日期:2010-05-21 A judge in Malawi has imposed a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison with hard labour on a gay couple convicted of gross indecency and unnatural acts. 马拉维某法官判处一对犯下严重猥亵罪和非自然行为的同性恋者长达14年的监禁以及强迫劳役。 The pair we... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-21 US President Barack Obama's national intelligence director has resigned after a 16-month tenure marked by a series of security failures. 美国总统奥巴马任下国家情报局长丹尼斯布莱尔因近期一系列安全问题提出辞职,结束为期16月的任期。 Adm Blair was taske... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-21 Three Britons - all members of the same family - have been shot dead in eastern Pakistan, according to local police. 巴基斯坦当地警方证实,三位英国人同一家庭的所有成员在东巴基斯坦地区被射杀。 The father, mother and 22-year-old daughter were killed a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-20 The leader of Darfur's main rebel group has been prevented from entering Chad while en route from Libya to Sudan. 达尔富尔地区主要叛乱组织首领在从利比亚回苏丹的途中,被告知禁止进入乍得。 Khalil Ibrahim was using Chad as a transit point to Darfur Jus... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-20 A Somali official has criticised the US for prosecuting a man over a piracy incident off the Horn of Africa. 美国日前起诉一名索马里男子在非洲之角犯有海盗行为,索马里某官员因此批判美国。 Abdiwali Abdiqadir Muse was said to be the ringleader of a gang... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-19 Three aid workers, including a US woman and two Sudanese nationals, have been kidnapped in Sudan's troubled Darfur region, officials say. 三名救援人员一名美国妇女和两名苏丹侨民,在苏丹达尔富尔地区被绑架。 The victims were stopped by an armed gang ne... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-19 British web users are spending 65% more time online than three years ago, according to a survey of net habits. 一线针对英国网民的调查显示,英国人现在上网的时间比过去三年上涨65%。 Britons spend the majority of their time on social networks The averag... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-18 A Nigerian politician has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine at Lagos airport. 一名尼日利亚政客涉嫌在拉各斯机场走私可卡因而被逮捕。 Nigerian drug enforcement officials say Eme Zuru Ayortor swallowed nearly two kilograms of cocaine (4.4... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-18 South African journalists say they have smuggled dangerous items onto domestic flights in hand luggage ahead of next month's football World Cup. 南非新闻记者称,世界杯足球赛下月即将开赛,他们已通过手提行李的方式将危险品带入国内航班。 South Africa ha... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-18 Chinese tycoon Huang Guangyu has been sentenced to 14 years in prison after being found guilty of bribery, insider trading and illegal business practices. 中国巨富黄光裕因犯下受贿罪、内幕交易罪和非法经营罪被判处有期徒刑14年。 Huang Guangyu Huang, wh... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-18 British Airways has said it hopes to operate just over half its flights from Heathrow, after a cabin crew strike was ruled illegal by the High Court. 英国航空公司称,英国高等法院判定空服人员罢工为非法之后,公司希望希思罗机场一半的航班可以起飞。 Gatw... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-17 The US has said the success of a move by oil giant BP to curb a leak in the Gulf of Mexico is not clear and the technique provides no solution. 美国官员称,石油巨头英国石油公司在墨西哥湾阻止原油泄露的一次行动结果未明,其使用的技术没有产生效果。 A bo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-16 Britain's new Prime Minister David Cameron on Thursday banned the use of mobile phones at cabinet meetings in a bid to ensure his top team stay focused on the challenges facing them, his spokeswoman said. 英国新任首相大卫卡梅伦的一位女发言人日前称,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-16 The only known audio recording of a 1966 Beatles press conference, in which John Lennon is grilled about saying the band was more popular than Jesus, is expected to sell for about $20,000 at auction in June. 1966年披头士乐队一次新闻发布会的唯一一份... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-16 Football fans could put their health at risk during the World Cup this summer by drinking too much and having unprotected sex, a charity has warned. 英国一家慈善机构日前警告说,在今夏世界杯足球赛期间,球迷们可能会因为酗酒和不安全性行为而受到健康威胁... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-15 Britain's new coalition government is a source of some bewilderment in a country used to one-party governments -- but its two leaders seemed determined to see the funny side on Wednesday. 英国新组建的联合政府让这个已经习惯了一党揽政的国家感到有些迷... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-15 First lady Michelle Obama said Friday that having three generations of family living in the White House and raising her two daughters there is truly special. 美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马在上周五的母亲节茶会上称,一家三代能一起生活在白宫,并和母亲一同抚... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-15 Irritable waiters huffing in cafes. A gallic shrug in a heated debate. Street protests at every new government initiative. Many may already see France as a nation of grumblers, but a new survey shows the French agree. 餐厅里的服务生脾气暴躁、态度蛮... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-15 想要到中国旅游,经济又不太宽裕的老外们注意了:中国部分家庭从上月起开始提供英语课程换免费住宿服务,只要每天能够保证至少两小时的英语交流时间,来中国旅游的老外便可以在提供该服务的中国家庭免费住宿。 Travelers can choose to exchange their language for fr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-15 《暮光之城》系列电影男女主角罗伯特帕丁森和克里斯汀斯图尔特近日在奥普拉脱口秀节目制作过程中终于坦白承认两人是情侣关系。 Twilight's Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson pose after winning MTV's Best Movie award. Nobody lies to Oprah - not even(连也不... 阅读全文>>

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