日期:2009-11-21 2009年11月11日是第一次世界大战停战协议签署91年的纪念日,英、法、美等西方国家分别在国内举行仪式纪念一战中阵亡的将士和民众。英国在威斯敏斯特大教堂举行了纪念活动,女王伊丽莎白和首相布朗,以及军政界高级官员均到场出席。法国总统萨科奇和德国总理默克尔于当... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-21 11月8日,浪漫之都法国巴黎举办了首届离婚博览会,吸引大批人士前往参观。这届离婚博览会以重新开始为主题,参展商包括帮人打离婚官司、提供法律咨询等服务的律所或法律顾问,还有提供塔罗牌算命、心理辅导以及帮助离婚人士重拾自信等服务的机构。在为期两天的展览中,... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-21 美国纽约时代广场的公厕近期公开招聘公厕大使。应征者需外向、热情,一旦被录用就要在该公厕工作六周,报酬高达一万美元。公厕大使的工作职责除了与客人互动以外,还要在Twitter和Facebook等社交网站上撰写博客和评论与大家分享其工作体验。这些公厕是卫生纸制造厂商Ch... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-21 美国加利福尼亚州公共卫生研究人员近期的研究发现,各年龄段人群都有可能受到甲流侵害,而肥胖人群感染甲流后,病情恶化的可能性更高。在研究中,他们的确发现感染甲流的人群比患普通季节性流感的人群年龄要偏低,但同时也发现重症感染患者的年龄分布并不仅限于年轻人... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-21 受金融危机影响,全球快餐巨头麦当劳决定从11月1日起关闭在冰岛的所有门店,并且表示没有再回冰岛开店的计划。自消息公布以来,大批冰岛民众蜂拥至麦当劳各家门店,排队抢购各式汉堡,其招牌产品巨无霸汉堡甚至一度脱销。在冰岛运作的麦当劳快餐店,大部分物料,包括产... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-20 A review of US Army and Pentagon policies has been ordered by the defence secretary in the wake of a shooting at a military base. 胡特军事基地枪击案发生之后,国防部长下令对美国陆军和五角大楼政策进行自察。 Thirteen people were shot dead on the Fort H... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-20 Zimbabwe say it is pulling soldiers out of a diamond field in the country's east, after global diamond trade chiefs alleged abuses were taking place there. 全球钻石交易首脑称津巴布韦国土东部金刚石矿区存在暴力事件,津巴布韦因此宣布从那里撤军。 It is... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-20 Hollywood actress Jennifer Hudson is to play Nelson Mandela's ex-wife, Winnie, in a film about her life, reports say. 好莱坞女演员詹妮弗哈德森将要在一部电影中扮演纳尔逊曼德拉的前妻Winnie,该剧主要讲述Winnie的生平事迹。 Ms Madikizela-Mandela is still... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-18 A woman has pleaded guilty to kidnapping 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart in the US state of Utah in 2002. 一名妇女2002年在犹他州拐走14岁的伊丽莎白史玛特,日前已认罪伏法。 Wanda Barzee was only recently declared competent to stand trial Wanda Barzee was... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-18 Average temperatures across the world are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, according a new analysis. 一项新调查显示,如果不对二氧化碳的排放进行紧急控制的话,全球平均气温将上升6华氏温度。 Fossil fuel emission... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-16 Argentina coach Diego Maradona has been banned from football for two months by Fifa for his furious outburst after last month's victory over Uruguay. 阿根廷足球教练迭戈马拉多纳因上月战胜乌拉圭后低俗的表现,被国际足联禁赛两个月。 Maradona's outburst... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-16 A strand of hair from Elvis Presley, saved by his personal barber, has raised 1,055 at auction. 猫王的死人理发师保存下来的一缕头发,在拍卖会上飚出1055英镑的高价。 In November 2002 a wad of Elvis' hair sold for about 70,000 Homer Gill Gilleland toure... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-16 Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has been made a commander in France's prestigious Legion of Honour. 好莱坞传奇人物克林伊斯威特加冕法国声名显赫的荣誉勋章。 Clint Eastwood has promised he will learn French French President Nicolas Sarkozy presented th... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-14 The director of Paranormal Activity has said he is overwhelmed by the movie's success in passing the $100m (60m) mark at the US box office. 《灵动:鬼影实录》导演称,该剧美国票房超过1亿美元,他对此表示难以置信。 The film was shot in the director's h... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-14 Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe has categorically denied newspaper allegations that he was photographed smoking cannabis. 哈利波特演员丹尼尔雷德克里夫绝对地否认了报纸上他被拍摄到吸食大麻的报道。 The actor is currently filming Harry Potters and t... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-13 Sharon Osbourne has said sorry for insulting Britain's Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle on a US radio station. 莎朗奥斯彭因在一家美国电台上侮辱《英国达人》选手苏珊波伊尔而向其道歉。 Susan Boyle (r) recently appeared on America's Got Talent Osbourne... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-12 Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler has ended speculation that he is leaving the band by joining guitarist Joe Perry on stage in New York's Irving Plaza. 史密斯飞船乐队歌手史蒂芬泰勒与歌手乔佩里在纽约的欧文广场共同登台演出,结束了关于他要离队的猜想。 The... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-12 Britney Spears has spoken out over the miming row that has surrounded her first Australian tour, acknowledging it had created some controversy. 布兰妮斯皮尔斯对澳大利亚之行首场演出的假唱事件做出回应,称这确实引起了一些争议。 Britney started her Circ... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-12 The last year has seen a major increase in the illegal ivory trade, with more involvement from organised crime. 去年象牙非法交易量显著增长,多数是有组织的犯罪。 The number of seizures has gone up, and so has their average size Figures compiled(编译... 阅读全文>> 日期:2009-11-11 Disney animation A Christmas Carol has topped the UK and Ireland box office chart in its first week, displacing Michael Jackson's This Is It. 迪斯尼动画《圣诞颂歌》在英国和爱尔兰上映第一周即拿下票房排行榜第一名的位置,将杰克逊记录片《This Is It》冲... 阅读全文>> |