日期:2010-04-04 A fifth of spouses admit checking their partner's emails or text messages, according to a new study. 一项最新研究显示,英国五分之一的已婚夫妇承认自己曾检查过伴侣的电子邮件或短信。 When partners were asked whether they had read their spouses emails,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-04 上世纪90年代开始流行的低腰裤最近受到了一位美国参议员的挑战,他出资2000美元在纽约布鲁克林区的街道上挂出了巨幅广告画,告诫年轻人把裤子提好,这样才能提升自己的形象。这位参议员表示,很多年轻人裤子穿得越来越低,有些甚至低得连内裤都露在外面,他认为这样的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-04 以一曲《生命之杯》走红的著名拉丁歌手瑞奇马丁出柜了。本周一,他在微博上公开承认自己是同性恋,并表示做回真正的自己感到很快乐。马丁的性倾向多年来一直被媒体怀疑,但是因为怕影响到事业发展,因此他一直未予正面回应,这也让他承受了巨大的压力。 Ricky Martin a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-03 The father of the personal computer who kick-started the careers of Microsoft founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen has died at the age of 68. 开启微软创建者比尔盖茨和保罗艾伦人生事业的个人电脑之父,亨利爱德华罗伯茨逝世,享年68岁。 Dr Roberts died afte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-03 Senegal is set to inaugurate a massive $27m monument - higher than the Statue of Liberty - that has drawn huge criticism over its cost and symbolism. 塞内加尔将举行一座价值270万美元大型雕像的揭幕典礼,这座雕像比自由女神像还要高,却因其造价和象征意义... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-03 The US has announced that it will begin profiling US-bound passengers to determine who should get extra screening. 美国宣布将会为所有进出美国的乘客建立一个文件系统以决定对某些嫌疑分子进行额外安全检查。 The rules apply to all travellers heading to th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-02 The two Americans who were awarded millions of dollars after claiming they had come up with the idea for Facebook say their legal battle isn't over. 两位美国人因宣称自己提出了建立Facebook的想法而获数百万美元奖励,日前他们宣称他们的维权行动尚未结束。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-02 Mapping agency Ordnance Survey (OS) has launched a service offering free and unrestricted access to most of its map data. 英国地形测量局发起一项免费服务,用户可以免费、无限制地获得其绝大部分地图数据。 Sir Tim Berners-Lee said he was delighted by the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-02 The Government's police inspectorate has backed down after protests from social media activists over its choice of name for a new website. 在遭受社会媒体活动分子的抗议之后,英国政府警方检查员放弃了为其新网站改域名的想法。 The sites offer different -... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-01 A man has turned himself in to Ugandan police and confessed to setting fire to five royal tombs of the traditional Buganda kings earlier this month. 一位乌干达男子向警方自首,承认自己在本月早些时候防火烧了五座布干达国王的皇家坟墓。 The fire caused r... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-01 India is launching a census in which every person over the age of 15 will be photographed and fingerprinted to create a biometric national database. 印度目前正在进行一项人口普查,所有超过15岁的人都将被采集肖像和指纹以建立一个国家级生物统计数据库。 I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-01 Moscow is preparing to hold funerals for most of the 39 people killed by Monday's double suicide bombings on the city's Metro system. 莫斯科将为本周一两起地铁自杀式炸弹袭击中死亡的39位死者举行葬礼。 Russians have been holding impromptu vigils for th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-31 A South Korean military diver searching for survivors from a navy ship that sank off North Korea has died. 一位韩国军事潜水员在搜寻上周五爆炸沉没军舰上生还者的过程中意外死亡。 Teams of divers and salvage crews have been searching for survivors The d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-31 A retired US general has apologised for suggesting that Dutch troops failed to stop the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia in 1995 because some of them were gay. 一位退休美国将军曾暗示,荷兰军队未能阻止1995年发生在波斯尼亚的斯雷布雷尼察屠杀是因为军队中有... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-31 An Islamic court in Nigeria has permanently banned a rights group from holding an internet debate about amputation as a form of punishment. 尼日利亚一座穆斯林法院永久性地禁止一个人权组织在网上组织一场辩论,该辩论讨论的是关于截肢作为一种惩罚手段是否... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-29 Health workers in Sierra Leone say they will end their 10-day strike, after the president agreed in a late-night deal to increase their pay six-fold. 塞拉利昂总统在一场深夜谈判中同意将医护人员的工资增长5倍,医护人员因此将终止持续10天的罢工。 Some ho... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-28 Computer hacker Albert Gonzalez has been jailed for 20 years in the US for his part in stealing the details of more than 130m credit and debit cards. 美国电脑黑客艾伯特冈萨雷斯因参与盗窃1300多万张信用卡和借记卡的详细资料而被判刑20年。 Albert Gonzale... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-27 The Indian military has a new weapon against terrorism: the world's hottest chili. 现在印度军方有了一种新型的对抗恐怖主义的武器:世界上最辣的辣椒。 In this July 4, 2007 file photo, farmer Digonta Saikia shows a 'Bhut jolokia' or 'ghost chili' pepper... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-27 Robert Pattinson, the British actor who plays a vampire with superhuman strength and speed in the Twilight series of films, has admitted he looks like a transvestite in the role. 在《暮光之城》系列电影中饰演具有超人力量和速度的吸血鬼的英国男演员罗伯... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-27 At first sight it seems just another second-hand luxury car for sale but this Jaguar included some special extras in its day such as emergency convoy lights and a direct radio link to the British Prime Minister. 乍一看,它只不过是一辆待售的二手豪华... 阅读全文>>

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