日期:2010-03-09 Half a million people will need to be moved from their homes in mountainous areas of Uganda because of the risk of mudslides, the government has said. 乌干达政府称,因为有泥石流危险,山区大约有50万人需要撤离。 Some 300,000 people living on the slope... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-07 UK academic institutions have unwittingly become the accomplices of criminals selling fake drugs online. 英国某学术机构在毫不知情的情况下成为犯罪分子在网上销售假药的帮凶。 Servers were used to bounce people on to fake pharmacy sites A security firm... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-06 It is not an obvious choice of dress for a first lady at a state dinner but then not all first ladies have Carla Bruni-Sarkozy's advantages. 不是每位第一夫人在出席国宴时都会选择这样的着装,但也不是每位第一夫人都拥有卡拉布吕尼-萨科奇那样的身段。 Carl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-06 Moviegoers in Japan can't get enough of Johnny Depp: The Pirates of the Caribbean star has been named favorite actor for a record seventh straight year in a survey by Japanese film magazine Screen. 强尼戴普对于日本影迷的吸引力长久不衰。据日本电影杂... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-06 Over 5,000 naked people braved a chilly morning to join a mass photo shoot at Sydney's Opera House on Monday, putting a nude twist on the Australian landmark. 本周一清晨,五千多名赤身裸体的男女冒着严寒聚集在悉尼歌剧院门前拍摄集体裸照,给澳大利亚的这... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-06 在《拆弹部队》制片人尼古拉斯夏蒂尔违规拉票被取消出席3月7日举行的颁奖典礼的资格后,这部电影的制片方近日又被一位美国军官起诉,称影片情节盗用了他的真实经历,甚至连影片片名The Hurt Locker这个说法也是出自他之口。不过,电影公司发言人坚称,影片中的场景和人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-05 A BBC radio producer who secretly filmed himself having sex with five different women has been jailed for eight months. 一名BBC电台制作人因秘密拍摄其与五名不同的妇女进行性交而被判刑八个月。 The producer secretly filmed himself having sex with five d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-05 Four ships have broken free after being stuck in the ice in the Baltic Sea, but around 50 remain stuck, officials say. 四艘船只从波罗的海海冰之中成功破冰而出,但是仍然有大约50只船只被困其中。 Some ships are stranded(搁浅) in the waters between Sto... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-04 Apple's legal action against HTC may have wider implications for all phone makers using Google's Android operating system, an analyst has warned. 苹果公司对HTC的诉讼可能对所有使用谷歌Android操作系统的手机用户有着更广泛的意义。 HTC was the first manu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-04 Spanish police have revealed that they have arrested three men responsible for one of the world's biggest networks of virus-infected computers. 西班牙警方透露,他们已逮捕三名男子,这三人涉嫌负责一个世界上最大的被病毒感染的电脑网络。 Few owners of hi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-04 Founding Sugababes member Mutya Buena has applied for ownership of the band's name, her legal firm has confirmed. 甜心宝贝组合创始成员玛雅布依娜请求拥有组合名字的所有权。 Mutya Buena left the band in 2005 to pursue a solo career The star, who quit t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-04 More than 120 gay couples have received marriage licences in the US capital, Washington DC. 美国首都华盛顿特区,超过120对同性恋夫妻收到结婚许可证。 Couples queued outside the bureau before it opened to get the licence The District of Columbia became... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-04 US President Barack Obama has urged Congress to vote by simple majority on healthcare reform, as he makes a final push to have his proposals adopted. 美国总统奥巴马催促国会以简单的多数表决形式通过医改方案,这是他为自己的建议所做的最后努力。 He said... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-03 Vast amounts of telephone and e-mail data held in Germany must be deleted, the country's highest court has ruled. 德国最高法院裁定,通信公司存储的大量通讯、邮件数据必须被删除。 Germany's data centres hold untold terabytes of telecoms information The... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-03 Aboriginal groups are to gather at a public meeting to debate controversial plans to build Australia's first nuclear waste dump on tribal land. 澳大利亚土著居民将要召开公众会议,讨论在其部落土地上建立首个核废料排放场的问题。 Aboriginal communities a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-03 Guatemala's chief of national police and the country's top anti-drugs official have been arrested over alleged links to drug trafficking. 危地马拉国家警察局长和国家顶级禁毒官员因涉嫌毒品走私而被逮捕。 Mexican drug gangs are increasingly operating th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-03 The BBC has evidence that millions of dollars, earmarked for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85, went to buy weapons. BBC有证据显示,埃塞俄比亚将指定用于1984、1985两年饥荒的数百万美元专款用在了武器购买上。 Max Peberdy (middle) says the aid m... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-01 France has declared a national disaster after violent storms battered parts of the country leaving death and destruction in their wake. 暴风席卷法国部分地区,造成人员伤亡和建筑物毁坏,总统宣布这是一起国家灾难。 High winds and driving rain brought ch... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-01 Fears over rising sea levels have prompted planning authorities in southern Australia to reject a coastal development. 对于海平面上涨的恐惧促使澳大利亚南方规划部门否决了一项沿海发展计划。 About 80% of Australians live in coastal areas It is a decisi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-03-01 Japan has lifted all tsunami alerts throughout the country, almost two days after a powerful earthquake hit Chile. 大地震袭击智利两天之后,日本在全国范围内发布海啸预警。 A tsunami more than one metre (3 feet) high hit the country's northern Pacific... 阅读全文>>

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