthiest man Bill Gates would still pick up a $100 bill on the street, but he has no tips about how to get by on less than $100,000 a year. 世界首富比尔盖茨参加了一个社交新闻网站举办的随便问活动,在线回答网友提问。如果地上有100块钱,你... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-20 近日,斯里兰卡官方标识和文件的泰米尔语译文出现翻译错误,其中之一是一条孕妇专座的标识,斯里兰卡语和英语均正确,但是泰米尔语却错译为母狗专座。政府为此致歉。 Sri Lanka's government has apologised for errors in translating official notices and documents... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-20 英国《每日邮报》网站报道,2月14日,威廉和哈里王子前往洪水危机前线,投身抗洪救灾工作。 Princes William and Harry today joined the flood relief effort by helping soldiers to lay sandbags in Datchet. The brothers secretly joined members of Harry's Hous... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-16 Shirley Temple Black, who was one of the most iconic child stars of the 20th century, has died. She was 85. 20世纪最著名的童星秀兰邓波儿布莱克与世长辞,享年85岁。 The dimpled actress found fame at the height of the Great Depression in movies includi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-16 She really did stand by her man. As a sex scandal threatened Bill Clinton's presidency, Hillary Clinton defended him despite his tryst with Monica Lewinsky -- blaming the young intern, the President's enemies and herself, according to the writings o... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-16 The White House has discreetly destroyed hundreds of embossed invitations to a state dinner honouring Franois Hollande because they included a reference to his now former partner. 法国总统奥朗德1月底宣布与第一女友瓦莱丽分手,而白宫在此前就为他本月的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-16 春节过后肚腩见长,想要减肥却没有动力?不妨试试最新的减肥利器人体脂肪模型。 A website has begun selling a single pound of human fat to anyone considering a second helping of bacon(腌肉) at breakfast. This stomach churning product may look like the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-16 英国奢侈品零售网站VeryFirstTo对外发布了史上最昂贵的情人节晚餐,由英国米其林星级饭店颠勺儿的厨师Adam Simmonds亲自上门为情侣们烹饪,八道菜品的价格需要6.1万欧元,即99478.80美元。 Going out for dinner on Valentine's Day can cost you more than you are re... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-15 据《纽约每日新闻网》2月8日报道,6日晚间,美国亚拉巴马州伯明翰市的一家中餐馆险些发生人命案。 The owner of an Alabama Chinese restaurant named Good Friend allegedly shot at a customer who complained about a bug in her eggroll Thursday night. The bulle... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-15 一项最新调查揭示,英国男士心目中的完美女友身高5英尺5英寸,是曼联队的粉丝,说话还带有爱尔兰口音。当问及哪位明星最接近他们心目中的完美女友时,凯莉布鲁克、谢丽尔科尔和杰西卡恩妮斯呼声最高。 A new poll has revealed the perfect girlfriend - she is 5ft 5i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-14 A US federal judge in Virginia has ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. 美国弗吉尼亚州一位联邦法官做出裁决,该州禁止同性婚姻的做法是违反宪法的。 It is the first time that a southern state has had a voter-approved proh... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-13 An Australian man who killed a great white shark by ramming it with his boat and beating it with a pole has been fined A$18,000. 澳大利亚一名男子用船撞击一头大白鲨并用棍子击打它,造成鲨鱼死亡,该男子被罚款1.8万澳元。 The shark was injured by the boa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-13 A huge winter storm is affecting the densely populated US north-east, after wreaking havoc in the South. 一场强烈的冬季风暴在美国南部造成严重破坏之后,继续肆虐人口稠密的东北部地区。 Across the typically mild South, more than half a million homes and... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-11 At least 200 people have been evacuated after a fire broke out at an apartment block in the French ski resort of Val d'Isere, local media report. 法国瓦迪塞滑雪场一座公寓楼发生火灾,至少200人被疏散。 A woman in her 60s was reported to be gravely inj... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-11 An Afghan girl has been diagnosed with polio in Kabul - the capital's first case since the Taliban's fall in 2001. 阿富汗首都喀布尔一位女童被确诊患上小儿麻痹症,这是2001年塔利班倒台以来的首例病例。 The health ministry ordered a vaccination campaign... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-08 The US Secret Service has arrested a man who tried to climb over the White House fence, leading to a security lockdown. 美国特勤处逮捕了一名男子,该男子试图翻越白宫围栏,引起一场安全封锁。 The unidentified would-be intruder(入侵者) was carrying tw... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-08 A severe snow storm warning has been issued in the Japanese capital, Tokyo, with residents urged to stay indoors. 日本首都东京将迎来一场强暴风雪,当局建议市民待在家中不要出门。 Forecasters have warned that more heavy snow is expected throughout Satu... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-07 FRANCOIS Hollande had hoped to draw a line under the scandal plunging his presidency into farce when he phoned the French state news agency to announce his separation from Valerie Trierweiler. 弗朗索瓦奥朗德本希望通过法国国家通讯社电话宣布他和瓦莱丽... 阅读全文>> |