日期:2010-08-28 Tens of thousands of revellers from around the world pelted each other with tonnes of tomatoes Wednesday in a mushy festival in the eastern Spanish town of Bunol. 一年一度的西红柿大战于本周三在西班牙东部小镇布诺尔举行,当天,来自世界各地的数万名狂欢... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-28 They leap from helicopters or speeding boats, bringing aid to swimmers who get into trouble off Italy's popular beaches. 它们从直升飞机或快艇上一跃而下,拯救落水的游客这就是意大利最近在其著名的海滩度假地增设的救生犬。 Lifeguard dogs from the Italian... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-28 British Prime Minister David Cameron's wife Samantha has given birth to a baby girl, his office said. 英国首相办公室称,首相大卫卡梅伦的夫人萨曼莎日前产下一名女婴。 Both the baby -- who was born weighing 6lbs 1oz (2.7 kg) -- and Mrs Cameron are doin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-28 科威特一位国会议员近期提出议案,建议政府为该国男性公民娶第二个妻子提供资助,以解决国内未婚女子过多的问题。这位议员表示,该议案不但可以为未婚女子解决婚姻问题,同时还能鼓励丧偶或离异的男女重新组织家庭。 A Kuwaiti MP proposed Wednesday state-aid for ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-28 为了让新生尽快开始独立生活,美国一所大学特意为他们举办了一个正式的父母告别仪式,仪式结束后,学生踏入校园,父母则被留在门外。虽然这样的告别仪式在美国高校里面还不是很普遍,不过越来越多的高校开始采用类似的方式让新生家长离开校园。 In order to separate d... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-28 埃及政府官员当地时间21日中午宣布,首都开罗一家博物馆收藏的梵高名画《罂粟花》被盗,至今下落不明。 A Van Gogh painting worth an estimated $55 million was stolen from a Cairo museum on Saturday. A Van Gogh painting worth an estimated $55 million was st... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-27 Blackberry-maker Research in Motion has said it is willing to work with India to support the country's need for lawful access to encrypted services. 黑莓手机生产商RIM称愿与印度合作,为其数据加密服务提供合法准入。 There are over 1 million Blackberry... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-26 Tiger Woods' ex-wife has said she never suspected him of cheating on her, and went through hell after finding out about his affairs. 老虎伍兹的前妻称,她从未怀疑自己的丈夫其不忠,当她发现他的丑闻之后仿佛来到了地狱。 In an interview with People magaz... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-26 Cuba's elderly will no longer be entitled to state-subsidised cigarettes, the government has said. 古巴政府宣称,国内的老人将不再享受政府补贴的廉价香烟。 All Cubans 55 or older are allocated(分配,分派) four packs of cigarettes a month for about 2... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-24 Two French soldiers were killed and three more have been wounded in fighting in Afghanistan, President Nicolas Sarkozy's office has said. 法国总统办公室称,近日在阿富汗的一场战斗中,两名法国士兵身亡、三人受伤。 The deaths bring the total number of F... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-24 British Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton has been fined A$500 (288) for performing car stunts for fans outside Melbourne's motor racing circuit. 英国F1车手刘易斯汉密尔顿因在墨尔本赛车场之外向粉丝表演汽车特技而被罚款500美元。 Hamilton was caught by po... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-22 Australia should move to be a republic when reign of Queen Elizabeth II ends, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Tuesday. 澳大利亚总理茱莉娅吉拉德于本周二称,澳大利亚应在英国女王伊丽莎白二世退位后推行共和体制。 Gillard also planned to l... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-22 Men who earn less than their female partners are more likely to cheat on them, a study published on Monday found. 本周一公布的一项研究发现,收入低于女伴的男性在感情上出轨的可能性更大。 Cheating may be a man's way of trying to restore(恢复,修复) h... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-22 Friday the 13th proved suitably unlucky for one 13 year-old boy who was struck by lightning before being taken to hospital -- at 13:13 on the dreaded date. 8月13日恰逢传说中的黑色星期五,当天,英国一名13岁的男孩在13时13分被闪电击中,随后被送往医院。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 Married Americans overwhelmingly believe they married the right person but not all of them believe in the idea of soul mates. 美国绝大多数已婚人士相信自己选对了人,但并不是所有人都相信灵魂伴侣一说。 A Marist poll showed that 97 percent of men and 94... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 根据美国皮尤研究中心的最新民调,由于美国总统奥巴马力挺在世贸遗址建清真寺,已经有多达五分之一的美国民众误认为奥巴马是一位穆斯林。 An increasing number of Americans wrongly believe that President Barack Obama is a Muslim, with nearly one in five sayin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 英国星期日泰晤士报富豪排行中名列45位的亿万富豪阿奇戴维日前在自己的网站上公开悬赏100万美元招募能够成功在美国总统奥巴马面前裸奔的勇士。 A British billionaire, Alki David, has offered $1 million to the first person who manages to streak(飞跑,疾驰) n... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 英国一家大型超市最近推出了一套经济型婚戒系列,顾客花15英镑就能买到一只镶有锆石的镀金银制订婚戒指,同样的价钱还能买到一只重0.55克的9k黄金婚戒。 Tescos 15 engagement ring, made from gold-plated silver and featuring a zirconia stone. Traditionally, any... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 近日,在南亚等地出现了一种超级病菌,这种新型病菌可以通过饮水等途径传播,引发肠道感染等病症,而且对几乎所有抗生素都具有抗药性。英国医学周刊日前发布研究报告称,这种病菌发源于印度,并用印度首都新德里为前缀为该病菌命名。印度政府对此表示愤怒,宣称这是针... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-08-21 瑞典一名男子因过度超速将面临高达65万英镑的罚款,开创了全球最高的超速罚金纪录。 Police with the black Mercedes Benz they caught doing 180mph. A Swedish motorist(驾车旅行的人) is facing the world's biggest ever speeding fine of 650,000 after being c... 阅读全文>>

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