日期:2014-05-03 It's not often a four-star general is called to account over the watch on his wrist. But when reporters confronted Gen Moeldoko over his timepiece he displayed no modest pride over a cherished trapping of success. 通常,四星上将不会被要求交代自己手... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-03 据报道,西班牙国会近日通过了一项法律草案,要求儿童在家必须做家务。草案如果正式通过,孩子不做家务将属违法。 Spanish children may soon be required to help out with housework, under a draft law that has been approved by parliament. The measure, which w... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-03 据报道,英国一位鞋设计师推出一双不锈钢高跟鞋,保质期1000年。这名设计师声称这是全世界最舒服的高跟鞋,尽管所用的材料与制造刀叉的材料是一样的。 It's a sad day for any woman when she finally has to admit her favourite heels are simply worn out. But havi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-30 Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta has signed into law a controversial marriage bill legalising polygamy. 肯尼亚总统乌胡鲁肯雅塔签署一份有争议的法案成为法律,该法案将使一夫多妻合法化。 It brings civil law, where a man was only allowed one wife, into l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-29 An anti-toxic dump campaigner in South Africa has been recognised with a prestigious environmental award. 南非一位反有毒垃圾倾倒活动者被授予一项著名的环境奖项高曼环境奖。 Mr D'Sa said he would not be prevented from standing up for the truth Desmond... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-29 South Korean President Park Geun-hye has apologised over the ferry disaster, in a statement to cabinet shown on national television. 韩国国家电视台报道,总统朴槿惠在内阁的一份声明中就此次轮渡沉没事故向公众致歉。 Ms Park said that the government had... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-28 Microsoft has warned consumers that a vulnerability in its Internet Explorer browser could let hackers gain access and user rights to their computer. 微软向用户发出警告,其Internet Explorer浏览器有一处弱点可以使黑客获得电脑的访问权限和用户权力。 The... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-28 Saudi Arabia says more than 100 patients infected with the Mers coronavirus have now died since the outbreak began in 2012. 沙特政府称,自莫斯冠状病毒2012年爆发以来,已有100多位感染病毒的患者去世。 The health ministry said another eight deaths occur... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-28 A Brazilian former army colonel who admitted torturing and killing political prisoners under military rule up to the 1980s has been found dead. 巴西一位前陆军上校被发现死于家中,他承认在二十世纪八十年代前曾拷问、杀死政治犯。 Paulo Malhaes said he ne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 美国罗得岛州一名男子拿土豆当枪,抢劫两次未遂。 Rhode Island police are on the lookout for a suspect who was passing a potato off as a gun during two unsuccessful robbery attempts on Monday. The man first went to a Providence convenience store with t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 据英国《每日邮报》报道,凯特王妃在带乔治小王子去悉尼塔龙加动物园玩的时候被目击把小王子的口水抹在自己那条设计师量身定做的裙子上。 The Duchess of Cambridge was spotted discreetly wiping Prince George's drool(口水) on her designer dress during a visi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 Rare new photographs of Kim Jong-un as a young boy have emerged during a concert for the North Korean air force. 朝鲜中央电视台21日实况转播庆祝朝鲜空军音乐会,舞台背景很罕见地出现了金正恩童年和少年时期的照片。 Pictures showing the 31-year-old North... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy tried to seduce Valerie Trierweiler, the former partner of his successor President Hollande, it has been claimed. 有爆料称法国前总统萨科齐曾经试图勾引现总统奥朗德前女友瓦莱丽特里耶韦莱。 Mr Sarkozy allegedly a... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 A portrait of the Queen by British photographer David Bailey has been released in honour of her 88th birthday on Monday. 4月21日是英国女王伊丽莎白二世88岁的生日,此前一天,英国王室公布了女王的最新肖像照以示庆祝。 David Bailey's portrait was taken at... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-27 A couple who held hands at breakfast every morning even after 70 years of marriage have died 15 hours apart. 有一对在结婚70年后仍然每天早餐时手拉手的老夫妇,在15小时内相继去世。 Helen Felumlee, of Nashport, died at 92 on April 12. Her husband, 91-ye... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-25 The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) wants minimum age restrictions and health warnings on e-cigarettes. 美国食品及药物管理局希望对电子香烟的最小使用年龄做出限制,并对健康的影响做出警告。 The agency is pushing for alterations to US law due to u... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-20 英国一家理发店店主日前贴出了一张印着朝鲜领袖金正恩独特的中分短发造型的海报,并附有标语:发型糟糕?4月所有男士发型享85折优惠!来自附近大使馆的两名朝鲜官员对贴出海报的这家理发店进行了拍照,并要求他取下不尊敬的海报。 North Korean officials paid a visit... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-20 French police are taking DNA samples from more than 500 male students and staff at a school in La Rochelle where a girl was raped last September. 去年九月,一名女孩在法国拉罗谢尔一所学校被强奸,因此法国警方对学校500多名男学生和工作人员进行了DNA样本... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-20 Kathleen Wiederman is not staunchly against vaccines. She simply believes it is better for her child to naturally battle an illness than to be vaccinated against it. 凯思琳维德曼并非是疫苗的坚定反对者,她只是相信,她的孩子通过自身免疫对抗疾病,比接... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-04-20 The UN weather agency warned on Tuesday there was a good chance of an El Nino climate phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean this year, bringing droughts and heavy rainfall to the rest of the world. 联合国气象机构周二警告说,今年太平洋很有可能出现厄尔尼诺... 阅读全文>> |