日期:2010-05-30 凭借炫酷舞蹈模仿流行天王迈克尔杰克逊的四岁天才儿童王一鸣,人称小宝,开始受到世界各地观众的热捧。 Wang Yiming, who is known as Xiao Bao or little treasure, has already been making waves across the world with his dance moves. Almost a year after Micha... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-28 A 40-year-old man charged with the murders of three Bradford women who worked as prostitutes, is due to appear before magistrates later. 英国某男子涉嫌谋杀布拉德福德地区三名妓女而遭控诉,该男子将接受地方法官审判。 Stephen Griffiths was arrested at h... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-27 A Colombian beauty queen has been arrested in Argentina on charges of leading a drug trafficking ring. 一名哥伦比亚选美皇后涉嫌领导一个毒品犯罪团伙在阿根廷被捕。 Police had been looking for Ms Sanclemente for months Angie Sanclemente Valencia, 31, i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-27 A South African opera singer chosen by Nelson Mandela to perform at the World Cup opening ceremony has died from meningitis, his record label has said. 由纳尔逊曼德拉所选定的将在南非世界杯开幕典礼上进行演唱的南非歌剧歌唱家Siphiwo Ntshebe日前死于脑膜... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-27 A 40-year-old man is being questioned by police on suspicion of murdering three women sex workers in Bradford after body parts were found in a river. 英国布拉德福德地区一位40岁男子涉嫌谋杀三名女性性工作者而被警察审问,此前在该地区一条河流中曾发现人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-27 The second most senior officer in the RAF has died after collapsing while taking part in a charity triathlon, the Ministry of Defence has said. 英国国防部证实,皇家空军第二高级军官克里斯多夫莫兰在参加慈善铁人三项比赛时突然昏倒后死亡。 Air Chief Mars... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Offices, schools and businesses have reopened in Bangkok, days after a violent end to weeks of protest. 曼谷的办公室、学校和商业经历数周的暴乱之后已重新开放。 Commuters returned to work next to burned-out buildings Residents within what was the red-... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Kenya's Islamic courts are illegal and discriminatory, a panel of judges has ruled. 肯尼亚某评审团裁定,伊斯兰法庭是非法的、差别对待的。 Muslims have had their own court system since colonial rule The three judges said the Islamic Kadhi courts favou... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Niger's military rulers have suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections. 尼日尔军事统治者建议,只有具备大学学位的人才有资格参加总统选举。 Mr Tandja, now in his 70s, was ousted in February by... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Jamaican security forces have launched an assault in Kingston on the stronghold of alleged drugs lord Christopher Dudus Coke. 牙买加安全部队在首都金斯敦对毒枭疑犯克里斯托弗杜杜什扣克的大本营进行了一次突袭。 Heavy gunfire erupted(爆发,长出) as the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Two teenagers, a boy and a girl, are among three people killed in a crash involving a school coach on the A66 near Keswick in Cumbria. 英国坎布里亚郡凯斯维克附近A66公路上一列校车发生车祸,三人死亡,其中包括一男一女两名青少年。 The bus was taking chi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-25 Helen Newlove, whose husband Gary was murdered in 2007, is expected to be elevated to the House of Lords. 海伦纽拉夫,其丈夫加里于2007被谋杀,将有望被提拔至英国上议院议员。 Mrs Newlove campaigned with David and Samantha Cameron in Bolton The appoint... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-24 What is red but green, open but closed and old but new? Answer: London's stunning new double-decker buses. 什么东西既是红色的又是绿色的(环保)?既封闭又开放?既是传统的又是新的?这就是伦敦推出的极具看点的新型双层巴士。 The new buses, which will sta... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on Wednesday he was banning all drivers of United Nations vehicles from texting while driving, to back efforts to curb a practice believed to kill thousands of people each year. 联合国秘书长潘基文于本周三宣布,联合... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 Worried about the state of your marriage? Don't live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Las Vegas and Billings, Montana where divorce is most prominent. 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?那最好别去怀俄明州的夏延市、拉斯维加斯或蒙大拿州的比林斯市生活,因为这几个城市的离... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 Warren Buffett is again auctioning a steak lunch to benefit a San Francisco charity, after last year's bidding failed to generate a record bid for the first time since 2004. 股神沃伦巴菲特将再次拍卖慈善牛排午餐,为旧金山一家慈善机构筹集资金。去年,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 Almost everyone stood when the bride walked down the aisle in her white gown, but not the wedding conductor, because she was bolted to her chair. 当新娘身穿洁白的婚纱走过长廊,几乎所有人都站了起来,唯独婚礼司仪例外,因为她被固定在了她的座椅上。 I-Fa... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 整日奔忙于工作和家庭的女性总是抱怨时间不够用。为此,加拿大一些女性自发成立了一个名为25小时联盟的组织,呼吁政府将现行的时钟体系改为25小时,以便让她们有多一点的时间完成工作和家庭两方面的责任。 Scott Gow adjusts a tower clock on test at the Electric Ti... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 在日本大阪市心斋桥地区的美国村,有一家名为猫咪时光的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的诱人之处不是口感上佳的咖啡,而是一群不寻常的服务员猫。 The cafe, named Neko no Jikan, which can be translated as cats' time, is one of Japan's original cat cafes and is home to... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-05-22 由于人口持续下降,日本驾校之间的竞争也日益激烈。为了争夺生源,日本驾校相继推出宝马练车、美甲,以及代看小孩等额外服务。 Japanese driving schools are offering more than instruction behind the wheel, with Hawaiian massage and lessons in BMWs among the... 阅读全文>> |