日期:2010-03-19 Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners don't make a fuss. 一项调查称,男性所做的家务活远比他们得到承认的多。女人之所以对他们的贡献视而不见,是因为他... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-19 一位既不愿做男人又不愿做女人的英国侨民最近获得澳大利亚官方认可,成为世界上首个没有性别的人。 May-Welby said: 'The concepts of man or woman don't fit me. The simplest solution is not to have any sex identification.' A British expat(亡命国外者) who... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-19 自去年12月份的泼墨门事件以来,章子怡一直被各种责难缠身。经过两个多月的沉默,章子怡于 3月12日凌晨接受《中国日报》独家专访,详细回答捐款风波中网友提出的各种质疑。 Celebrity actress Zhang Ziyi admits she lacked experience in handling charity donations... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-19 作为世界上出生率最低的国家之一,日本近几年不断推出鼓励生育的举措。近日,日本东京某区的区长决定下个月带头回家休产假,希望为广大男士树立榜样,鼓励他们参与到养育孩子的具体工作中。 Hironobu Narisawa, the 44-year-old mayor of Tokyo's Bunkyo ward, announc... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-17 The estate of Michael Jackson has agreed the biggest recording deal in history, worth more than $200m (133m), with Sony Music, US reports say. 美国报道称,迈克尔杰克逊遗产管理协会同意与索尼音乐签署史上金额最高的唱片协议,据悉该协议价值超过2亿美元。... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-17 Oprah Winfrey must defend a defamation case filed against her by the former headmistress of her girls' school in South Africa, a US judge has ruled. 一位美国法官裁定,奥普拉温弗瑞在南非创办的女子学校的一位前女校长起诉其破坏了自己的名誉。 Oprah Winfr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-16 Actress Kate Winslet and her husband Sam Mendes have split up, their lawyers have announced. 女演员凯特温丝莱特与其丈夫山姆门德斯的律师宣布,二人已正式离婚。 Winslet and Mendes both come from Reading in Berkshire Kate and Sam are saddened to announc... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-15 British Airways is expected to announce which of its flights may be cancelled because of a strike planned by cabin crew for next weekend. 因为航班空服人员计划下周末举行罢工,英国航空公司可能将要宣布一些因此被取消的航班。 The Unite union has announce... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-15 Peter Graves - star of the classic TV series Mission: Impossible and disaster spoof movie Airplane! - has died in the US city of Los Angeles. He was 83. 彼得格雷夫斯经典电视连续剧《不可完成的任务》和灾难欺骗电影《Airplane!》的男主角,近日于美国城市... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-13 It giggles and wiggles its feet when you shake its rattle, but will get cranky and cry from too much tickling: Meet Yotaro, a Japanese robot programmed to be as fickle as a real baby. 当你摇动它身体上的拨浪鼓时,它会扭动小脚丫,发出咯咯的笑声,但如... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-13 Women head governments, run companies and comprise about half the world's workforce, but a global poll shows that one in four people, most of them young, believe a woman's place is in the home. 尽管女性执政、从商,且构成全世界约一半的劳动力,但一项... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-13 Britons are allowing their manners to slip as chivalry becomes a dying art, researchers claim. 日前一项调查称,随着骑士精神逐渐消亡,英国人渐渐丧失了他们的绅士风度。 Britons are allowing their manners to slip as chivalry becomes a dying art, researc... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-13 Assisted suicide(协助自杀) for anyone over 70 who has simply had enough of life is being considered in Holland. 作为世界上首个将安乐死合法化的国家,荷兰最近又提出可以为70岁以上的老人提供安乐死协助服务。 Assisted suicide for anyone over 70 who has... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-13 据一位参与中国高铁项目的专家称,中国正在与17个国家协商关于建设亚欧高速铁路网络事宜,计划在十年内修建三条高铁线路贯穿南北,连通欧亚。届时,乘坐时速超过200英里的火车,从伦敦到北京只需要两天时间。 China is in negotiations to build a high-speed rail net... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-12 Virgin Media has started trials to deliver fibre-optic high-speed broadband over telegraph poles. 维珍传媒已开始试验使用电线杆架设高速光纤宽带。 The trial will last for six months The firm believes it could be used to extend its reach to another one... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-12 A senior adviser to former US President George W Bush has defended tough interrogation techniques, saying their use helped prevent terrorist attacks. 美国前总统布什的一位高级顾问为冷酷的审讯方式进行辩护,称这样做阻止了恐怖分子袭击。 In a BBC intervi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-10 Plans to suspend the internet accounts of people who download music illegally are unfair, according to the head of Britain's biggest telecoms firm. 英国最大的通信公司的董事长称,中止从网上非法下载音乐的用户ID的计划是不公正的。 The Digital Economy Bi... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-10 This year's Oscars ceremony was the most watched in the US for five years, early figures suggest. 初步统计数据显示,本届奥斯卡颁奖典礼在美国是近五年以来收视率最高的一次。 More then 41 million viewers tuned in to the ceremony Analysts Nielsen Company... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-10 The former head of MI5 has claimed US intelligence agencies concealed their mistreatment of terror suspects. 英国军情五处前首脑宣称,美国情报机构故意掩盖他们虐待恐怖主义嫌疑犯的行为。 Baroness Mannigham-Buller spoke at a lecture in the House of Lord... 阅读全文>> 日期:2010-03-09 Toyota has rejected claims that faulty electronics are behind its worldwide recall of more than eight million cars. 对于此次全球召回超过800万辆汽车,丰田否认了有缺陷的电子问题是导致召回的说法。 The recalls have hit Toyota's image The company said me... 阅读全文>> |