日期:2009-08-30 让我们来见识一下纽约最袖珍的住宅,宽9英尺半(约2.85米),高42英尺(12.6米),不过不要小看了这座小楼,人家的身价可不菲呢。这处住宅坐落于格林威治村的贝德福德大街,远处看上去,就像一块三明治一样被塞在两旁的建筑缝隙里。即使以寸土寸金的纽约标准来衡量,也... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-30 不要以为只有新新人类对电脑游戏上瘾,根据一项调查,在美国电脑游戏玩家的平均年龄是35岁,但其中不少人存在身体和情绪上的问题。典型的电脑游戏玩家通常是体重超标,有些自闭,甚至有抑郁倾向。 无论男女,这些人比不玩游戏的人更加依赖网络,这佐证了之前的研究,即... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Argentine farmers have resumed strikes as part of a bitter dispute over taxes on soya bean exports. 阿根廷农民继续抗议政府就大豆出口的赋税。 Strikes by the farmers over the past year hurt the financial markets The farmers are angry over President Cr... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 English holidaymakers are turning to drink on their breaks with the average adult consuming eight alcoholic drinks a day, a survey suggests. 调查显示,英国度假者一般会在空闲时间饮酒,一个成年人平均一天饮酒八次。 Drinking and socialising is a key par... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Europe is seeking to maintain flight opportunities for its astronauts by buying Soyuz spacecraft from Russia. 欧盟试图通过购买俄罗斯Soyuz号飞船的方式为宇航员创造飞行机会。 A Soyuz craft has three seats versus the shuttle's seven The European Space A... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Nasa is set for a fresh attempt to launch the US shuttle Discovery for a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). 美国航空航天局重新计划将发现号航天飞机送上国际空间站。 Discovery's mission is scheduled to include three spacewalks Two previo... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 A number of iPhones that reportedly exploded in France were not due to the battery overheating as had been suggested, Apple has said. 苹果公司称,法国发生的一些iPhone爆炸事件不是因为电池过热引起的。 The firm said that all of the handsets they had se... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 The race is on to get as many people online as possible by 2012, Martha Lane Fox has told the BBC. Martha Lane Fox告诉BBC,2012年以前让尽可能多的人上网的活动已经开始。 Martha Lane Fox is best known as co-founder of LastMinute.com The newly-appointed... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Madonna has said she was compelled to comment on the discrimination against Romany Gypsies while on stage in Romania, despite being booed by fans. 麦当娜称她在Romania舞台上被迫对吉普赛人遭到歧视发表意见,尽管粉丝嘘声一片。 Madonna is due to complete... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Actor Jeremy Piven has been cleared in a dispute with Broadway producers after sushi-related mercury poisoning caused him to quit a play. 演员Jeremy Piven与百老汇制片人一场争论结束,此前他曾因为寿司水银中毒事件被迫退出一场戏剧。 Piven said his illne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 The death of Michael Jackson was homicide due to intoxication by anaesthetic, the Los Angeles coroner has formally announced. 洛杉矶验尸官郑重宣布,Michael Jackson的死亡是因为麻醉药中毒。 The 50-year-old singer died in June from cardiac arrest(心搏... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 Noel Gallagher has announced he is quitting rock band Oasis because he can no longer work with his brother Liam. Noel Gallagher宣布他将退出摇滚乐队Oasis,因为他无法再与他的兄弟Liam一块工作。 In the past, relations between the two brothers have been... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-29 A man and his wife have denied abducting California woman Jaycee Lee Dugard when she was a child and holding her in their home for 18 years. 一名男子和他妻子否认诱拐了儿童时期的加利福尼亚州妇女Jaycee Lee Dugard并将其囚禁家中长达18年。 Layout of the... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 The NHS must remain on top of its game in the battle against swine flu, the chief medical officer says, despite the number of new cases falling. 英国国民健康保险总医务官称,尽管猪流感新感染病例正在下降,该部门仍然保持对猪流感的最高警惕。 The number... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 Millions of television viewers are now using illegal file-sharing services to access free and unauthorised copies of programmes, research has revealed. 调查显示,数百万电视观众正在使用非法文件共享服务来得到免费的、未经认可的电视节目。 Top Gear is po... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 Best-selling US writer Dominick Dunne has died aged 83 after losing his battle with bladder cancer, his actor son Griffin Dunne has confirmed. 美国畅销书作者Dominick Dunne的演员儿子Griffin Dunne证实道,Dunne在与膀胱癌的斗争中失利而逝世,享年83岁。 D... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 Malaysian Muslims will not be allowed to attend a concert in Kuala Lumpur next month by US hip-hop stars the Black Eyed Peas, officials say. 官员称,马来西亚穆斯林将不会被允许参加下个月美国嘻哈乐明星Black Eyed Peas在吉隆坡举行的演唱会。 The Black Ey... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 Folk legend Bob Dylan will release his first album of Christmas songs - with royalties going to charity, his record label has confirmed. 民间传奇人物Bob Dylan的唱片公司证实道,Bob Dylan将会发行自己首张圣诞歌曲专辑,版税将捐献给慈善机构。 Christmas i... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 A US woman found after being abducted as a girl in 1991 gave birth to two children fathered by her alleged kidnapper, police say. 美国警方称,一位1991年被拐走的女孩、现在已经是拐骗者两个孩子母亲的妇女被发现。 There have been few clues as to Jaycee L... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-08-28 Crowds have gathered in Boston to pay their respects to Edward Kennedy on the first of three days of ceremonies to commemorate the US senator. 人群聚集到波士顿纪念已故参议员Edward Kennedy。 The coffin was draped in the US flag Mourning began on Thur... 阅读全文>> |