日期:2010-09-20 A British man of Somali origin has been arrested at Amsterdam's Schiphol airport on suspicion of being a terrorist, Dutch prosecutors say. 荷兰检察官称,一位索马里出身的英国男子在阿福斯特丹的史基浦机场被怀疑为恐怖分子并遭逮捕。 He had arrived from L... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-18 Avatar star Zoe Saldana, who played a sexy blue alien in the 3D extravaganza, made People magazine's annual best-dressed list on Wednesday, alongside Glee actress Lea Michele and Prince William's girlfriend. 《人物》杂志年度最佳着装榜本周三揭晓,3D... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-18 Feeling stressed and in need of a vacation? You are not alone but more than half of Americans do not take all their vacation days, even though they think they need a holiday more this year than last. 感到压力大、需要休假吗?你可不是唯一一个这样想的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-18 近日,由美国责任医疗医师委员会出资制作的一条反快餐广告用令人反胃的画面向人们宣传快餐的危害,因其广告语和画面直指快餐巨头麦当劳而遭到对方的抗议。 Unhappy meals: American doctors' TV ad features a corpse(尸体) holding a hamburger and the line 'I was... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-18 在伦敦市金融区有一家名为在黑暗中?的餐厅,所有服务员均为盲人,能够容纳60人的就餐区域一片漆黑,伸手不见五指,客人进入就餐前需将手机、手表等可能光源寄存在前台。 Dans le Noir?, close to London\s City financial district, is staffed by blind waiters and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-18 匈牙利首都布达佩斯正在举办世界上首个黑帮选美大赛,所有参赛选手都必须有案底,最终获胜者将得到一部汽车和位于布达佩斯的一套公寓,决赛将在一间曾经被黑帮混战炸毁过的酒吧举行。组织方表示,报名参加选美的有小偷、诈骗犯、帮派份子、银行抢劫犯等各类人员,决赛... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-16 Pieces of an ancient Egyptian necropolis which were pillaged from Egypt in 1999 have been discovered in an antiques shop in Spain. 一座1999年遭掠夺的古埃及大墓地的部分手工制品在西班牙一家古玩店被发现。 The pieces were pillaged from the vast ancient... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-15 EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding has urged the European Commission to take legal action against France over its deportations of Roma (Gypsies). 欧盟司法理事维维安雷登敦促欧盟委员会对法国驱赶罗姆人(吉普赛人)一事采取法律行动。 Ms Reding called... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-12 Johnny Depp has been named as the highest paid actor in Hollywood thanks to his role in Alice in Wonderland, according to Forbes. 《福布斯》好莱坞男星收入榜新鲜出炉,强尼戴普因出演《爱丽丝漫游仙境》居众星之首。 Johnny Depp highest paid actor in Holl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-11 Four out of ten women who diet end up heavier than when they started watching their waistline, a study revealed today. 今日发布的一项研究显示,十分之四的节食女性结果比她们刚减肥的时候还胖。 The research also showed that a large percentage of women s... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-11 Traffic police in Moscow offered rides on horses and ponies painted as zebras Friday in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia's notoriously careless drivers. 上周五,莫斯科交通警察让路人有幸看到用油漆刷成的斑马,此举旨在... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-11 A pensioner has found a novel use for an old red telephone box, turning it into a lavatory. 英国一位退休老人近日极富创意地将一座陈旧的红色电话亭改造成一间室外卫生间。 The red telephone box converted into a toilet. John Long, 73, spent months convert... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-11 英国前首相托尼布莱尔6日宣布取消原定于本周三(8日)在伦敦一家书店的回忆录签售活动,以避免部分民众的抗议活动引发混乱。 Tony Blair has cancelled a high-profile signing session of his new memoir in central London amid concerns over planned protests. Ton... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-10 Nokia has appointed Microsoft business manager Stephen Elop as its new chief executive. 诺基亚任命微软业务经理史蒂芬艾洛普为其新董事长。 The new Nokia head previously worked at Microsoft, Juniper and Adobe Mr Elop will replace the outgoing(即将离职... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-10 The murder rate has fallen by 8.6% over the past year in South Africa, latest statistics show. 最新统计显示,在过去的一年里,南非的谋杀案例下降了8.6%。 Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said the total number of murders was now about a third lower than... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-09 Seven Koranic teachers in Senegal have been condemned to jail sentences after they were found guilty of forcing children to beg. 塞内加尔七位可兰经老师因为强迫孩子们乞讨而被判监禁。 Islamic students are often forced to beg to bring in money for unsc... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-08 A mass grave from the end of World War II has been discovered in Slovenia. 斯洛文尼亚境内发现二战末期的一个乱葬冈。 The 20m-long pit near the town of Prevalje is believed to contain the remains of up to 700 men and women, said government official Ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-08 The New Zealand city of Christchurch has suffered its most damaging aftershock since a powerful earthquake at the weekend. 新西兰城市克赖斯特彻奇遭受了自上周末大地震以来最严重的一次余震。 Christchurch faces a massive rebuilding programme after the e... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-08 Mozambique says it will reverse the increase in the price of bread that sparked deadly riots last week. 莫桑比克政府称,将降低面包的售价。上周莫桑比克因高物价爆发了致命的暴动。 The announcement of the change in policy came from the planning minister... 阅读全文>>

日期:2010-09-07 South African trade unions have suspended a strike which has paralysed schools and hospitals for the past 20 days. 南非工会停止了一场持续30天的罢工,这次罢工使南非学校和医院造成瘫痪。 The unions have called a halt to the strike to allow them to cons... 阅读全文>>

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