日期:2014-05-25 A North Korean singer said to be Kim Jong-Un's ex-girlfriend and rumoured to have been executed last year has appeared on state television, apparently alive and well. 早前被传遭到处决的金正恩绯闻前女友、朝鲜歌手玄松月近期在电视上露面,令处决传闻不攻... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-25 Road blocks and marches hit Brazilian cities on Thursday as disparate groups criticized spending on the upcoming World Cup soccer tournament and sought to revive a call for better public services that swept the country last June. 巴西多个城市爆发示... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-25 日本一家温泉旁边的商店开始贩卖一种蜜桔饭团,这是一种长得像可爱的小桔子的桔味饭团。一打开饭团的包装,一股清香的桔味扑面而来。咬一小口饭团对舌头来讲都是十分大的惊喜。刚一开始你能感觉到米饭熟悉的味道,随后蜜桔的味道突然在口腔内爆炸,在齿颊之间弥漫开来... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-25 在韩国社会,学业和工作的竞争都异常激烈,许多韩国人都压力山大。据外媒报道,现在韩国人很流行到监狱里坐牢来释放压力,有一间以监狱为主题的纾压中心就在首尔附近,每天都吸引不少顾客上门。 People in South Korea who feel they can no longer bear the stress of... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-25 土耳其煤矿矿难搜救已经结束,当局16日确认284人死亡。18人失踪。一名生还矿工忆述煤矿爆炸后,矿井内发生的惨烈一幕被困同事不想活活被火烧死,宁愿自杀。 A miner in the Turkish pit tragedy told how a colleague tried to kill himself rather than be burnt aliv... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-23 Gay rights activist Harvey Milk, who was shot dead in 1978, has been honoured on a new US postage stamp. 同性恋权利保护者哈维米尔克1978年被射杀,他的肖像被印在一枚新邮票上以示纪念。 Samantha Power (right) called for stronger laws to enhance gay righ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-23 A Turkish man who was shot in the head as police clashed with protesters in Istanbul has died of his injuries. 土耳其城市伊斯坦布尔一名男子在警察与抗议者的冲突中被击中头部,不治身亡。 The Turkish authorities say Ugur Kurt, 30, was not involved in th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-22 Online marketplace eBay is forcing users to change their passwords after a cyber-attack compromised its systems. 网上购物市场eBay正强制用户修改密码,因为此前一次网络攻击波及到该公司的系统。 The US firm said a database had been hacked between late Fe... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-21 US car giant General Motors has announced it will recall another 2.4 million vehicles in the US because of safety concerns. 因安全问题,美国通用汽车宣布在国内召回另一批大约240多万辆汽车。 That takes the total number of cars GM has recalled this year... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-21 At least six people have died after a goods train hit a passenger train south-west of the Russian capital Moscow, officials say. 俄罗斯首都莫斯科西南部地区,一列货运列车撞上一列客运列车,造成至少六人死亡。 Carriages on the goods train were derailed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-20 An unusually heavy hailstorm in Brazil's largest city, Sao Paulo, has brought residents out onto to the streets to play with the ice it left behind. 一场罕见的大冰雹突降巴西最大城市圣保罗,使广大居民走上街头玩耍冰雹带来的冰雪。 Children came out to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-19 A bus in northern Colombia has caught fire, killing at least 30 people, most of them believed to be children under 14. 哥伦比亚北部地区一辆公交车起火,造成至少30人死亡,其中大多数是14岁以下的儿童。 Police warned that the number of deaths could rise... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-19 Three-time Formula 1 world champion Sir Jack Brabham has died aged 88. 三次F1赛车世界冠军得主杰克布拉汉姆爵士近日辞世,享年88岁。 The Australian driver, who was knighted in 1979, won the championship in 1959, 1960 and 1966. His son, David, confirmed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 Working Americans expect to retire at age 66, up from 63 in 2002, according to a recent Gallup poll. But most retirees don't stay on the job nearly that long. 美国人退休年龄将从2002年的63岁增长至66岁,但大多数临退休人员难以坚守岗位。 The average ret... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 It's panda-monium in pet shops in China as dogs that look like the country's unique and rare bears become all the rage. 中国的宠物商店里出现了《魔豆传奇》的主人公!事实上,这是一种酷似国宝大熊猫的狗,最近,这种熊猫狗十分流行。 These dogs that look l... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 A spokesman for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blasted Karl Rove on Tuesday afternoon, days after his comments questioning her health at a New York City conference became public. 继美国前总统布什顾问卡尔罗夫质疑前国务卿希拉里的健康问题后... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 Up to a third of the population will be black or from another ethnic minority by 2050, new research forecasts today. 新研究预测,到2050年英国将有三分之一的人口为黑人或者其他少数族裔。 There are currently eight million non-white people - 14% of the t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 The number of US commuters who ride a bicycle to work rose by 60% over the last decade, the Census has reported. 人口普查报告显示,美国骑车上班人数在过去十年间增加了60%。 An estimated 786,000 people biked to work in 2008-12, up from 488,000 people i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 A man who allegedly drugged and raped his wife has been acquitted after a judge confirmed Indian rape laws do not apply to married couples. 在法官确认印度强奸法律不适用于已婚夫妇之后,一名涉嫌对其妻子服用麻醉剂后实施强奸的男子被判无罪。 Feminist cam... 阅读全文>> 日期:2014-05-16 One in five passengers on Metro trains and buses have recently felt unsafe due to sexual harassment or other forms of unwanted sexual attention, according to new data. 最新调查表明,大约20%的地铁和公交乘客表示因为性骚扰和其它讨厌的性关注感觉不安全。... 阅读全文>> |