日期:2010-08-03 The dispersant used after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is no more toxic than oil alone, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said. 美国环保局称,处理墨西哥湾泄漏原油所使用的分散剂的毒性不会比石油大。 The EPA study follows concerns raised... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-03 US actor Charlie Sheen has been sentenced to 30 days in rehabilitation after he pleaded guilty to assault in a domestic violence case. 美国演员查理辛承认自己在一宗家庭暴力事件中所犯之罪行,被判处30天的康复治疗。 The couple have reportedly agreed to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-02 Two Gulf states have announced bans on some functions of the Blackberry mobile phone, claiming security concerns. 考虑到安全问题,海湾地区两个国家宣布禁止黑莓手机的部分功能。 The UAE denies censorship is involved The United Arab Emirates is to block... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-31 Never mind that the details about Chelsea Clinton's wedding are being guarded like state secrets. The postcard-pretty town of Rhinebeck is ready for its close-up. 别担心克林顿爱女的婚礼细节还被弄得像国家机密一样,(纽约)风景如画的莱恩贝克小镇已经为... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-31 Increasing numbers of southeast Asian men, particularly in Japan, South Korea and China Taiwan are marrying foreigners because fewer women in their homelands are willing to wed, a new study said Monday. 本周一发布的一项最新调查称,由于当地的愿嫁女越... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-31 Giggles and guffaws filled the halls of an elderly home in Manila as its residents gathered for an unusual therapy session. 菲律宾马尼拉一家老人院的大厅里常常充满了人们的各种笑声,这是老人们聚在一起接受一项特别的治疗。 The seniors were practicing la... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-31 Buckingham Palace said on Sunday it has launched an account with online photo management site Flickr. 英国白金汉宫于上周日宣布,英国王室日前在图片共享网站Flickr开设了帐户。 The Duke (R) and Duchess of York, later to become King George VI and Queen E... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-31 The days of wondering whether your cats OK while youre away may have gone. 对于外出度假时不知该如何安置自家宠物猫这个问题,英国人最近找到了答案。 Sparky the cat relaxes beside in the Autumn Suite at Longcroft Luxury Cat Hotel. A new luxurious feline... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-30 The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel. 墨西哥政府宣称,保安部队已杀死伊格纳希欧纳丘柯罗内尔,锡那罗亚州贩毒集团一位顶级人物。 Ignacio Coronel was known as the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-29 South African public sector workers have told the government they will go on strike in seven days if their pay demands are not met. 南非国营部门工人已向其政府指出,如果他们增加薪酬的要求没有满足,将举行为期七日的罢工。 Transport workers won above-in... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-29 The Greek government has used a rare emergency order to force lorry drivers back to work after a three-day strike. 经历三天的罢工之后,希腊政府使用一个罕见的紧急命令迫使卡车司机重回工作岗位。 The strike has caused fuel shortages across the country T... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 He lacks dress sense, can't cook to save his life and badly flunked delivering his first policy speech. Meet Japan's new Prime Minister Naoto Kan - as seen by his wife. 他缺乏衣着品味,不会给自己做饭,首次施政演说也一塌糊涂。来看看日本新任首相夫人眼... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 Romantic comedies might provide 90 minutes of light-hearted fun but the happy-ever-after movies are also impacting people's real love lives, according to an Australian survey. 澳大利亚一项调查显示,浪漫喜剧片可能会给人们带来90分钟的轻松快乐,但这种... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 Nearly a third of women are the main breadwinners in their household, according to a major survey. 一项大型调查显示,英国近三分之一的女性是家中的主要经济支柱。 Thirty percent earn more than their partners and a further 19 percent earn the same amoun... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 Chelsea Clinton's hush-hush wedding may as well be classified but one thing is no secret: There will be tears. 切尔西克林顿婚礼的保密工作可谓做到了家,但现在看来有一件事不是秘密,那就是婚礼当天会有人掉泪。 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is appla... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 As Germany wilts in sweltering temperatures, a manager in a Berlin government office told his 260 sweating workers to go home, a newspaper reported Friday, undermining Germans' reputation for efficiency. 这段时间德国的天气酷热难耐,据当地一家报纸上... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 Business Secretary Vince Cable is to propose a graduate tax linked to post-university earnings, replacing the current system of tuition fees, as part of major reforms to higher education. 英国商务大臣文思凯博日前提议按照英国大学生毕业后的收入水平对... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 因世界杯期间各路球星的假摔和犯规动作被很多学生模仿,英国一家小学的校长决定禁止学生在校园里踢足球。这一禁令让很多热爱足球的学生很失落,不过校长表示,做这样的决定并不是学校抵制足球运动,而是考虑到校园可以提供的球场面积实在是难以让学生们充分享受足球的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 为了在未来十年内将道路交通死亡人数减少一半,欧盟最近提出了一系列道路安全行动计划,其中包括建议在公交车、出租车以及货车上安装功能类似飞机黑匣子的行驶数据记录器。 Buses, taxis and lorries(卡车) could be fitted with aircraft style black boxes under E... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-07-25 身为单身族,不用花心思取悦另一半,更不用为孩子的吃穿发愁,他们的生活支出应该比已婚(伴侣)族要少。可是,英国最近的一项研究发现,单身族一生的生活支出要比已婚(伴侣)族多出25万英镑,而从生活中得到的欢乐却比已婚(伴侣)族少。 With no spouse to entertai... 阅读全文>>

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