日期:2009-12-04 Film director Roman Polanski has been moved from a jail near Zurich to an undisclosed location for security reasons, Swiss officials say. 瑞士官员称,电影导演罗门波兰斯基因安全原因,被从苏黎世附近一座监狱附近转移到一个秘密地点。 Polanski is to be pl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-02 Fritz Henderson is stepping down as chief executive at US car giant General Motors, the company has announced. 美国汽车巨头通用汽车总裁韩德胜辞去其职位。 GM's chairman of the board, Ed Whitacre Jr, will serve as an interim(中间的,临时的) replacem... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-02 Hospital wards across the NHS are breaking recommended noise limits, disturbing patients' sleep, well-being and recovery, experts say. 专家称,英国国民健康保险制度下的某些医院病房打破了推荐的噪音限制,打扰了病人的睡眠、健康和康复。 Busy wards can be... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-02 The research director at the centre of a row over climate change data said he would stand down from the post while there is an independent review. 气候研究中心的研究室主任称,他将退出现有职位并进行一项独立的审查工作。 Professor Phil Jones has steppe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-01 Australia's opposition Liberal Party has elected a new leader, amid a searing row over the government's carbon trading laws. 澳大利亚在野党自由党选出一位新领袖,试图与政府的二氧化碳排放法案达成一致意见。 The emissions scheme row has split the Libera... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-01 A gunman who shot dead four US police officers as they sat in a cafe in Washington State will be brought to justice, a police chief has vowed. 美国一位警察局长发誓,会将华盛顿州一个咖啡馆杀害四名警官的持枪歹徒缉拿归案。 Police have issued arrest war... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-12-01 A lawyer for John Demjanjuk, accused of helping to murder 27,900 Jews at a Nazi death camp, has accused German prosecutors of double standards. John Demjanjuk的一位律师,现已起诉德国公诉人实行双重标准。据悉John Demjanjuk涉嫌在纳粹死亡集中营中帮助谋... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-30 Railteam, the alliance of European high-speed rail operators, has shelved plans for a Europe-wide common booking system because of increasing costs. 欧洲高速铁路组织者铁路联盟,因为成本的增加,将横贯欧洲的公用订票系统废置。 Eurostar has just celebra... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-30 The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. 英国政府发起一项活动,鼓励年轻人更加公开地谈论性和避孕。 The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-30 Robbie Williams has said he is not engaged to his girlfriend, despite his mother appearing to confirm the news. 罗比威廉姆斯否认了与其女友订婚的说法,尽管他的母亲似乎是确认了这一消息。 Ayda Field has been with Robbie for almost three years Under the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-30 Tiger Woods has hit out at unfounded rumours circulating since his car accident in the early hours of Friday. 泰格伍兹对上周五早些时候发生的一起车祸所流传出来的毫无根据的谣言进行回击。 Woods has been at the top of the profession for many years The g... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 Barack Obama has conceded that he has lost a bit of weight and got somewhat greyer during his first year as US president, but said he remains healthy despite the relentless demands of his job. 日前,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马坦称自己上任一年来体重降了点,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 More than one in 10 UK teenagers has been left without a job or college place, despite 11 years of compulsory education, figures show. 最新数据显示,英国超过十分之一的青少年毕业后没有工作或继续读大学尽管他们已接受了十一年的义务教育。 The number of 1... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 Forget cookies and milk. Santa wants the H1N1 flu vaccine. 曲奇饼和牛奶都没用,圣诞老人现在想要的是甲流疫苗。 Kole Salinas, 7, of Niles, Michigan, reacts as Santa Claus reads his Christmas list on Saturday at a mall in Niles, Michigan. Many of Ameri... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 The Italian edition of Rolling Stone has named Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi its rock star of the year, paying tribute to his lifestyle worthy of the greatest rock star. 日前,意大利总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼被《滚石》杂志意大利版评为年度摇滚之星,因... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 After 10 months in office, US President Barack Obama granted his first pardon Wednesday to Courage, a 45-pound (20-kilogram) turkey spared from the Thanksgiving dinner table. Accompanied by daughters Sasha and Malia, Obama stood under the North Port... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 Crashing a state dinner at the White House apparently takes a security breakdown as well as some kind of nerve. 擅闯白宫国宴除需要一些勇气外,显然还要突破重重安全防线。 Michaele and Tareq Salahi at the White House state dinner in Washington on Tuesd... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 泰国医学学会于本月26日宣布了一系列变性手术新规,要求申请手术的男性年满18岁,且需以女性身份生活满一年。这些新规的实施使得变性手术在泰国不再是随时可行的事情,同时也让手术申请者有更多的时间考虑。医学学会的专家表示,实施变性手术是他们人生中一个很重要的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-28 在好莱坞明星中,马特达蒙跟本阿弗莱克相交甚密几乎无人不晓。二人因为出演《心灵捕手》而共获奥斯卡奖,马特达蒙也表示一直觉得两人相处就像家人一样。上个月,新英格兰族谱社交团体公布的一项研究结果发现,原来两人在几百年前真的是一家人。研究人员称,他们二人均... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-11-27 The devastated lawyers for computer hacker Gary McKinnon are to challenge the home secretary's decision not to block his extradition to the US. 电脑黑客加里麦金农的律师将要挑战内政大臣不阻止将其引渡到美国的决定。 Supporters make the point that Gary... 阅读全文>>

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