日期:2014-02-07 Sales of crime novel The Cuckoo's Calling have rocketed since its author Robert Galbraith was unmasked as JK Rowling, according to The Bookseller. 据英国书商周刊报道,自犯罪小说《布谷鸟在呼唤》的作者罗伯特加尔布雷斯被披露其真实身份为JK罗琳之后,该书... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-07 Hillary Rodham Clinton admitted she hasn't driven a car since her husband's first term. 有望在2016年角逐美国总统宝座的希拉里坦言她已近20年没有开过车。 The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996, Clinton said Monday in remarks to the Nation... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-02-07 英国一项调查发现,有超半数的男性现在出门会带包,不过是男式包包,包内物品价值至少为900英镑。这些日渐时尚的男式包包向世界宣告都市型男时代的到来。 Handbags are no longer seen as a female-only accessory(配件,附件) after a survey found men are choosin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-28 South Africa's government has ordered sculptors to remove a bronze rabbit they hid in the ear of a Nelson Mandela statue, unveiled after the former president's death last month. 南非政府要求雕塑家移除暗藏在南非前总统曼德拉雕像耳朵中的铜兔。 The stat... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-28 Migrants to the UK are to be quizzed about their English skills before being able to claim income-related benefits, the government has announced. 英国政府发表声明:英国的移民在获得与收入相关的津贴之前需要通过英语能力测试。 In a move to protect the i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-27 Sherlock has become a global phenomenon, but nowhere more than in China, which was one of the first countries where the new season was shown. 夏洛克已经在全球掀起了一股热潮,而其在中国的热度更是高于其他国家。中国是该剧同步首播的几个国家之一。 Online... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-26 With a majority of Americans now in favor marijuana legalization, President Barack Obama is now saying weed is no more dangerous to individuals' health than alcohol. 日前,美国总统奥巴马接受《纽约客》杂志专访,坦然提起自己年轻时曾吸食大麻的过往,并... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-26 About 100,000 bats have fallen from the sky and died during a heatwave in Australia that has left the trees and earth littered with dead creatures. 澳大利亚的酷热天气导致10万只蝙蝠从天上掉落死亡,树上和地上到处散落着蝙蝠的尸体。 In scenes likened to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-26 A LEADING American divorce mediator will visit Washington this week to offer members of Congress advice on ending the tiresome bickering between Republicans and Democrats. 美国一八卦小报近日扔出重磅炸弹,称第一夫妇的婚姻破裂。 If US tabloids are to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-26 The 31 year old redhead launched her line of casual clothes at a show in the Turkish resort of Antalya. 俄罗斯一名31岁的红发前女间谍在土耳其度假胜地安塔利亚开办了自己的首场个人休闲时装秀。 Moscow's most glamorous(迷人的) secret agent hired talente... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-25 Chilean engineers have been left red faced by a delay in the grand opening of the country's first-ever drawbridge - after they discovered a major part was installed upside down. 智利工程师发现即将启用的该国首座吊桥的一边桥面居然是上下颠倒的,由此引... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-25 法国媒体1月22日报道,法国前总统雅克希拉克的夫人贝尔纳黛特希拉克当天表示,很同情第一女友瓦莱丽特里耶韦莱的遭遇。她自己也有过被丈夫背叛的经历。 France's former first lady Bernadette Chirac, whose husband Jacques had confessed to a roving eye, on Wedne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-25 据外媒报道,三角恋丑闻缠身的法国总统奥朗德,14日在爱丽舍宫举行记者会,公布经济改革方案详情。不过记者一开始便追问他与女友瓦莱丽及新欢朱莉加耶的关系,奥朗德承认与瓦莱丽正处于痛苦时刻,承诺在下月11日出访美国前,向外界交代到底谁才是真正的第一女友。 Two... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-25 据外媒1月14日报道,日前,英国女子简马尔卡希试图起诉律师,称他们在办理自己的离婚案时没有告诉她离婚将导致她的婚姻不可避免地结束。 I'll give you a chance to re-read the headline, because it doesn't seem probable: Woman tries to sue attorney because the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-23 The US military is easing its uniform rules to allow religious wear including turbans, skullcaps, beards and tattoos, officials have said. 美国军方降低了着装标准,允许佩戴宗教服饰,例如穆斯林头巾、无边便帽、胡须还有纹身。 Sikh soldiers such as Army... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-23 The European Commission has outlined its plans for climate and energy policy until 2030. 欧盟委员会公布了2030年前的气候计划、能源政策。 The Commissioners want a binding target to reduce carbon emissions by 40% from 1990 levels. Renewables will need... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-22 MPs in Lagos state, Nigeria's economic hub, have passed a bill banning smoking in public places, including restaurants and on public transport. 尼日利亚拉各斯州议会通过了在公共场所禁烟的法案,包括宾馆和公共交通场所。 Those who ignore the ban could f... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-22 Leading Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina has come out to say he is gay. 肯尼亚作家Binyavanga Wainaina出柜。 Binyavanga Wainaina won the 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing He made the disclosure in an article entitled: I am a homosexual, mum, coin... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-18 More than 5,893 leaks from aging natural gas pipelines have been found under the streets of Washington, D.C. by a research team from Duke University and Boston University. A dozen of the leaks could have posed explosion risks, the researchers said.... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-01-15 Argentine poet Juan Gelman has died aged 83 in Mexico City. He is considered to be one of the greatest authors in Spanish and was awarded the prestigious Cervantes Prize in 2007. 阿根廷诗人胡安赫尔曼在墨西哥城辞世,享年83岁。他被认为是西班牙最伟大的... 阅读全文>> |