日期:2010-05-02 Dame Helen Mirren has labelled British actors 'lazy', saying they are less hard-working and take longer to learn their lines than American performers. 海伦米伦女爵士日前大呼英国演员懒惰,说他们不如美国演员用功,且要花很长的时间来记台词。 Dame Helen... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-05-02 现年29岁,金发碧眼、有着甜美微笑的凯瑟琳伯斯诺尔将在5月25日宣誓成为英国温莎市的市长,她将是英国历史上最年轻的市长。凯瑟琳表示自己当选并不是因为长相,而是她真的了解人们需要什么。 At 29, Catherine Bursnall will be England's youngest mayor. With her lo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-30 Steve Jobs has used an open letter to defend Apple's decision not to allow Flash on many of the firm's products. 史蒂夫乔布斯发表一封公开信,对于苹果公司禁止其任何产品上使用Flash的决定进行辩解。 Adobe has yet to issue a response Neither the iPod, iP... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-30 John Lennon's handwritten lyrics to the Beatles song A Day in the Life are expected to make up to $700,000 (460,000) at auction. 约翰列侬为甲壳虫乐队创作的歌曲《A Day in the Life》的手写体歌词有望被拍卖到70万美元高价。 One side of the lyric sheet sh... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-27 Hollywood supercouple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reported to be planning to get married, after months of speculation about the future of their relationship. 好莱坞超级情侣布拉德皮特和安吉丽娜朱莉日前传出打算结婚的消息。而此前有关两人未来关系走... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-26 South Africa's President Jacob Zuma has revealed that he is HIV-negative. 南非总统雅各布祖玛透漏其HIV病毒测试呈阴性。 Launching a government programme of counselling(辅导,建议) and testing, he said he had decided to reveal(揭露,透露) his statu... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-26 Two German men seized by gunmen while swimming in a Nigerian river have been freed after six days. 两位德国人因在尼日利亚一条河流里游泳而被持枪歹徒绑架,六天之后这两位德国人才被释放。 The men, aged 45 and 55, were kidnapped(绑架) on April 18 in th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-26 There are fears of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, as efforts to clear up an oil spill have been suspended because of bad weather. 美国墨西哥湾海域原油清理工作因天气原因被迫停止,有人担心这会对附近海域的生态环境造成影响。 The slick... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 Artists, conservationists, business leaders and film and music stars from around the globe are marking the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with a Green Auction to benefit the environment. 在世界地球日40周年来临之际,来自世界各地的艺术家、环保主义者、... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 Britons are being asked if people should get cash incentives to donate eggs and sperm, and whether the funeral expenses of organ donors should be paid in a bid to address a severe shortage. 日前,英国开展了一项有关器官捐献的调查。该调查旨在了解公众... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 Britons are increasingly entertaining guests at home with dinner, film and karaoke nights, inspired by television shows on cookery and home entertainment, according to a survey. 一项调查显示,受电视烹饪节目和家庭娱乐节目的影响,如今英国人越来越喜欢... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 Twenty Nepali climbers are setting off to Qomolangma this week to try and remove decades-old garbage from the mountain in the world's highest ever clean-up campaign, organizers said on Monday. 一项在世界海拔最高的地方开展的大扫除活动日前启动。据活动... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 With its geothermal assets put in the spotlight by the volcano ash that has grounded much of Europe's air traffic, Iceland on Saturday urged visitors stranded there to take a free dip in its thermal pools. 冰岛火山喷发形成的大量火山灰致使欧洲大量航... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 Far more people in India have access to a mobile phone than to a toilet, according to a UN study on how to improve sanitation levels globally. 联合国一项关于如何改善全球卫生条件的研究显示,印度的手机远比厕所普及。 An Indian man urinates in an alley... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 近日,一张法国男子用法国国旗擦屁股的照片令法国民众感到愕然和愤怒。照片中,一名男子背对着镜头,裤子堆在脚踝处,一面法国国旗挡在臀部,可以看得出他是在用国旗擦屁股。法国司法部长称这种侮辱国旗的行为是不可接受的,并下令对该行为人诉诸于法律。 The French g... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 担心电影《2012》中的情节会变成现实吗?美国一位商人最近为大家提供了一个逃离灾难的选择入住他们公司打造的地下城堡。据介绍,该公司计划在美国境内建造20处抗灾地下城堡,总共有4000个席位可出售。 The top view of an underground shelter. Vivos offers 4,000 spa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 印度官员18日称,印度近期持续遭遇热浪袭击,首都新德里17日最高气温接近44摄氏度,创下52年以来4月气温新高;4月份全国至少有80人死于高温天气。 An Indian woman covers her head with a stole on a hot day in New Delhi on April 16. India sizzled Monday in a he... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-24 丹麦一家酒店近日推出一项低碳环保新举措,邀请入住的客人通过安装在酒店的脚踏发电自行车边运动边发电,如果发电量到达一定标准便可以免费享用一顿晚餐。 The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers, 15 minutes from the centre of the Danish capital and five minutes fr... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-23 Thousands of PCs around the world have been paralysed by a security update that wrongly labelled part of Windows as a virus. 世界上成千上万台电脑被一个安全更新搞瘫痪,该更新错把Windows某组件认定为病毒。 Windows uses lots of copies of the svchost fil... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-04-23 A court in Democratic Republic of Congo has overturned the death sentences passed on two Norwegians convicted of murdering their driver. 刚果民主共和国一家法庭推翻了两位挪威人的死刑判决,这两位挪威人因谋杀他们的司机而获刑。 The men had been sentence... 阅读全文>>

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