日期:2010-09-07 France faces serious disruption as a nationwide strike begins to fight proposals to raise the retirement age. 法国民众就反对提高退休年龄的提议举行了一场全国性的大罢工,法国将面临严重的破坏。 The 24-hour-strike is set to hit public transport, banks,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-06 With Japan suffering its worst heatwave since records began in 1898, haunted houses or obake yashiki are doing a roaring trade as the traditional summertime venues to cool off. 日本今夏遭遇自1898年有气象记录以来的最热酷暑,但传统避暑胜地受到游客冷落... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-06 A controversial new book examining the secret life and lovers of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is to be published in France this month. 法国将于本月出版一本颇具争议的书,讲述法国第一夫人卡拉布吕尼萨科齐的私人生活和秘密情人。 Carla Bruni and Eric Clapton toget... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 When it comes to honeymoon destinations, most newlyweds have set aside a nice little bundle for their ultimate getaway. 提起蜜月旅行目的地,大多数新婚夫妇都会不惜重金打造他们的完美假期。 Newlywet: The 'Ithaa' suite of Conrad Maldives Rangali Islands... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 It is every parents desire to give their children the best start in life, but few would ever aspire to buying them a 1million house as a leaving home present. Unless, that is, you happen to be as wealthy as Tony and Cherie Blair. 每位父母都想给子女... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 由于新兵体重超重和体能不达标等原因,美军今年的新兵训练计划取消了仰卧起坐等传统项目,引入了类似瑜伽或普拉提的训练方式,同时,让新兵胆寒的长跑项目也被缩减。 Soldiers at Fort Jackson, like Pvt. Alyssa Leggat, work on push-ups. The fitness regime involv... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 俄罗斯财政部长近期发表另类言论,鼓励民众多吸烟、多喝酒,为政府增加税收,从而改善社会服务质量。他表示,吸烟和喝酒的人们其实是在为国家做贡献,人们每吸一盒香烟就意味着为解决国家面临的社会问题贡献了一份力量。 Smoke and drink more, Russia's finance minis... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 从8月30日起,奥地利海拔1200米以上的地区均有不同程度降雪,局部地区的新降积雪厚度甚至达到50公分,气象部门预计这一轮降雪天气将会至少持续到9月1日。这场突如其来的降雪给许多奥地利人的日常生活带来不便。 Since Monday, snow has been falling in areas with an... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-05 上周六,披头士乐队已故成员约翰列侬生前使用过的一个马桶在拍卖会上拍得9500英镑(约合近1.5万美元)的高价。 A toilet that belonged to late Beatle John Lennon fetched 9,500 pounds ($14,740) at auction on Saturday. A toilet that belonged to late(已故的)... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-02 A gunman who took three hostages at the Discovery Communications headquarters in the US has been shot dead by police and his captives have been set free. 一位持枪男子在美国探索通信公司总部劫持了三名人质,最后被警方射杀,人质获自由。 The man had meta... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-01 India has toughened its scrutiny of telecoms firms with a directive demanding access to everything. 印度加强对国内电信公司的监察力度,要求其所有的网络必须畅通无阻。 India\s clampdown on telecom firms is likely to affect Google and Skype An Indian Ho... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-01 The South African government has increased its wage offer to more than a million striking public sector workers. 南非政府同意一百多万名举行罢工的国营部门职工提出的加薪要求。 With teachers and nurses on strike, schools and hospitals have been in disa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-09-01 Tony Blair has reportedly described Gordon Brown as difficult, at times maddening in his memoirs, being published on Wednesday. 据报道,托尼布莱尔的回忆录本周三被出版发行,书中其对戈登布朗的描述不随和,有时令人发狂。 Mr Blair is to donate his report... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-31 Computer giant Hewlett-Packard (HP) has agreed to pay $55m (35.5m) to settle claims it paid kickbacks in relation to US government contracts. 计算机巨头惠普公司同意支付5500万美元以解决美国政府采购合同中的回扣丑闻。 Hewlett-Packard was accused of def... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-31 A storm moving through the eastern Caribbean has strengthened to a Category Four hurricane, prompting warnings for several islands. 一股强风暴已抵达东加勒比海地区,并逐渐增强至四级飓风,对周围几座岛屿造成威胁。 Hurricane Earl is expected to gain mor... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-31 Mexican police have arrested top drug trafficker Edgar Valdez, a US citizen also known as Barbie, Mexico's attorney general says. 墨西哥司法部长称,墨西哥警方逮捕头号毒品贩子埃德加瓦尔迪兹,一位被称为芭比娃娃的美国公民。 Valdez had a $2m tag on his... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-30 An Aboriginal man has won a seat in Australia's House of Representatives, becoming the first indigenous person to do so in the country's history. 澳大利亚一位土著男子在众议院中赢得一个席位,成为该国历史上的第一位土著议员。 Ken Wyatt, 57, took the se... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-30 A Somali man has admitted attacking a US warship in April after mistaking it for a merchant vessel. 一位索马里男子承认,他曾经在四月份袭击过一艘美国军舰,因误认为它是一艘商船。 The pirates' skiff was left burnt-out after the attack on the USS Ashlan... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-28 The British government has declared war on the profusion of unnecessary road traffic signs, railings and advertising boards, saying they blight towns' English character. 日前,英国政府呼吁拆除过多的路标、栏杆和广告牌,称这些街道设施破坏了英国城镇的... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-08-28 Japanese sumo wrestlers have been given iPads to communicate because their fingers are too fat to use a standard mobile phone. 日本有关组织日前向相扑选手们分发了苹果iPad,以解决他们手指太粗,没法用普通手机进行交流的问题。 The Japan Sumo Association... 阅读全文>> |